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Transportation facilities help shape an area’s economic future and quality of life while providing safe and efficient mobility of people and goods. Transportation planning plays a fundamental role in the state, region, or community vision for its future.

Transportation planning includes a comprehensive consideration of possible strategies, an evaluation process that encompasses diverse viewpoints, the collaborative participation of relevant transportation-related agencies and organizations, and open, timely, and meaningful public involvement.

To effectively manage public outreach plans and activities, ITD staff need information, resources and recommended tools to implement and conduct an effective public outreach effort. The Public Outreach Planner (POP) is a tool for analyzing, quantifying and tracking public outreach needs, which will ultimately lead to appropriate and efficient project management.

One of the greatest challenges facing Idaho’s transportation system is how to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population and ever-changing economy. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Idaho is the ninth fastest growing state in the country, and the Idaho Department of Labor says that Idaho’s population will grow at three times the national rate, or 15.3% between now and 2025.

Through transportation planning, the Idaho Transportation Department:

  • Articulates a long-term vision for Idaho’s state highway system
  • Implements statewide transportation policy through partnerships with federal, state, regional, and local agencies
  • Oversees the framework for the department’s project management process
  • Employs a number of tools to manage projects efficiently and effectively
  • Provides geographic information products and services through the development of spatially enabled application, databases, mapping products, analysis, education, and technical support.

2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan cover
Long-Range Transportation Plan | Short Version

In July of 2019 at the Idaho Transportation Board meeting, staff members presented to the Board a final draft of the 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan. The Long-Range plan outlines the recommendations that ITD will use through 2040. The Board approved the plan with the understanding that it would be sent to the FHWA for their review.

On November 11, 2019 after further review the FHWA had no objections to the plan verifying that it conformed to the FAST (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) Act.

The final adoption of the document came in December 2019. Since ITD committed to communicating with the public, staff worked to develop a short version of the plan that outlines the recommendations in context.

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) developed and adopted a Non-Metropolitan Local Official Consultation Process Plan in February 2016 in compliance with federal code 23 CFR450.210 (b). This regulation requires each state to have a documented process “for consulting with local officials” located outside of federally designated metropolitan planning areas during the development of statewide or district transportation plans and the Idaho Transportation Improvement Program (ITIP). States are further required in federal code 23 CFR 450.210(b)(1) to review this process and solicit comments every five years regarding the effectiveness of the consultation.

The adopted 2022 Non-Metropolitan Local Official Consultation Process Plan is below.


The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) recognizes the benefits and advantages of working closely with our partners to maximize limited resources, to build consensus and resolve conflicts. ITD partners with many agencies and in many ways, from long-range transportation planning to project development. Outlined below are some of our most common partnerships. To find out more about these agencies, click on the links to go directly to their web pages for more information.

ITD works closely with several federal agencies to meet federal regulations as well as to ensure federal funding is spent appropriately, to streamline project development, and to plan for future needs.

Some of the federal agencies ITD works with on a regular basis include:

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are entities designated by law with the lead responsibility for the development of a metropolitan area’s transportation plans and to coordinate the transportation planning process. All urban areas of 50,000 populations or more are federally required to have an MPO if the agency spends federal funds on transportation improvements. MPOs were created to ensure that existing and future expenditures for transportation projects and programs were based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-C) planning process.

Idaho has five MPOs throughout the state:

Local Highway Technical Assistance Council
The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) connects Local Highway Jurisdictions in Idaho with available resources for maintenance and construction of Idaho’s Local Highway System in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

Idaho Associations
Cities, counties and local highway jurisdictions have separate associations that represent hundreds of local governments. As part of ITD’s ongoing outreach, we use these associations to target and inform community leaders of plans, programs, policies, and projects that may affect their community.

Other State Agencies
ITD works closely with its Idaho state counterparts, such as the Departments of Commerce, Labor, Fish and Game, and Lands. Each state agency is considered a subject matter expert, and we rely heavily on their expertise to help ITD develop plans, make better decisions and identify infrastructure needs.


Guidance Materials
The following documents are considered critical for all Transportation Partners, internal and external – local or nation-wide, when determining whether any changes or adjustments are necessary for all routes on the National Highway System, State Highway System, Federal-Aid System, and/or classified within an Urban Boundary. As well as, information regarding Metropolitan Planning Organizations, or MPOs, specifically to funding availability and authorities; roles and responsibilities; and partnerships.


Standard Operating Procedures

  • Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) Systems Procedures
    • ITD’s Systems Procedure’s document outlines the concepts, definitions and characteristics of the National Highway System designation routes and functionally classified routes in the state of Idaho and the procedures followed to periodically review and adjust as needed; as well as, their relationship to Urban Boundary designations determined by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • ITD State Highway System (SHS) Adjustment Procedures
    • ITD’s SHS Adjustment Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document providing step-by-step procedures and requirements to make adjustments to the State Highway System that serves statewide economic interests, movement of products and materials, and statewide mobility.
  • ITD/MPO Oversight and Coordination Plan – Coming Soon

Applications and Forms
The following documents are the necessary forms required for all proposed changes to the National Highway System, State Highway System, Federal-Aid System, Functional Classified Routes and Urbanized Boundaries.

Authoritative Maps
The following maps, both PDF and interactive-online-app, have gone through the appropriate approval process and updated accordingly.

Idaho Railroads

  • Idaho Statewide Rail Plan
  • Idaho State Rail-Highway At-Grade-Crossing Program
  • Boise to Salt Lake City Intercity Passenger Corridor Program

Local Transportation Grants

Local Transportation Project Grant Program

This Grant Program is funded with one-time State General Funds recommended by the Governor and approved by the Legislature intended to facilitate local transportation projects. All projects will be on public highways and streets. Projects will be selected based on a competitive application from criteria developed by the Idaho Transportation Department. The Idaho Transportation Board will make the final project selection.

Funds will be transferred to the successful jurisdiction for project development and at the completion of bid ready project plans. Grant funds must be expended on the approved project. All project oversight and management will be the responsibility of the local highway agency. The goal of this grant program is to complete projects as timely as possible.

The Local Transportation Project Grants program will be divided into two distinct categories as follows:

  • Category 1: $50M awarded to projects within large urban areas that have a population greater than 50,000 (MPO areas including the new Twin Falls urban area). Projects in this category will be limited to $10 million.
  • Category 2: $50M awarded to projects outside of large urban areas (in rural areas or small urban areas) with a population less than 50,000. Projects in this category will be limited to $2 million.

All local highway agencies (cities, counties, and highway districts) are eligible to apply.

Eligible projects for the program include:

  • Mitigation of impacts of state highway projects on local roads, or
  • For economically significant local transportation projects that require the assistance of the Idaho Transportation Department to facilitate.
  • Some local highway agencies will be eligible to apply within large urban areas as well as outside large urban areas; therefore, if an agency chooses to apply for multiple grants, the agency must prioritize their applications for final Board consideration. Local highway agencies will be limited to a single grant award.

Engineering costs (design and construction/inspection) are limited to 15% of total grant amount. Additional consideration will be given to projects that can be completed timely.

Types of Projects

  • Safety
  • Capacity
  • Pavement preservation
  • Pavement restoration
  • Expansion
  • Roadway asset maintenance/replacement/repair

Not Eligible Project Types*

  • Local bridges (poor condition or restricted)**
  • Pedestrian safety

*Standalone projects in those areas are not eligible under this grant program.
** A bridge in fair or good condition that needs rehab work or replacement for some reason is eligible for funding.

Eligible Project Activities

  • Project development
  • Right of way acquisition
  • Construction
  • Construction engineering, testing, and inspection

Other Activities Not Eligible

  • Project match
  • Reimburse a local highway agency for any equipment or employee costs

Applications were due September 1, 2023

Application Timeline

  • Application Window Opened: July 1, 2023
  • Application Window Closed: Sept. 1, 2023
  • Application Scoring and Prioritization: Sept. 4 – 29, 2023
  • Idaho Transportation Board Project Approval: Oct. 18, 2023
  • Awardee Notification: Oct. 19 – 27, 2023

At the completion of each project, the local highway agency will submit a written project close-out report to ITD Planning and Development Services outlining the work completed along with before and after photos of the project site.

Local highway agencies will be required to maintain all project documentation for a period of 3 years from project close-out and make project records available upon request.
