Community invited to learn about new studies on US-95 and SH-8 in Latah County

The Idaho Transportation Department will host a series of public meetings this month about two new planning environmental linkages studies on U.S. Highway 95 and State Highway 8. The purpose of these studies is to determine purposeful investments in the transportation network to improve safety and mobility and serve the communities and regional economic needs on US-95 between Snow Road and the Latah/Benewah County line, and on SH-8 between the Washington state line and Troy. Community members are invited to meet with the study team, review and comment on the draft Purpose and Need Statements, and provide suggestions for potential improvements.
The meetings will take place:
- Tuesday, April 9 from 4:30 – 7 p.m.
- Potlatch Jr.-Sr. High School, Multipurpose Room (130 6th St., Potlatch ID)
- Wednesday, April 10 from 4:30 – 7 p.m.
- Best Western Plus University Inn (1516 West Pullman Rd, Moscow ID)
- Thursday, April 11 from 4:30 – 7 p.m.
- Troy Elementary School, Gymnasium (103 Trojan Dr., Troy ID)
- Online, from April 9 – 23
- Please visit
“Community input is a fundamental part of this early process,” said ITD Project Engineer Janet Zarate. “This is just the first of many opportunities that will be available to the community to participate and provide feedback on these projects.”
ITD will use community input to help identify and develop potential improvements and alternatives for the study areas. ITD will host another series of public meetings to share those ideas in early 2025.
More information about the studies is available at