Choose the most appropriate answer to each question by clicking on the pull down menu and selecting your response. To better help you select the most appropriate answer, each question has link to a more thorough description of the questions, including factors to consider and supporting materials.
Reminder: NEPA has specific requirements regarding public involvement. Please refer to the NEPA section, page 11 of the ITD Guide to Public Involvement to determine if there are specific tools required for your project.
1. Select appropriate track
2. Answer questions and get your score
3. Check score for accuracy in Typical Project Descriptions
4. Save out your completed questions and answers .pdf
5. Review Budget Estimates and Staffing & Tools
6. Save appropriate POP Level Reference Guide
7. Begin and continually update POP Tracking Workbook
1. How will increased traffic noise negatively impact area residents and businesses after the project is completed?
4. What is the likelihood of permanent system changes to the road (such as a closure, new connections, access control changes, rerouting, etc.)?
5. What is the potential for impact to historical properties and bridges, historic districts, landmarks, a Main Street or downtown corridor?
6. What is the potential for negative impact to recognized places of distinction, such as conservation areas, public parks and recreation areas, scenic byways, wild and scenic rivers, and other similar areas of importance upon project completion?
9. What is the anticipated level of interest from government elected officials (Mayors, City Council, Governor's Office, Federal/State Representatives, County/Highway District Commissioners, MPO/TMA Boards) or influential appointed government officials (City Managers, Transportation Board)?
Knowing your recommended POP level, please proceed to the following pages to help you answer these questions:
The POP Level Typical Descriptions page describes typical impacts at each POP level to better help you determine the appropriate level of public outreach.
The Budget Estimates page provides cost estimates for third-party support and direct expenses at each POP level.
The Staffing and Tools page will help you determine what tools and techniques would be appropriate and effective for your POP level and the personnel to consider involving. Tools and techniques listed here are linked to their corresponding chapter in the ITD Guide to Public Involvement.