RIGBY -The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will host a public scoping meeting for the I-15/US-20 Connector project on October 18, 2022.
ITD is initiating an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for the I-15/US-20 Connector project. The EIS will analyze three alternatives (E3, H2 and the no-build) from the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study.
This meeting is an opportunity for the public to review the outcomes of the PEL study and provide comments as the project moves into the next phase. Public input will be an important part of choosing the final project that best fits the community’s needs.
The meeting will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Snake River Event Center in Idaho Falls. Presentations are scheduled for every half hour beginning at 4 p.m., followed by a guided tour and an open house. ITD is asking participants to please consider a later presentation slot to avoid crowds at the start of the meeting.
For those unable to attend in person, an online meeting will be available at http://i15us20connector.com from October 11 through October 25, 2022. Please submit comments by October 26, 2022.
For questions or to learn more, please call 208.813.0027 or visit http://i15us20connector.com
ASHTON – Beginning July 6 the Idaho Transportation Department will commence work on two projects at Ashton. The first project, at the intersection of US-20 and SH-47 in Ashton, will consist of extensive work to improve safety and traffic flow. The second project will be a pavement overlay along SH-47 beginning near North Fremont High School and continuing to Bear Gulch.
The US-20 / SH-47 intersection project will consist of a stoplight, new curb and sidewalks, storm sewer work, and pavement. Work is scheduled to be completed in October. Traffic patterns will change periodically to allow for construction.
A public meeting will be held on Wednesday June 29, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at the Ashton City hall for those that wish to discuss construction plans at the intersection and express concerns.
The paving project on SH-47 east of Ashton will last for approximately 15 days. Crews will be microsurfacing the roadway to improve and protect the road surface. During work there will be single lane closures and pilot cars to control traffic flow.
Motorists are asked to watch for workers and equipment, follow all traffic signs and flaggers, and reduce speeds to posted limits. Traffic control and safety devices will be changing often to accommodate construction activities.
Citizens with questions regarding the US-20 / SH-47 intersection can contact HK Contractors at (208) 523-6600.
Those with questions regarding the SH-47 microsurfacing project can call the Idaho Transportation Department District 6 office at (208) 745-7781.
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is hosting a public meeting to present final design plans for the reconstruction of the Interstate 84 South Jerome Interchange (Exit 168). The meeting will be held in open house format on December 9 and will feature displays illustrating the new design.
The public is invited to attend anytime between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Jerome City Council Chambers located at 100 East Avenue A in Jerome. Members of the project team will be on-hand to answer questions and accept comments during this time.
For individuals who are not able to attend the open house in person, a self-guided online meeting option will be available between December 9 and December 30 at itdprojects.org/projects/i-84-south-jerome-interchange.
Originally built in 1966, the current interchange has reached its life expectancy and is in need of replacement. ITD has been working with stakeholders and engaging the public since 2017 to develop a design that will meet the needs of the community and accommodate future growth in the area.
Construction on the interchange is scheduled to begin in Fall 2023.
If individuals have questions or comments about the project and are unable to attend the in-person or self-guided online meetings, contact ITD Project Manager Nathan Jerke at (208) 886-7809 or nathan.jerke@itd.idaho.gov.
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will host a public open house for the US-93, 300 South Rd. project Thursday, June 6 at the Idaho Fish and Game, Magic Valley Regional Office, at 324 South 417 East in Jerome.
ITD plans to expand the existing two-lane highway to four lanes with a center median and turn bays. The public is invited to review the proposed improvements and discuss details with the project team. The meeting will be held in an open house format; meaning the public can drop by anytime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
The US-93, 300 South Rd. is the fourth and final segment of overall corridor improvements developed as part of the US-93, I-84 to SH-25 Jerome County Environmental Assessment (EA). The Federal Highway Administration issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), approving the EA in 2007.
If you cannot attend the public meeting on June 6, but would like more information or to comment on the project, please send an email to the ITD Project Manager, Nathan Jerke, at nathan.jerke@itd.idaho.gov by June 20, 2019.