Canyon County Sheriff’s program is SW Idaho Group of Year for litter cleanup along highway

The Canyon County Sheriff’s Alternative Sentencing Program was named ITD’s Adopt-a-Highway Group of the Year for the Southwest Idaho region during the June meeting of the Idaho Transportation Board in Boise. The honor is in recognition of efforts at keeping construction zones litter-free and specific focus on right-of-way areas near Treasure Valley highways amid an increasingly vocal traveling public weighing in on the subject, according to ITD District 3 AAH Coordinator, Jennifer Ford. She added that the group has also been focused on cleaning the freeway exits, along on- and off-ramps.

The Canyon County Sheriff’s group has been active since 1994. Last year, the group picked up more than 56,000 pounds of litter from the side of the freeway. Since forming, they have picked up around 284,000 pounds of trash.

Recently, the city of Nampa asked ITD to consider servicing the larger sections of right of way at the off-ramps and deeper sections of state-owned property beyond the right of way with litter-removal groups. When approached by ITD to help, in addition to continuing the 23-mile route they’ve cleaned since 1994, “there was no hesitation on their part and we thank them for their willingness to serve their community,” Ford explained.

The Canyon County Sheriff’s Office accomplishes their mission by utilizing inmates as a part of their court-ordered sentence, including assistance with numerous other projects throughout Canyon County in addition to picking up trash and litter from the interstate. The safety of participants in always a top priority. This includes wearing high-visibility safety vests, posting signage prior to the start of the pickup location, using vehicles with flashing lights and identifiable decals, and utilizing tools to assist with litter and trash pickup and trailers to load filled trash bags and larger trash items.

“The Canyon County Sheriff’s Office takes obvious pride in their county,“ Ford added. “They are focused on the roads on which their community travels and takes pride in working with partners in other departments and other jurisdictions to collectively brainstorm solutions for common issues.”

Sealcoat from Homedale to Oregon border set to begin Wednesday

SH-19 sealcoat will begin in July and be finished in August 2024.

Idaho drivers should expect delays beginning Wednesday near Homedale, as the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will apply a sealcoat to five miles of State Highway 19. This project will extend the life of the roadway.

SH-19 from the Oregon border to the U.S. Highway 95 Junction in Homedale will be reduced to one lane in the direct area crews are working, with the lane closure moving as work progresses. Vehicles parked along the route will need to be moved prior to work beginning.

Flaggers and a pilot car will help guide traffic through the project area. To minimize traffic disruptions, work will be limited to weekdays from Monday through Thursday. The project is expected to be completed in August.

It’s important for motorists to plan ahead this summer by checking traffic impacts on their route at

I-84 eastbound ramps at Simco Road set to close Monday for more than a month

The eastbound on-ramp and off-ramp on I-84 at the Simco Road Interchange (Exit 74) will be closed for construction starting Monday.

The eastbound on-ramp and off-ramp on Interstate 84 at the Simco Road Interchange (Exit 74) will be closed for construction beginning Monday and will not reopen until late August. Vehicles using these ramps will be rerouted through Mayfield (Exit 71). This closure is necessary in order for crews to pave and stripe the new ramps.

The Simco Road Bridge over the freeway will remain open as one lane. Drivers can expect reduced speeds when approaching the interchange.

Construction began in July 2023 to replace the bridge over I-84, originally built in 1959. Work is expected to be completed this fall.

The Idaho Transportation Department reminds drivers to be patient, slow down and obey all posted signs in the construction zone. Travelers should check before driving in the area.

The eastbound on-ramp and off-ramp on I-84 at the Simco Road Interchange (Exit 74) will be closed for construction starting Monday and will not reopen until late August.
The eastbound on-ramp and off-ramp on I-84 at the Simco Road Interchange (Exit 74) will be closed for construction starting Monday and will not reopen until late August.

Two nights of I-84 closures will begin Monday between Garrity and Ten Mile exits

Future Interstate 84 and SH-16 Interchange.

The Idaho Transportation Department advises motorists to plan for nighttime Interstate 84 eastbound and westbound closures on Monday and Tuesday between the Garrity Boulevard and Ten Mile Road interchanges (Exits 38 and 42).

Crews are stripping framework and installing overhead sign foundations at the future interchange of State Highway 16 and I-84. One direction of I-84 will be closed each night during this work.

July 8:

  • Westbound I-84 will be closed between the Ten Mile (Exit 42) and Garrity (Exit 38) interchanges from 10 p.m. Monday night to 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. Click here for the detour map.

July 9:


The speed limit will be reduced to 45 mph at night.

For more information, visit You can also contact ITD at and (208) 334-8008.

Drive safe as Idaho sees an alarming spike in traffic deaths

U.S. Highway 12 - Summer 2023 Road Construction

It is shaping up to be a deadly summer on Idaho roads. As many Idahoans make Fourth of July travel plans, the Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS) encourages caution behind the wheel. Since May 24, 31* people have been killed in traffic crashes in the Gem State.

The year-to-date traffic fatality total is 105* deaths, already a deadlier year than 2023. At this time last year, there were 94 traffic fatalities. 2023 was the deadliest year on Idaho roads since 2003.

Idaho is in the middle of a period called the 100 Deadliest Days. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, when there is typically a spike in fatal and serious injury crashes across the state. More people are out of school or work, on vacation, and celebrating, and risky driving behaviors like impaired driving, distracted driving, and speeding increase.

“There’s no better place to be than Idaho’s great outdoors in the summer, but we want everyone to make it home safely too,” said Highway Safety Manager Josephine Middleton. “Our actions behind the wheel are the only way we can prevent this senseless loss of life on our roads. Plan a sober ride, like a designated driver, especially if you are celebrating the holiday far from home.”

OHS and law enforcement partners across the state are teaming up to keep our roads safe from impaired drivers. Expect to see more officers on DUI patrol now through July 10th.

For the Fourth of July and the rest of the summer, remember these driving tips:

  • Always wear a seat belt. It increases your chances of surviving a crash by 50%.
  • Drive engaged—no distractions behind the wheel.
  • Never drink and drive. Plan a sober ride home and encourage your friends to as well.
  • Obey speed limits, drive slower if conditions are poor.

*Preliminary data, subject to change.

US-20 Exit 332 to re-open in Rexburg, expect continued construction

Graphic of US-20 Exit 332 detailing how to drive through a diverging diamond interchange

University Boulevard Exit 332 in Rexburg will re-open by Wednesday morning. The exit has been closed since May 29 to allow the Idaho Transportation Department and contractor partners to efficiently construct a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) that will improve traffic flow and safety.

Motorists should be aware that work to finish construction at Exit 332 will be ongoing until mid-October. Paving, striping, infrastructure, and beautification efforts will create the need for occasional lane closures. One lane of traffic in each direction will remain open during these instances.

With Exit 332 re-opened, Rexburg Main Street Exit 333 will be fully closed beginning in late July so the same DDI traffic flow can be built there. More information about that closure will follow in the future.

Stay up to date on further status of this project and others by visiting, calling 5-1-1 or downloading the app.

Idaho Transportation Department seeks feedback on draft seven-year transportation plan

Drone shot of I-90 weaving through the mountains in North Idaho

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is seeking feedback on the just-released draft Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP). The ITIP outlines the state’s transportation priorities and guides investment decisions for the next seven years through 2031. ITD encourages everyone to review the draft and provide comments July 1-31.

Transportation projects included in the draft ITIP range from large-scale interstate improvements to smaller projects like the installation of new guardrail. Projects are located throughout Idaho’s 44 counties and involve all modes of transportation. Project selection is determined through technical data, as well as input from local officials and residents.

Visit to view an interactive map to learn about projects and submit a comment through the portal.

This draft ITIP shows plans for $6.9 billion in funding, including $200 million dedicated to pavements and $100 million dedicated to bridges each year.

Chief Deputy Director Dan McElhinney confirmed, “With the growth of traffic accelerating the need for improvements and the impacts of inflating costs since 2020, the added annual investment in highway pavement and bridge repairs proposed in this draft ITIP plan will provide the Idaho Transportation Board effective options to consider looking ahead for Idaho.”

Comments can be emailed to, recorded at 208-334-8063 or mailed to:

ITIP – Comments
Attn: Abby Peterson
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID  83707

Paper copies of the ITIP will be available at regional offices and provided upon request by contacting the Idaho Transportation Department at 208-334-4455.

All comments will be reviewed and incorporated into the ITIP where appropriate. Responses will be sent by September.

After approval by the Idaho Transportation Board in September, the ITIP will then be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency in October.

Public input is crucial in ensuring that the ITIP includes the prioritized needs of Idaho’s communities.

$5 online license renewal discount, 8-year CDL, and more coming to the DMV on July 1

Several changes are coming to the Idaho Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) on July 1 as new legislation takes effect. These changes will improve customer service and offer more options to Idahoans.

Driver’s License and ID Cards

  • Customers who are eligible to renew their driver’s license online will get a $5 discount for completing the transaction online.
  • The requirements for getting a free identification card (ID) for voting have been reduced. Legislation has removed the rule that applicants must not have had a valid driver’s license for 6 months before applying for the free ID.

Commercial Drivers and Vehicles

  • Commercial drivers will now be able to get a commercial driver’s license (CDL) for eight years. The previous limit for CDLs was four years. CDLs will also be checked against the National Drug and Alcohol Clearing House.
  • DMV will now issue two-year weighted registrations for commercial and non-commercial vehicles up to 60,000 lbs. The previous limit was one year.

License Plates

  • Idaho will offer a Space Force Plate to eligible customers.
  • All Purple Heart recipients will be able to get a Purple Heart plate for free. Previously the fee exemption only applied to disabled Purple Heart recipients.
  • Legislation also created a Gadsden Flag “Don’t Tread on Me” plate. Plate sales will help fund educational grants for firearms safety training. While the legislation goes into effect on July 1, per the timeline included in the law, plates will be made available by January 1, 2025.

Driver’s Education

  • Parents in rural school districts or districts without driver’s education programs will be able to teach the on-the-road portion of driver’s ed. Parents must keep a log of drive time and skills learned. Students will complete the classroom driver’s ed course through the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance (IDLA). More information is available from the Idaho Department of Education.


  • The definition of “resident” to get a vehicle registration, title, license, or identification card has been changed from 90 days to 30 days. This does not change the definition of resident for voting purposes.
  • If an owner wants to sell a vehicle that has no active registration, they can get up to two 30-day temporary registrations for the purpose of selling the vehicle.

Idaho DMV issuing paper tests due to intermittent knowledge test outages

Idaho Driver's License

BOISE— The Idaho Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is experiencing intermittent outages with driver’s knowledge testing stations. Idaho is one of several states impacted by an issue with the driver’s testing stations provided by a vendor.
In a statement provided to the DMV, the vendor’s representatives said, “We are taking immediate action to make architectural changes to alleviate the interruptions in service.”
Idaho uses touch-screen computer stations to give new drivers and new residents the written portion of the Idaho driver’s test, also called the knowledge test.
On May 29, 2024, the DMV created paper tests for when the testing stations go down so customers can keep their appointments and get their credentials. It is up to each driver’s license office to implement the paper tests.
“While paper tests may be old school, they are reliable. We’ll do whatever we can to provide continuity of service for our customers,” explained DMV Administrator Lisa McClellan.
In light of the intermittent outage, the DMV is also exploring options for online testing in the future.

Traffic changes expected for drivers on SH-200 in Kootenai after Fourth of July weekend


Starting after the Fourth of July weekend the signal on State Highway 200 at McGhee Road will be deactivated during working hours (6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday) with flaggers directing traffic between McGhee and Main Street as work begins on the south side of the roadway.

Traffic will be reduced to a single, alternating lane allowing a safe space for work as crews expand the width of the highway to accommodate a continuous center turn lane.

The traffic signal will be re-activated and in use during non-working hours which will allow for the normal flow of traffic overnight and on the weekends.

In mid-August, as the expansion operation continues to the east, temporary signals will take over to safely control the flow of traffic as work continues along the curve between Main Street and 1st Avenue.

While these temporary signals are in place the potential for traffic delays will increase as they will maintain the single, alternating lane configuration around the clock.

Until mid to late summer drivers should plan for delays up to 15 minutes and are urged to utilize the Idaho 511 system for traffic impact updates.

Patience and caution are appreciated as drivers navigate through the work zone for the safety of motorists and construction crews alike.