Although the third week in June is recognized as Idaho Pollinator Week, the essential partnership between birds, bugs and birds and agriculture and government agencies is celebrated year-round. ITD continually promotes awareness of pollinators and pollinator habitats.
Taking a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations, Pollinator Week has now grown into an international celebration of the valuable services to our ecosystem provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats, and beetles.
Pollinator species such as birds and insects are increasingly recognized as essential partners of farmers and ranchers in producing much of our food supply. Because Idaho is so agriculturally dependent, that partnership is especially important in the Gem State.
ITD is involved in several activities that promote pollinators/pollinator habitats, most notably the Operation Wildflower Program, where districts distribute native forbs to volunteer groups to seed along selected roadsides, rights of way, or slopes.