Emergency repair on I-84 near SLC interchange begins July 17

I-84 interstate symbol

An emergency repair on Interstate 84 near the Salt Lake City Interchange will begin on July 17 to fix concrete pavement that is starting to fail. The pavement has lifted several inches causing a noticeable bump near one of the bridge decks through the region. This bump can be not only disruptive to motorists but poses a safety hazard.


Westbound traffic will be reduced to one lane and the speed limit has been reduced to 55 mph. Bump warning signs have been placed until the repair can be completed. The repair should take 5 days. Drivers should properly secure loose items on their vehicles, slow down and use extra caution through the area. 


For traffic impacts and information go to 511.idaho.gov

I-84 extended closure in Eastern Oregon due to wildfires

Wildfire causes I-84 in Oregon to close.


7/25/2024 7:00 a.m. update: Rain helped the firefighting effort. Interstate 84 is currently open.


7/24/2024 1:00 p.m. update:  Large commercial traffic is restricted until further notice on State Highway 71 between Cambridge and the Oregon state line due to fire activity.  Using SH-71 to access Oregon is not a suitable detour for interstate trucks. SH-71, between Cambridge and the Oregon state line, is narrow and winding. To maintain traffic flow and ensure safety, non-essential commercial vehicles over 26,000 pounds are now prohibited from using this route.


7/24/2024 12:30 p.m. update: I-84 is closed due to fire activity.  The fire has reached I-84 and it is not safe for travelers. Fire officials do not want people to travel to Ontario to wait. The fire is expected to grow as winds are forecasted in the area, there’s no estimate on when it will reopen.
Consider alternative travel options and for the latest information, keep an eye on TripCheck or Idaho 511.


7/24/2024 9:30 a.m. update: The I-84 corridor has reopened, but due to the unpredictable nature of wildfires, travelers should be prepared for potential closures and are advised not to rely on this route.

Idaho travelers are urged to use 511.idaho.gov for traffic impacts.

Oregon travelers are urged to use Tripcheck.com for up-to-date information.


This information is from the Oregon Department of Transportation

PENDLETON – If you plan to travel across Oregon in the coming days, make sure you carefully plan your route. I-84 and many other highways in eastern Oregon may be closed or unreliable due to wildfires. With a long hot summer ahead, other fires and closures throughout the state are likely.

Wildfires are unpredictable and we have no estimate on opening times for any fire-impacted highways. Previous plans for a nighttime only closure of I-84 to remove brush along the highway were upended when the fire quickly reached the highway. Fire crews are actively fighting fire from I-84.

Travelers should use U.S. 20 to move east or west across central and eastern Oregon. If you must travel, consult Tripcheck.com and check conditions for your route. Here are some other tips while traveling in wildfire season:

  • Do not follow GPS directions or detour on local or forest roads. These roads are not suitable for interstate traffic. If a highway is closed on Tripcheck.com, it is likely that nearby local roads will be closed as well.
  • Expect power outages near wildfires. Treat non-working traffic lights like a four-way stop. Roadside message boards and Tripcheck cameras may also be out in these areas.
  • Carry extra supplies including food and water in case your trip is delayed.
  • Driving in smoke is like driving in heavy fog. Slow down but keep a steady pace and stay alert. Slow driving gives you more time to respond to unexpected conditions.
  • Turn on headlights when driving in smoky areas.
  • The best place to wait for a highway to open is at home. Do not travel to the closure points and wait as closures could last for days.

Fire information can be found on the National Interagency Fire Center’s website. 

North Idaho highways to receive a fresh coat of paint through summer

Vehicles involved in a mobile painting operation


Throughout the months of July, August and September, Idaho Transportation Department striping crews will be laying down a fresh coat of paint on large sections of highways across the Panhandle. The following schedule will help drivers to be aware of upcoming temporary work zones that may affect them and plan ahead. Every year crews stripe hundreds of miles, and on heavily traveled routes like I-90, apply two coats of paint.


US-95 Byway in Sandpoint

                               US-95 from Sandpoint to Athol

US-95 from Athol to Coeur d’Alene

SH-41 from I-90 to Rathdrum

US-95 from Coeur d’Alene to the Latah County line

SH-53 from Rathdrum to the Washington State line

Post Falls business loop


EARLY                     SH-58 from the Coeur d’Alene Casino to the Washington State line

SH-60 from US-95 to the Washington State line

SH-5 from Plummer to St. Maries

MID                         SH-3 from I-90 to the Latah County Line

SH-6 from the SH-3 Junction to the Latah County line

LATE INTO              SH-97 from I-90 to the SH-3 Junction

EARLY SEPT            SH-4 from Wallace to Burke

Wallace, Mullan, and Osburn business loops


Map depicting the routes for striping in July, August and September.During striping operations teams are organized into a line of pace cars flanking the paint truck and are followed by a crash cushion trailer to ensure the safety of the crew.  This configuration of vehicles travels slowly as they paint the roadway markings to ensure lines that will last through the year. While the paint itself is very bright, retro-reflective beads are also mixed in to help catch and reflect light to improve nighttime visibility.

Pace cars alert motorists of the operation and slow down traffic so drivers do not go over the paint before it dries. It is important for drivers to avoid drifting over the lines on either side of their lane or trying to pass where striping is in progress.

Striping operations occur primarily during daylight hours and are performed in the summer when temperatures are consistently warm enough to ensure the paint dries quickly and adheres securely to the road. Most frequently these operations are carried out during weekdays, but there are occasional needs for weekend work. Crews start as early as 5 a.m. to avoid peak commute times and try to pull off so others can pass where they have room to do so safely.

Drivers who encounter the mobile paint operations are asked to be patient for the safety of motorists and crews, and to follow the guidance of all work zone signs, especially for no passing.

Updated information will be available throughout the summer on Idaho 511.

Construction starts on US-95 Grangeville Truck Route Bypass Road today

A picture of the intersection of US-95 and Truck Route Bypass Road in Grangeville.

Motorists can expect improvements at the intersection of U.S. Highway 95 and Truck Route Bypass Road at the north side of Grangeville starting today.

A northbound right turn lane and southbound left turn lane will be added to US-95.  The turn bays will enhance safety by allowing turning traffic to pull out of the travel lanes to decelerate.

Additionally, about 100 feet of the Truck Route Bypass Road will be regraded to provide a smoother transition onto US-95. Other improvements on the project will include the installation of new culverts and regraded ditches for stormwater transport.

Lane closures with flaggers and pilot car should be expected.  The work zone will be short in length and delays should be minimum at 15 minutes.

Construction will conclude by the end of September. Live traffic impacts across the region can be found by visiting 511.idaho.gov. Travelers can also dial 5-1-1 or download the app.

ITD asks motorists to consider alternate routes at Blackfoot

Aerial view of Blackfoot Exit 89 Interchange.

With construction ramping up along Interstate 15 the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is asking motorists to drive defensively and take alternate routes when possible. Work occurring at the south Blackfoot exit (Exit 89) and north of Exit 93 has resulted in increased congestion along the corridor.

“We recommend Blackfoot residents take an alternate route such as U.S. Highway 91 to an exit north of the Rose area,” Engineer Kevin Sonico said. Doing so not only decreases the number of vehicles on I-15, but also allows motorists to avoid driving through the construction zone north of Blackfoot.

The repaving project north of Blackfoot will improve safety and drivers’ experience with a smooth new surface. During construction traffic is shifted to the southbound lanes through a crossover. Drivers should expect reduced speeds through the construction zone. The project is expected to take about seven weeks to complete.

Work at Exit 89 consists of rehabilitating the bridge surface by repairing joints and potholes. This will extend the life of the bridge. “Our goal is to have this done by September 1,” said Engineer Zak Johnson. “We really want to have everything done before the start of the fair.”

Johnson also recommends drivers take US-91 as an alternate route whenever possible.

Motorists are encouraged to stay updated on project detours and traffic impacts at https://511.idaho.gov or on the 511 app.

Intermittent closures of 10th Avenue in Caldwell will begin Monday for bridge demolition

Intermittent closures on 10th Ave. will begin Monday. The closure is necessary to safely demolish the I-84 bridge that goes over it.

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will intermittently close 10th Avenue under Interstate 84 in Caldwell beginning on Monday.  These closures are necessary for crews to safely demolish the westbound lanes of the I-84 bridge. The intermittent closures will occur through September.

Motorists can expect:

  • 10th Avenue will close during weekdays and may reopen on weekends.
  • Traffic will detour to Centennial Way. Click here to see a detour map.
  • Pedestrians will be detoured to the pedestrian overpass over I-84. Click here to see a detour map.
  • Access to businesses will remain open, but routes may change during the closures.
  • After 10th Avenue reopens, crews plan to restrict it to one lane in each direction until next year.

Crews will demolish the westbound side of the bridge section by section, which will take several weeks to complete. Closing 10th Avenue will give crews the space they need to bring multiple pieces of equipment in and out of the work zone safely.

“This closure will help us complete the bridge demo as quickly as possible while keeping the traveling public safe,” Resident Engineer Styles Salek said. “We will do everything we can to re-open 10th Avenue quickly, and we thank everyone for their patience in the meantime.”

This bridge demolition is part of ITD’s I-84 Centennial Way to Franklin Road project, which is widening the interstate to three lanes in each direction, replacing the 10th Avenue Interchange and adding a soundwall along Hannibal Street from 10th Avenue to Centennial Way. This project is expected to be completed in 2027.

For more information about the project and to stay updated on closure dates:

Please use caution when driving through the work zone. To plan your route in advance, visit 511.idaho.gov.



Take it slow and safe, police on the lookout for aggressive driving

Roadway intersection with traffic

We all know the frustrations of modern life and juggling a busy schedule, but speed limits are put in place to protect you, your family, friends, and all road users. Law enforcement agencies across the state will be patrolling Idaho roads for aggressive drivers between July 19 and August 11 to help ensure everyone can travel to their final destinations safely and enjoy the last hurrahs of summer.

So far this summer, 40* people have died in crashes on Idaho roads, bringing the year-to-date total to 114* deaths.

“Speed limits save lives and you can too by slowing down, buckling up, and driving engaged,” explained Denise Dinnauer, aggressive driving program specialist with the Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS). “Driving engaged means free from distractions, actively scanning the road ahead, and following the speed limit to safely react to any dangers that occur.”

OHS prepares an annual traffic crash report. It is a statistical analysis of all crashes that happen on Idaho roads each year. The full 2023 Idaho Traffic Crash Report is now available online.

The report shows that aggressive driving was a contributing factor in 50 percent of motor vehicle crashes and 103 people were killed in aggressive driving crashes on Idaho roadways last year. While 74% of all aggressive driving crashes occurred in urban areas, 61% of the fatal aggressive driving crashes occurred in rural areas. Drivers under age 19 were 43.9 times as likely to be involved in aggressive driving crashes and drivers 20-24 were 1.9 times as likely to be involved in aggressive driving crashes.

*Preliminary data, subject to change

US-20 Main Street Exit in Rexburg to fully close Monday

Construction at Rexburg Exit 333, which will be fully closed on Monday, July 22 through August


REXBURG­­—The Main Street Exit for Rexburg on U.S. Highway 20 will fully close beginning next Monday. The closure at Exit 333 will allow the Idaho Transportation Department to efficiently construct a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) like the one now operating at University Boulevard (Exit 332). The closure is expected to last through the month of August.

All ramps at Exit 333, as well as Main Street between the ramps, will be closed to traffic and detoured to nearby interchanges. Through traffic on US-20 will be unaffected during construction.

Detours include Thornton (Exit 328), University Boulevard (Exit 332), and North Rexburg (Exit 337). A new permanent traffic signal will be in place and operating to aid the flow of traffic at the North Rexburg Exit prior to this closure. One-lane closures are in effect at the University Boulevard Exit while construction efforts continue there.

“We thank everyone for their patience and understanding in dealing with road construction in Rexburg this summer,” Project Manager Conner Huffaker said. “We really are trying to keep traffic flowing and minimize the impact on people as much as possible. There’s a lot to get done in a short amount of time and all of it will make travel in Rexburg better once it is.”

Businesses near the Main Street Exit remain open, with alternate access available and signed. Construction crews will also coordinate with emergency responders to ensure access through the closed work zone when needed.

The city of Rexburg and ITD completed a cooperative agreement during the planning phase of this project to have the contractor complete city requested work items, including a sewer repair during road construction. Crews will insert a manhole and repair a damaged sewer pipe so that additional closure for this needed infrastructure work won’t have to occur in the future.

Construction of all Rexburg US-20 interchanges is expected to be fully complete in late October. More details about this project can be found at itdprojects.idaho.gov/pages/us20rexburg.

System Interchange nighttime ramp closures begins at Pocatello

Beginning tomorrow evening the north-to-west ramp of the System Interchange at Pocatello will be periodically closed to allow for girder placement for a new bridge.

Girders are horizontal steel beams designed to support the bridge deck. As the beams are placed over the northbound to westbound ramp it is necessary to close the roadway beneath for the safety of the travelling public.

Closures are scheduled for:

  • Wednesday from 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m.
  • Friday from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • Monday July 22 from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday July 24 from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • Thursday July 25 from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.

Traffic traveling north on I-15 wishing to proceed west on I-86 toward Chubbuck will be detoured through the Northgate Interchange.

Motorists should carefully follow signs and posted speed limits while traveling through the construction area. With crews working day and night at the System Interchange it is especially important that drivers be alert and proceed safely through the work area.

While this work continues, weather is a major factor for the timing of closures. Motorists are encouraged to keep up-to-date via https://511.idaho.gov or the 511 app to keep track of project detours. Project details are available here on ITD’s projects website —https://itdprojects.idaho.gov/pages/i-86i-15-system-interchange


ITD will host community open houses next week in McCall and Horseshoe Bend about Rainbow Bridge project

Photo of the Rainbow Bridge in Valley County.

The Idaho Transportation Department will host community open houses next week to gather early input about a project to build a new bridge over the North Fork of the Payette River in Valley County. Nearly a century after its construction, the current Rainbow Bridge no longer meets current standards for highway bridges.

Open houses will be located both north and south of the bridge. Community members may stop by at their convenience to learn about the project and provide input.

  • Tuesday, July 23: 4-7 p.m. at the Evergreen Hotel (210 N. 3rd St., McCall)
  • Thursday, July 25: 4-7 p.m. at the Horseshoe Bend School (398 School Rd., Horseshoe Bend)
  • Online, July 23-Aug. 9 at itdprojects.idaho.gov/pages/rainbowbridge

“ITD recognizes the Rainbow Bridge’s significance to Idaho residents and travelers,” said ITD District 3 Engineer Jason Brinkman. “Feedback from the community will be essential as we design the new bridge and make decisions about the existing bridge.”

Additional public meetings will be held as the design process continues. In addition, a Bridge Involvement Group will meet on July 17 from 4-6 p.m. at the American Legion Post (105 W. Mill St.) in Cascade. The Bridge Involvement Group is open to community members who are willing to invest a higher level of time and engagement during the design process.

The existing Rainbow Bridge was completed in 1933. Environmental and design work for a new bridge began this spring. Construction is currently proposed for 2028 or 2029.

To learn more about the Rainbow Bridge project, visit itdprojects.idaho.gov/pages/rainbowbridge, call (208) 391-6580 or email info@sh55rainbowbridge.com.