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Broadband Infrastructure

Broadband Registry

In support of Governor Little’s Idaho Broadband Initiative to expand stable, reliable broadband infrastructure for Idaho communities to attract business and enhance quality of life for Idahoans, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is providing information on future highway reconstruction, realignment, widening, expansion, and bridge replacement projects. These types of projects provide an opportunity to coordinate with ITD to accommodate future expansion of broadband infrastructure during the project development and construction phases.

To minimize repeated Right-of-Way excavations involving broadband infrastructure installation, ITD established a process for registering broadband infrastructure entities interested in coordinating with the Department on applicable Federal-aid highway projects.

Go to: Broadband Provider Registry

Dig Once Mapping Application
Sample view of the Dig Once Mapping App
The ITD DIG ONCE Mapping Application shows the location of Fiscal Years 2025-2031 projects in the Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP).

Go to: DIG ONCE Mapping App

This web application allows users to:

  • View ITIP project locations
  • Change base maps
  • Toggle layers on/off
  • Make distance and area measurements
  • Print a map or export a graphic image
  • Upload your own geospatial data into the web map
  • Share the web app via email or social media platforms


Wireless Facility Permit Process

Wireless service polePursuant to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaratory Ruling and Third Report and Order, FCC 18‐133, released on September 27, 2018, wireless service providers and wireless infrastructure providers may be allowed to locate Small Wireless Facilities (as defined in the FCC Order) in public Right‐of‐Way (ROW) in accordance with the FCC Order.

Wireless Service Providers must enter into a Non-Exclusive Installation and Occupancy Agreement for Small Wireless Facilities with the Idaho Transportation Department prior to applying for a Right-of-Way Encroachment and Permit for Small Wireless Facilities. Applicants must comply with the following terms and conditions for each Small Wireless Facility permit issued by ITD.

The applicant is responsible for the following functions:

Contacts & Resources

Broadband-related Websites

Utility Accommodation (Broadband) Rulemaking
The Idaho Transportation Department has been actively developing rules and policies to accommodate broadband infrastructure within the State Right-of-Way.

ITD District Contacts

ITD District LocationContactEmailPhone
North Idaho - District 1Robert Beachler
600 W. Prairie Ave, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
North-Central Idaho - District 2Jole Wells
2600 Frontage Road, Lewiston, ID
Mail: PO Box 837, Lewiston, ID 83501
Southwest Idaho - District 3Mark Wasdahl
8150 Chinden Blvd, Boise, ID 83714-1367
South-Central Idaho - District 4Andrew Young
216 South Date St, Shoshone, ID
Mail: PO Box 2-A, Shoshone, ID 83352
Southeast Idaho - District 5Chris Peirsol
5151 S. 5th Ave, Pocatello, ID 83204-2202
East Idaho - District 6Jeffrey Sneddon
206 North Yellowstone, Rigby, ID
Mail: PO Box 97, Rigby, ID 83442-0097