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Public Transportation

Public Transportation (PT) Office

About Us

Public Transportation Office Vision:

“Be a National Leader in Developing Innovative Public Transportation Systems.”

The Public Transportation Office’s Mission is to grow Idaho’s mobility network by providing exceptional customer service and leverage emerging technology.

The Department will offer access to services for people with Limited English Proficiency, as needed, and ITD encourages persons needing an interpreter or special accommodations to contact the ITD Public Involvement Coordinator (208-334-8119).

Se les recomienda a las personas que necesiten un intérprete o arreglos especiales que llamen a la coordinadora de participación pública al (208) 334-8119.



    Public Transportation Team:


    Please contact the ITD Office of Civil Rights to report civil rights related compliance complaints.

    In accordance with the requirements of Idaho Code 40-312 (6), the Idaho Transportation Department’s Public Transportation Office (ITD-PT) undertook development of this statewide public transportation plan in 2016.

    An overarching goal of the Idaho Public Transportation Plan is to provide a framework for creating an integrated public transportation system that meets the mobility needs of Idahoans. The Plan identifies and will support programs and projects in line with the Idaho Transportation Department’s mission of Your Safety, Your Mobility, Your Economic Opportunity.

    Statewide Public Transportation Plan

    Local Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plans (5310 FTA Program Plans)

    Idaho Transportation Department Public Transportation: State Management Plan
    The Public Transportation State Management Plan is for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Sections 5310, 5311, 5303/5304, and 5339/5309 grant programs and describes ITD’s Public Transportation adopted policies and procedures for administering state-managed grant programs. These grant programs offer federal financial assistance to organizations that serve the citizens of Idaho.

  • Summit

    A yearly Public Transportation Summit takes place as a means to promote coordination with agencies, local stakeholders, and organizations. The summit’s strategic agenda is designed to help facilitate and encourage thought-provoking topics that will maximize efficiency and offer unique insight into present and future challenges facing Public Transportation in Idaho.

    September 3-4, 2025

  • Location: The Riverside Hotel, 2900 W Chinden Blvd, Boise, ID 83714
  • Registration: opens in July
  • 2025 ITD-PT Vendor Information

  • Vendor Registration Now Open:
  • Vendor Information Packet:

  • 2025 ITD-PT Hall of Fame Nominations

    ITD – PT is opening their annual Hall of Fame awards for individuals and transit agencies across the state for outstanding role models of excellence, leadership, and innovation whose accomplishments have greatly advanced public transportation.
    Nominations are open through June 20, 2025.

    Voting will open June 27! Winners will be awarded and recognized at the 2025 Public Transportation Summit.

    Categories for the 2025 Hall of Fame Awards are:

    Individual Awards: Click the link to submit your nomination

    Agency Awards: Click the link to submit your nomination

    Nomination Submission Dates: 02/18/2025 – 06/20/2025
    Voting Dates: 06/27/2025 – 07/11/2025

    Winners will be announced at the Summit!
    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Shauna Miller.


    2026 ITD-PT Photo Calendar Contest

    ITD – PT is opening their annual photo contest for individuals and transit agencies across the state for our 2026 Idaho Public Transportation calendar. The top 14 photos voted on by all of us will be included in the calendar being distributed at our Annual Public Transportation Summit.
    Each individual can submit up to 5 horizontally oriented photos. Images can consist of things such as transit vehicles, transit agencies, Idaho scenery, etc. Submissions are open until June 20, 2025.
    Please help us exhibit our pride for the Public Transportation network in Idaho by submitting your greatest public transportation photos to the attached submission location by June 20, 2025.
    Please submit your horizontally oriented photos by June 20, 2025 to compete to be included in the 2026 Idaho Public Transportation Calendar. Voting to begin on June 27, 2025.

    All photos should be horizontally oriented and have a media release form attached.  Photos not submitted with a completed form will not be considered. 

    Photo Submission Dates: 02/18/2025 – 06/20/2025
    Voting Dates: 06/27/2025 – 07/11/2025

    Winners will be announced at the Summit!
    To submit photos please do so through our submission link:  ITD-PT Photo Calendar Submissions

    To download the ITD Media Release click here: Media Release Form
    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ben Schumacker.

    Transit Providers

    LocationTransit ProviderWebsitePhone
    Moscow to Riggins, Riggins to Boise, Intercity ServicesNorthwestern Stage Linesnorthwesternstagelines.com509-838-4029
    Coeur d’Alene, Worley, PlummerCoeur d’Alene Tribe Citylink Southkcgov.us208-446-1616
    Coeur d’Alene, Dalton Gardens, Hayden, Huetter, Post FallsKootenai County Citylink Northkcgov.us208-446-2102
    Sandpoint, Ponderay, Dover, Kootenai, Bonners Ferry, Moyie Springs, Boundary CountySelkirks – Pend Oreille Transit (SPOT)spotbus.org208-263-3774
    Coeur d’Alene, Wallace, Smelterville, Kellogg, Osburn,
    Mullan, Pinehurst
    Shoshone County Silver
    St. MariesValley Vista Benewah Area Transitvalleyvista.org208-245-4576, Ext: 103
    Kooskia, Kamiah, Greer, Orofino, Lenore, Lapwai,
    Lewiston, Lenore, Peck, Culdesac
    Appaloosa Expressnezperce.org208-621-4691
    Latah, Nez Perce, Clearwater, Idaho, & Lewis countiesCouncil on Aging & Human Services (COAST)www.coacolfax.org509-397-4305
    Lewiston, Moscow, ClarkstonDisability Action Centerdacnw.org208-746-9033
    Lewiston, ClarkstonInterlinkinterlinkvolunteers.org509-751-9143
    LewistonLewiston Transitridethevalley.org208-298-1340
    MoscowSMART Transitsmarttransit.org208-883-7747
    Treasure ValleyAda County Highway District
    Southwest IdahoElderly Opportunity Agency (EOA)
    Canyon CountyMetro Community 208-459-0063
    Treasure ValleyKuna Senior Center
    Treasure ValleyParma Senior Center208-722-5421
    Nampa, Caldwell, Kuna, McCallTreasure Valley Transit (TVT)treasurevalleytransit.com208-463-9111
    Ada & Canyon CountiesValley Regional Transit (VRT)valleyregionaltransit.org208-345-7433
    Treasure Valley and Magic ValleyLiving Independent Network Corporation (LINC)lincidaho.org208-733-1712
    Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey, Twin FallsMountain Ridesmountainrides.org208-788-7433
    Twin FallsRide TFTridetft.com208-735-7347
    Pocatello, Blackfoot, Preston, LoganPocatello Regional Transit (PRT)pocatellotransit.com208-234-ABUS
    Shelley, RigbyAndre's Veteran Owned Transportation (AVOT)
    Driggs to Grand Targhee ResortGrand Targhee Resort Teton Valley Shuttlegrandtarghee.com307-353-2300, Ext: 1
    Idaho FallsGreater Idaho Falls Transit (GIFT)greateriftransit.com208-612-8487
    Salmon, Elk Bend, Carmen, BakerLemhi Ridelemhiride.com208-756-1875
    Fort HallShoshone-Bannock Tribes Public
    Driggs, Victor, Jackson HoleSouthern Teton Area Rapid Transit (START)
    Southern Idaho & beyondSalt Lake Expresssaltlakeexpress.com208-656-8824


    Public Transportation Advisory and Working Groups
    Engagement and coordination is key to the continued success of public transportation in Idaho. That is why, per Idaho Code 40-514, the Idaho Transportation Department’s Public Transportation Program (ITD-PT) supports two stakeholder groups both focused on public transportation, the Interagency Working Group (IWG) and the Public Transportation Advisory Council (PTAC). The IWG is made up of representing government agencies that have a role in public transportation in Idaho. The PTAC has six members appointed by the Idaho Transportation Department Board and advises the Department on issues and policies regarding public transportation. Please see below to learn more about these groups.

    The Interagency Working Group (IWG) was created in Idaho Code 40-514 to “advise and assist the department in analyzing public transportation needs, identifying areas for coordination, and developing strategies for eliminating procedural and regulatory barriers to coordination at the state level”. Today the Interagency Working Group tackles a number of important public transportation issues, including policies and statutes, data collection and review from each agency, and unique assignments as voted on by the Group to help reduce barriers and increase coordination.

    Membership Information

    Chair: Amanda Ames
    Vice Chair: Skyler Beebe

  • Members:
  • Ex-Officio Members:
  • Member Alternates:

    Meeting Information

  • Scheduled Meetings:
    • June 10, 2025
    • September 09, 2025
    • December 09, 2025
  • Previous Meeting Minutes:
  • Annual Reports

  • District 2 PTAC Applications are currently open for Public Comment through March 02, 2025

    District 2 PTAC Application

    Applications can be submitted to:

    District 6 PTAC Applications are currently be accepted through April 25, 2025

    District 6 PTAC Application

    Applications can be submitted to:

    The Public Transportation Advisory Council (PTAC) was also created in Idaho Code 40-514 to “advise the Department on issues and policies regarding public transportation in Idaho. The council shall participate in planning activities, identify transportation needs, and promote coordinated transportation systems. Before setting programs and priorities, the council shall seek pertinent information, facts and data from local governments, agencies, and providers regarding rural public transportation issues.” Today the PTAC advises and assists the Department and the Idaho Transportation Board in making funding recommendations to the Idaho Transportation Department Board.

    “The advisory council shall be composed of six (6) members appointed by the Idaho Transportation Board. Appointed members shall be representatives of local governments and agencies, private organizations, citizen groups and private providers that have an interest in public transportation, and people with disabilities and the elderly who utilize public transportation. The board shall appoint said members from recommendations submitted by said organizations, groups, providers, users and state agencies in each district. One (1) member shall be appointed from each of the six (6) transportation department director districts as provides in section 40-303, Idaho Code. The term of each member shall be three (3) years and the initial appointments to the council shall be such that two (2) members shall be appointed each year thereafter.

    Chair: Ryan Luttmann
    Vice Chair: Michelle Ziel-Dingman

  • Scheduled Meetings:
    • Spring Meeting: April 3, 2025
    • Summer Meeting: July 15, 2025
    • Fall Meeting: September 18, 2025
  • Previous Meeting Minutes:

  • Application

    Public Transportation Application Program
    The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds, which are allocated to Idaho’s Public Transportation Office, are crucial to the continued operation of public transportation services and the capital infrastructure in the State. In order to ensure that the funds are fair and equitably distributed, a competitive application process has been developed to solicit projects and award funds. Below is a list of funds Idaho receives to assist with public transportation options in the State.

    The Idaho Transportation Department’s Public Transportation Office (ITD-PT) receives an annual federal appropriation from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in which is utilized for the congressional application cycle. This occurs biennially and allows transit providers the opportunity to apply for two years of funding at a time. The funding available through this application is for operating and capital projects to support rural public transportation needs and services.

    Currently there is not an open application.


    Public Transportation Intercity Grant Program

    In many states, intercity bus service is a vital link between otherwise isolated rural communities and the rest of the nation. Historically, major intercity bus carriers abandoned less productive routes. Patronage generated in rural areas, however, appears to be important to the continuing viability of the remaining intercity routes.

    Idaho’s Intercity Bus Plan Update 2019

    Idaho has developed a distinctive model for providing its rural intercity bus program under the FTA Section 5311(f) program. In addition to unsubsidized intercity bus services provided by private for-profit bus companies, over the past decade the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has funded two private for-profit firms to provide services on selected routes identified in its previous statewide corridor study. ITD also provided capital for vehicles to operate some of these services through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, intercity bus ridership declined substantially, falling as low as 15-20% of pre-pandemic levels. During the pandemic ITD used available federal funding to sustain these two carriers, providing funds to support continued services even on lines that had not previously been funded. As Idaho and the nation emerge from the reduction in travel resulting from the pandemic, there is a need to consider the role that these services have provided, and to have a strategy to deal with the uncertain level of demand, revenue, and federal funding.

    This study builds upon information about the pre-pandemic intercity bus network serving Idaho and stakeholder input about desired potential expansion of services to provide that strategy, even as it is difficult to develop a specific plan. The prioritization of current and potential services will help ITD respond to the future challenges, whether that is a continued need for support to maintain existing service, or the ability to expand with additional federal funding.

  • Intercity Bus Study
  • For more information regarding intercity bus services, please feel free to contact Connie Edwards at (208) 334-4492 or

    Intercity Applications
    In many states, intercity bus service is a vital link between otherwise isolated rural communities and the rest of the nation. Historically, major intercity bus carriers abandoned less productive routes. Patronage generated in rural areas, however, appears to be important to the continuing viability of the remaining intercity routes. One objective of the funding for intercity bus service under Section 5311, therefore, is to support the connection between rural areas and the larger regional or national system of intercity bus service. Another objective is to support services to meet the intercity travel needs of residents in rural areas. A third objective is to support the infrastructure of the intercity bus network through planning and marketing assistance and capital investment in facilities. FTA encourages states to use the funding under Section 5311(f) to support these national objectives, as well as priorities determined by the state.


    Public Transportation Operational Grant Program
    Once a Federal or State grant is executed by the Idaho Transportation Department and when applicable the Federal Transit Administration, the subrecipient will receive a funding agreement and be assigned to either the Operational Grant Program or the Capital Grant Program.

    The Operation Grant Program handles all active and executed grants that have been deemed by the Idaho Transportation Department to be of an Operating nature. These can include the following: FTA 5311 Program Funding, FTA 5310 Program Funding (directly resulting in operations), and the FTA 5304 Planning Program.

    Responsibilities include reimbursement processing, compliance assistance, technical guidance, and required reporting.

    Please click on the links below to learn more about each program:

    Public Transportation Capital Grant Program

    Once a Federal or State grant is executed by the Idaho Transportation Department and when applicable the Federal Transit Administration, the subrecipient will receive a funding agreement and be assigned to either the Operational Grant Program or the Capital Grant Program.

    The Capital Grant Program handles all active and executed grants that have been deemed by the Idaho Transportation Department to be Capital purchases in nature. These can include the following: FTA 5310 Program Funding (directly resulting in capital purchases), FTA 5311 Program Funding (directly resulting in capital purchases), FTA 5339 Program Funding, and Idaho Vehicle Improvement Program Funding. VIP provides capital funding for demand response providers to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses to support the continuation and expansion of public transportation. Eligible recipients include private non-profit organizations, State or local government authorities, operators of public transportation services including private operators and tribal governments for capital projects to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment for demand response services.

    Please click on the below links to learn more about each program:


    Public Transportation Performance Program

    The Idaho Transportation Department is committed to fostering a fiscally responsible and performance based public transportation network that provides for the most effective and efficient use of funds to promote ITD’s mission of “Your Safety. Your Mobility. Your Economic Opportunity.”

    The Performance Program is responsible for monitoring and reporting on a myriad of public transportation metrics include subrecipient operating revenue and expenses, ridership, vehicle miles traveled, and hours of service just to name a few.

    To submit your performance reporting please send it to:

    Performance Reporting Training

    Please click on the links below to view our reports.

    Annual Statewide Performance Reports:

  • Reporting Templates:

  • Compliance

    Subrecipient Site Review Program
    In an effort to provide technical assistance and proactive compliance oversight, ITD-PT performs site reviews of each public transportation subrecipient on an every one or two year basis.

    Asset Management Program

    Public transportation is a capital intensive program that requires constant maintenance and upkeep to ensure that each asset is being used to its full extent. ITD-PT employs an extensive data collection effort to track asset information throughout Idaho. Click the following link to review the information ITD-PT collects.

  • ITD-PT Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plan
  • Asset Management Templates:

    Idaho State Police Vehicle Inspection Program
    Each year ITD-PT partners with the Idaho State Police to perform required vehicle inspections on public transportation vehicles throughout Idaho.

  • Safety Program
    The Idaho Transportation Department Public Transportation Program (ITD-PT) is committed to providing safe public transportation options for all Idaho citizens. ITD-PT recognizes that public transportation is one of the safest modes of transportation.


    Training & Development
    Education and understanding of public transportation is essential to its continued usage and growth in Idaho. That is why ITD-PT has created the Public Transportation Training and Development Program. This Program consists of ITD-PT’s Idaho Rural Technical Assistance Program (RTAP). Please see the information below to learn more about our efforts:

    Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP)
    The Idaho Transportation Department Public Transportation Office (ITD-PT) is responsible for administering Idaho’s Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) with funding provided by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). ITD-PT is committed to fostering a safe, mobility focused public transportation program throughout Idaho that promotes economic opportunity and growth for all of Idaho. ITD-PT budgets the 5311(b) RTAP funds on an annual basis and will offer scholarship opportunities until such funds are exhausted.

  • RTAP Program Overview

    1. Application Submittal
    2. Application Review & Notification
    3. Attend Training/Receive Materials
    4. Reimbursement Request & Payment

  • Training Sites

  • Outreach

    Share the Ride Idaho is your resource to find the commuting option that makes the most sense for you. It will make it easy for you to find the best route, locate a park and ride lot, map your route, or even find a commuting buddy based on your work schedule or neighborhood. With it’s easy to use ride match tool, you’ll be put in touch with other smart carpoolers like you who are looking to save money and time.

    For more information visit the Share the Ride Idaho website at and view the Frequently Asked Questions.

    Monthly Provider Outreach Webinars

    Our office hosts a monthly webinar to provide an additional platform for our public transportation agencies so that we can all continue to collaborate and elevate transportation services in Idaho.

    Register now for upcoming webinars:

    2025 Webinars:

    Register for Individual 2025 Sessions Here:

    Previous webinars: