Open house Thursday, March 6, to share preliminary design plans to improve US-91

Drone photo of Siphon Road north of Chubbuck

The Idaho Transportation Department is hosting an open house on Thursday, March 6, to share information and gather community input about plans to improve U.S. Highway 91 between Siphon Road and Reservation Road to address increased growth.

The public is invited to view preliminary design plans in person from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Tyhee Elementary School at 12743 W. Tyhee Road in Chubbuck. Community members are encouraged to stop by to learn about the project and provide feedback. Project staff will be available to answer questions.

Preliminary design plans currently include:

  • Widening US-91 between Siphon Road and Tyhee Road to two lanes in each direction with a center turn lane between Siphon Road and Tyhee Road.
  • Resurfacing US-91 between Tyhee Road and Reservation Road.
  • Improving residential access in the project area.

Those who are unable to attend in person are invited to view identical project information online and comment from March 6 to March 20 at

“ITD recognizes how vital US-91 is to the Chubbuck area, and we want to be prepared as growth in the area continues,” Project Manager Bo Frasure said. “Input from the community will be essential as we move forward on this project.”

More information about the US-91 Siphon Road to Reservation Road project is available at

Public invited to view latest information on study to improve US-20 from Ashton to SH-87 JCT

Photograph of US-20 in Island Park

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will host two public meetings next week to share developments and seek public input for the preliminary environmental study of U.S. Highway 20 between Ashton and the State Highway 87 junction.

The purpose and need of the corridor study is to enhance highway safety and operations by decreasing crash severity, addressing traffic growth, improving access management and addressing regional freight movement.

Following a two-year process that included significant analysis and public involvement, including a stakeholder screening group, several improvement options are recommended to move forward and will be on display at the public meetings. The options included various four-lane highway alternatives being considered.

The option of adding more alternate passing lanes was determined by the stakeholder screening group to be least beneficial and will likely not be recommended to proceed because it does not meet the purpose and need requirements of improved safety and mobility. Future traffic data estimates indicate this option has excessive congestion and travel delays by 2050 and a concern by engineers that this inconsistent lanes design over 40 miles of mountain highway with more than 10,000 vehicles a day during peak season creates high risk crash zones at multiple traffic merge areas versus other options reviewed.

The study is a first step in efforts to reduce congestion, enhance safety, and improve mobility throughout the region. Public input is important to the process and ITD welcomes feedback on study alternatives. Recommendations from the study may be used or adopted into future National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) studies, which will also include community outreach and public engagement opportunities. Funding beyond the PEL study has not been identified.

ITD experts will be available to answer questions and discuss the alternatives and timeline of the study. The format and content will be the same at both meetings. The locations are:

Ashton Community Center and Library

925 Main Street
Ashton, ID 83420

August 21, 2024
5 – 7 p.m.

Island Park EMS Building
4378 County Circle
August 22, 2024
5 – 7 p.m.

For those who can’t attend in person, an online meeting will be available from August 22 – September 5 at

ITD to host open house on US-30 (Gould Street) in Pocatello

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) invites the public to an open house on Tuesday to comment on proposed improvements to make U.S. Highway 30 safer and address growing traffic in Pocatello.

Improvements are planned for US-30 between the intersections of Yellowstone Avenue and Oak Street and the Gould Street overpass and Garrett Way.

The open house will be from 5-7 p.m. at the Pocatello Streets Department Office at 2405 Garrett Way.

In 2018, ITD completed a study to analyze safety issues, traffic, geometrics, and community needs. Extensive traffic analyses, stakeholder meetings, and steering committee meetings were conducted as part of the study. The results of the study identified significant corridor improvements. In 2023, design began on the improvements, which address:

  • Intersection operation and safety at Yellowstone Ave, McKinley Ave, and Garrett Way.
  • An additional turn lane from Gould Street onto Garrett Way to improve signal operations and mobility through the corridor.
  • Accesses safety
  • Corridor-wide pedestrian facilities
  • Stormwater collection
  • Corridor-wide landscaping

Construction is scheduled for 2027.

“This is an important project for the traveling public in Pocatello,” Project Manager Kevin Sonico said. “These improvements will address the growth in the area and improve safety by addressing lane utilization issues and capacity issues in the corridor. People can stop by any time on Tuesday to learn more about the project and ask questions.”

For those who cannot attend the public meeting on May 7, ITD will post meeting displays on the project website at Comments will be received until June 5 and can be submitted at the meeting, online or by emailing

Public invited to provide input on intersection improvements to US-26/ 45TH Ave. & 55TH Ave.

Map for Public Meeting Intersection Improvements

The Idaho Transportation Department is hosting a public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 16, for the community to learn more, ask questions and provide input about two upcoming intersection improvement projects.

The public meeting will share preliminary design plans for the intersections at US-26/ 45th & 55th. The meeting will be open-house format for the community to drop in between 5 and 7 p.m. at Thunder Ridge High School in the Lecture Hall at 4941 1st Street in Idaho Falls. Information about the process, goals, benefits, and timelines for the improvements will be provided. No formal presentation will be given; however, the project team will be available to answer questions.

A self-guided virtual meeting, with the same information as the in-person experience, will also be available at the project website starting Nov. 16. The feedback survey to provide formal comment during this time is also available on the project website. It will be open through Nov. 30.

“Due to traffic increase and a rise in severe accidents, this area needs to be addressed. It is a main artery route for commuters from the east side of the state to the Idaho Falls center and access to I-15,” Project Manager Rachel Telford said. “We want this public meeting to be an opportunity for the community to be a part of helping us create safe solutions for the future.”

Join the project team at the public meeting or visit the website at  to view the virtual meeting, complete the survey online, and sign up for updates.

Online open house available now for plans to repave I-15 in Blackfoot

BLACKFOOT – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is hosting an online open house starting today, Nov. 1, through Nov. 14 to share design plans and gather input for a repaving project on Interstate 15 from the South Blackfoot Interchange (Exit 89) to the U.S. Highway 26/Blackfoot Interchange (Exit 93).

Community members can join the online meeting at

While ITD is also developing plans to widen I-15 to three lanes in each direction between Pocatello and Idaho Falls, the pavement has deteriorated and needs repair. Repaving this portion of I-15 in 2025 will enhance safety and extend the life of the roadway until funding is available to widen it.

Project plans are being designed based on technical data, an environmental evaluation and input from the community. This will be the only meeting that ITD will host to discuss this project. Additional meetings will be scheduled in the future for the widening project.

Those who are interested in learning more are welcome to visit the project website at, email or call 208-252-5553.

ITD to host open house to solicit feedback on 2026 US-91 widening

intersection of US 91 & Siphon Road

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will hold an open house on Thursday, Nov. 2 from 4 to 7 p.m. to present preliminary plans for improvements along U.S. Highway 91 (Yellowstone Highway) between Park Lawn Drive and Siphon Road.

“This is an important project for the Chubbuck area,” Project Manager Kevin Sonico said. “These improvements will address the traffic growth in the area and make it safer for both drivers and pedestrians. We encourage everyone to stop by Chubbuck City Hall any time from 4 to7 p.m. on Thursday to learn more about the project. We’ll be ready to answer questions and collect comments.”

Plans include widening US-91 from three lanes to five lanes from Park Lawn Drive to Siphon Road. The project will also install a new signal and pedestrian facilities at the Siphon Road intersection. Lighting, curb, gutter, sidewalks and a shared-use path along the east side of US-91 will be constructed. In addition, the Chester Drain will be piped.

For those who cannot attend the public meeting on November 2, ITD will post meeting displays the following day on the project website for review through Nov. 16. If you have questions about the project, or would like to submit feedback, you can contact the project’s public involvement manager, Andrea Gumm, at or 208-870-8751.

ITD to hold open house about Interstate 15 widening project between the Northgate Interchange and Fort Hall


POCATELLO – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is hosting an open house on June 29 to share information and gather public input about improvements being developed for Interstate 15 (I-15) between the Northgate Interchange (Exit 73) and the Fort Hall Interchange (Exit 80).

“The interstate is in need of improvement as traffic volumes continue to increase in southeast Idaho,” said ITD District 5 Engineering Manager, Eric Staats. “ITD has determined that additional lanes are needed to enhance safety and to meet continued growth and travel demands.”

The I-15 Northgate to Fort Hall Project is part of a multi-year planning process to improve I-15 between Pocatello and Idaho Falls.

“This project between the Northgate Interchange and the Fort Hall Interchange is the first step toward widening I-15 between Pocatello and Idaho Falls,” said Staats. “We would like to get the public’s input on the designs that have been developed for the Northgate to Fort Hall segment.”

The public is invited to stop by the open house anytime between 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 29, at the Shoshone-Bannock Convention Center, Chief Targhee Room (777 Bannock Road) in Fort Hall. Project staff will be available to discuss the project and proposed design plans.

The same information will also be available online between June 29 – July 14. Participants are invited to review materials and submit comments online. For more information, please visit the project website at

Elements of this project are being funded with Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation (TECM) funds as part of the Leading Idaho Program. The program allows ITD to accelerate project timelines to address rapid growth and build critical infrastructure today that would otherwise take many years to fund and build.

American Falls drop-in meeting scheduled March 7 for Intersection of Pocatello Avenue and SH-39


AMERICAN FALLS – The Idaho Transportation Department will host an informal drop-in meeting for the planned improvement of the Intersection of Pocatello Avenue and SH-39. Project staff will be on hand to answer questions on March 7 from 4:30-6:30 at the American Falls District Library, 308 Roosevelt Street.

ITD is planning to improve safety, traffic flow, and mobility at the intersection with a Continuous Green T design. The Green T will allow continuous movements everywhere except at the stop sign in the northbound lane of Pocatello Avenue.

While ITD initially considered a roundabout at the intersection, further review and community input resulted in a design change to a Green T which lessens the turning movements for most of the trucking traffic on SH-39. The design also makes it easier for large farm equipment to navigate the intersection.

The federally funded $3.25 million project is planned for 2025. During construction some lane closures will occur.

View selected design plans for I-84 Interchanges at Burley and Heyburn

Public meeting

Shoshone – As part of Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho Program, the public is invited to learn more about selected design plans for Interstate 84 (I-84) Burley and Heyburn Interchanges (Exits 208 and 211).

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will host a public and online meeting to share plans and gather feedback about interchange improvements.

Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Time: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Burley Hampton Inn
560 Hampton Drive, Heyburn, ID

The public meeting will be hosted in an open house format with members of the project team on hand to gather input and answer questions.

If you are unable to attend the in-person meeting, please participate online where you can review plans and leave a comment 24 hours a day beginning March 2 until March 15, 2023.

To learn more about the project, please visit For additional information or questions, please call (208) 387-7012 or email

Information will also be available about other projects in the area, including the SH-27 Burley to Paul rehabilitation project and the I-84 Kasota to Burley reconstruction project.

The interchange redesign project is being funded as part of Idaho Governor Brad Little’s “Leading Idaho” transportation funding initiative. The Leading Idaho initiative allows ITD to take a deliberate approach to advance large projects that will enhance safety, improve mobility, further strengthen Idaho’s economy, and positively impact the Mini-Cassia region and communities across the state for years to come.

ITD is taking another look at potential alternatives for US-20; invites public to give feedback

RIGBY – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) invites the public to participate in in-person or online meetings in early December for the US-20 corridor between Ashton and SH-87 junction. Meetings are scheduled for the following evenings:

Monday, Dec. 5
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Ashton Community
Center and Library
925 Main Street Ashton, ID 83420

Tuesday, Dec. 6
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Island Park EMS Building
4378 County Circle
Island Park, ID 83429

For those who can’t attend in person, an online meeting will be available between Dec. 6-23 at

ITD is taking a second look at alternating passing lanes and other potential roadway improvements as part of the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study initiated in late 2021.

The format of the meetings will be an open house and will include computer stations featuring project mapping. Please plan to attend one of two public meetings anytime from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Both in-person as well as the online meeting will all share the same information, and no formal presentation will be given.

Comments on the project are always welcome but can be best utilized if received by Dec. 23, 2022.