Striping work this week on Idaho Highway 75 in Hailey

Image of ID-75 in Hailey

On Friday (Oct. 1), crews will stripe the newly constructed portion of Idaho Highway 75 in Hailey. This is part of a two-phase construction project that has been underway since May of this year.

“Over the last several months, crews have worked on updating pedestrian ramps and crossings to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, and also rehabilitated the roadway throughout Hailey,” said ITD Project Manager Kenny Lively. “Painting roadway markings and pedestrian crossings is one of the final tasks necessary to complete this project.”

Parking will not be allowed on ID-75 (Main Street) while striping is underway. Work is expected to occur between the hours of 1-4 p.m.

“Striping requires work to be done during daytime hours when the temperature is ideal for the paint to dry quickly,” stated Lively.

Motorists are advised to slow down and watch for workers, wet paint and heavy equipment while driving through the area.

ITD seeks feedback on draft Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan update

As the Idaho Transportation Department updates its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, the public is encouraged to learn more about plans to invest nearly $35 million into projects and services over the next 15 years.

ADA Transition is the process of eliminating accessibility barriers to existing pedestrian infrastructure on the state highway system. It also helps identify programs that fund improvements through a coordinated effort with local highway districts and other municipalities.

In an effort to gather feedback about the plan, ITD will host an online survey as part of a 30-day public comment period that begins Sept. 17. The survey can be accessed at by clicking on the link. The survey is available 24 hours a day.

Staff will also hold a virtual public information meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 6:00 p.m. Mountain time. 
You can find the meeting link posted online at or by emailing

Comments and feedback shared during this public involvement phase will be incorporated into a draft ADA Transition Plan, that will become official after review and approval by the Federal Highway Administration and Idaho Transportation Board later this fall.

For questions or to learn more about ADA Transition, please email or call (208)332-7823.

Traffic impacts for locating utilities begins next week near south Jerome interchange

Image of South Jerome Interchange near Exit 168

Beginning Monday (Aug. 23), drivers can expect lane restrictions and traffic impacts in the area surrounding the Interstate 84/Lincoln Avenue interchange (Exit 168) in Jerome. While restrictions are in place, crews will perform minor excavation work to locate underground utilities at numerous sites around the interchange.Drivers can expect single lane closures along Lincoln Avenue, East Frontage Road, and Bob Barton Road as well as shoulder closures along I-84. Work will take place Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Aug. 31.

Verifying utilities in the area is a key step in preparing for the replacement of the interchange.

“This interchange has become an important location for both traffic and public utilities during its 60-year life,” ITD Project Manager Nathan Jerke said. “Documenting the exact location of utilities helps our project designers avoid them, or understand where they can be relocated during construction.”

Replacement of the interchange is scheduled to begin in late 2022.

ITD to meet with freight stakeholders

A truck climbs a hill

The Idaho Transportation Department will meet with freight stakeholders across the state this September to collect feedback and update its freight plan.

The Idaho State Freight Plan identifies how ITD will strategically invest state and federal funding in infrastructure to increase the safety, capacity and efficiency of the freight system for the benefit of the Idaho economy.

The document analyzes the needs and issues in Idaho, details policies and strategies to overcome them, identifies critical freight corridors and lists projects to be funded. These projects are supported by approximately $10 million of federal funding each year.

Freight stakeholders utilize infrastructure on a daily basis for basic operations and produce, ship/receive or transport the majority of goods within the state. Such industries include: agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, mining, utilities, construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade and transportation and warehousing. Those who would like to participate in the process should contact Scott Luekenga at (208) 334-8057 or to get details on the available times and locations.

Participants will be guided through a 30-minute survey based on their industry. They are invited to engage in person at the following events:

  • Lewiston on Sept. 2
  • Blackfoot on Sept. 16
  • Twin Falls on Sept. 21

Virtual opportunities will also be accommodated through the end of September. Another round of public comment is expected in spring 2022 to review the updated plan.

Nighttime traffic reduced on Perrine Bridge next week

Image of the Perrine Bridge at night

Drivers can expect overnight lane restrictions near Twin Falls next week as crews perform cleaning operations on the Perrine Bridge.

From Sunday through Thursday (Aug. 15 – 19), single lane closures will be in place while crews clean the bridge deck, joints, drains and sidewalks.

Work is scheduled during evening and nighttime hours to help reduce traffic congestion through the area. Drivers may consider using an alternate route between the hours of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

“First we will clean the northbound lanes and then switch over to the southbound lanes,” ITD Maintenance Foreman Chuck Sharp said. “The Perrine is a vital bridge in our region and routine maintenance and cleaning help ensure the longevity of the structure.”

Motorists are urged to exercise caution near the work zone and watch for crew members and equipment. ITD appreciates the patience and cooperation of those driving through the area.

New landslide database provides tool for project development and hazard mitigation

The Idaho Geological Survey (IGS) is helping the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) learn more from landslides in the Gem State. A new statewide inventory database of landslide and rock fall hazards released by IGS in late June will assist ITD, emergency managers, and planners with forecasting and hazard mitigation by identifying problematic hot spots.

The project was sponsored by ITD’s Division of Highways – Construction and Materials team and funded through ITD’s Research Program.

The inventory contains more than 2,400 landslide entries spanning from prehistoric to active events. It’s posted on the IGS website and can be accessed through an interactive webmap service.

The information was also added to ITD’s IPLAN online ArcGIS platform. The database includes attributes to maintain MSE retaining wall locations and risk factors to evaluate the condition of the wall, as well as attributes for rock fall risk, so ITD districts can assess the problematic areas that could cause road closures.

Data were compiled from historic archives, information provided by ITD geotechnical staff and district geologists, unpublished IGS field observations, analysis of LiDAR imagery, remote sensing, satellite images, and newly mapped landslides.

“The study represents a live catalog of mass movements across the state with a particular focus on transportation corridors and urban areas,” said State Geologist and IGS Director Claudio Berti. “The database is a tool for documenting and assessing slope stability hazards. It is not intended to predict future events, but to document known events and show broad patterns of occurrence.”

This new database replaces the last inventory published in 1991, a static map no longer suitable for modern digital analyses. The 2021 version will be kept up to date as new events occur or new information becomes available.

Landslide problem areas in Idaho include: Bonners Ferry, Clearwater River Basin, Horseshoe Bend, Boise Foothills, Hagerman, U.S. 95 between Pollock and Lucile, and U.S. 26 between Swan Valley and the Wyoming border. Geologic characteristics of the bedrock, fractures, systems, precipitation, regional hydrogeology, vegetation, wildfires, and steepness of hillslopes are all contributing factors in landslide initiation and development.

You can also learn more by reading the full research report linked here.

Construction begins next week on Idaho Highway 75 in Hailey

Image of ID-75 (Main Street) in Hailey

On Sunday night (July 11), the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will begin phase two of the rehabilitation project on Idaho Highway 75 (Main Street) in Hailey between Fox Acres Road and Cobblestone Lane.

The first phase began in May with updates to pedestrian ramps and crossings to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The second phase of the project will rehabilitate the roadway and provide for a smoother driving surface through downtown Hailey.

“Work on the roadway is more dependent on warm weather than the pedestrian ramp updates,” ITD Project Manager Steve Hunter said. “Now that we are fully into summer, and temperatures are not as variable as in the spring, we can begin construction on the roadway.”

Through the remainder of summer, ITD will rehabilitate the highway by milling the old road surface and replacing it with new pavement. Improvements will also include new striping and pedestrian crossings.

Work will occur at night between the hours of 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. to reduce impacts to the traveling public and provide an opportunity for crews to work with minimal interruptions.

During working hours, traffic will be reduced to a single lane in each direction. During the day, two lanes will be open both northbound and southbound.

“Crews will use dust abatement methods to manage dust and dirt, but drivers should anticipate driving on a temporary gravel surface during construction activities,” explained Hunter.

In addition to milling and paving, vibratory rolling will also occur to compact the roadway. Vibration may be felt on nearby properties.

“We understand that the City of Hailey is a renowned tourist destination and we will be working closely with our crews to reduce impacts to the community as much as possible,” Hunter said.

Knife River is the primary contractor on this $3.4 million project

Idaho Transportation Department now taking comments for all upcoming projects

Cars cross Lake Pend Oreille on the Long Bridge

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is asking for input on the just-released draft Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP). The 2022-2028 ITIP is a seven-year master plan of the state’s transportation improvement projects. Everyone is encouraged to participate starting in July.

Projects can range from large-scale interstate improvements to smaller projects like the installation of a new guardrail. In all, the draft ITIP includes projects in all 44 counties and all modes of transportation. Projects were selected based on technical data, as well as input from local officials and residents.

A complete breakdown of the draft plan can be found at, as well as an interactive map that allows users to learn about projects by narrowing it down to specific categories and locations.

A few of the major projects throughout Idaho are:

  • Bridge replacement and adding a travel lane on west bound I-86 in Pocatello.
  • Interchange improvements to the I-15 Exit 113 interchange in Idaho Falls including constructing roundabouts.
  • Full road reconstruction on ID-33 from the US-20/ID-33 interchange to Newdale.
  • Replacement of the structure at the I-84/ID-50 Junction (Exit 182).
  • Replacement of Yankee Fork Bridge on ID-75 in Custer County.
  • Widening ID-44 from Star Road to Linder Road.
  • Extending ID-16 from US-20/26 to I-84.
  • Redesign of the interchange at I-90 and ID-41, with construction planned to start in 2023.
  • Study to begin this fall to examine potential expansion of US-95 to four lanes from Moscow to north of the Mineral Mountain Rest Area.

Comments will be taken from July 1-31 and can be e-mailed to or mailed to:

ITIP – Comments
Attn: Office of Communication
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID  83707

Paper copies of the ITIP will be provided upon request by contacting the Idaho Transportation Department (208) 334-8119.

All comments will be reviewed, incorporated into the ITIP where appropriate, and responses will be sent in September once the comment period has ended.

After approval by the Idaho Transportation Board in September, the ITIP will then be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency in October.



I-84 overpasses in Minidoka County to close for three weeks in July and August

Two bridges over Interstate 84 near Heyburn will each close for approximately three weeks in July and August so that they can be resurfaced.

The first overpass at 500 West Road is expected to close next Tuesday (July 6), with traffic detoured to the interchange at Idaho Highway 27.

After crews complete work on the first overpass, they will move onto the overpass at South Meridian Road and drivers will need to cross over the interstate at 200 West Road.

Closure of these overpasses will not occur at the same time.

View a map of the detours.

These repairs are part of a larger project that began in late April to resurface thirteen bridges and nine overpasses in the region. This work will help prolong the service life of the structures.

Most bridges will be kept partially open during construction, but completely closing these two allows the general contractor, Cannon Builders, to complete the work sooner.

“By not allowing traffic on these two structures, we’re reducing the overall cost of the project and the impact to travelers,” ITD project manager Bruce Christensen said.

Construction on all bridges is expected to be finished by October of this year. As work shifts from one bridge to another, traffic patterns will change. Check to learn about impacts and timing for each bridge.

Night work to take place this week on ID-75 in Hailey

Image of ID-75 (Main Street) in Hailey

Overnight work is expected to occur this Thursday (July 1) on Idaho Highway 75 between Fox Acres Road and Airport Way in Hailey. During the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. crews will remove approximately 1,000 feet of asphalt in the center lane and replace it with new material.

This is part of pre-construction testing related to the Hailey Main Street Rehabilitation Project.

“While construction on the roadway is not scheduled to begin until July 12, we must test a portion of the roadway in advance of that work,” ITD Engineering Manager Seth Helms stated. “Testing will include examination of roadway materials as well as the procedures we will use when construction begins to help lessen the impact of operations from July 12 onward.”

Traffic will be reduced to a single lane in each direction while work is underway.

During the compaction stage, ground vibration may be felt in the work zone and immediate surrounding area. Unsecured items may shift during this process.

Motorists are advised to slow down and watch for crew members and heavy equipment while work is underway.