E 400 South Road Closed until late August

UPDATE: E 400 South Road in Jerome will continue to be closed until late August.

JEROME – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will close E 400 South Road under I-84. Closures will allow crews to begin work on the E 400 South Road bridges as they widen I-84 between the South Jerome (Exit 168) and Twin Falls (Exit 173) Interchanges.

Traffic will be detoured to Golf Course Road, E Frontage Road, E 300 S and S 200 E.

Intermittent closures of E 400 South Road will continue throughout the duration of the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls project. Construction is anticipated to be completed in late fall of 2025.

Details about the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls project are available at ITDProjects.org/84jerometotwin or by texting 84JTF to 1-866-483-8422.

Drivers should check 511.idaho.gov before traveling to plan for impacts from this project and other work zones.


Variable speed limit signs in place in the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls work zone to improve safety

JEROME – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has installed variable speed limit signs to improve safety as crews widen I-84 between the South Jerome and Twin Falls Interchanges. The new signs are controlled remotely, allowing ITD to lower speeds when crews are working near traffic.

The current posted speed limit in the work zone is 70 mph. When crews are working near traffic, ITD will lower the speed limit, and a flashing beacon will notify drivers that speed limits have been lowered. When crews are not as close to traffic, ITD will raise the speed limits to 70 mph.

Variable speeds have been successfully implemented in other work zones, including the one on I-84 between Caldwell and Nampa. Research shows that variable speed limits reduce crashes, reduce travel times, and improve safety.

The signs will be removed when construction is complete in late fall of 2025.

Details about the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls project are available at ITDProjects.org/84jerometotwin or by texting 84JTF to 1-866-483-8422.

Rolling Closures on I-84 from South Jerome to Twin Falls through mid-July

The Idaho Transportation Department is continuing work on I-84 between the South Jerome (Exit 168) and Twin Falls (Exit 173) Interchanges. Crews are blasting rock in the median of I-84 on weekday afternoons through mid-July.

What you need to know:

  • Rolling closures will occur on I-84 through mid-July.
  • Delays will range from 20-30 minutes.

A pilot car will slow motorists down several miles before the blast area to allow crews to blast rock and clean up debris.

Details about the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls project are available at ITDProjects.org/84jerometotwin or by texting 84JTF to 1-866-483-8422.