Here are some tips for your pre-clearance devices that may help you legally bypass the port.
Using your license plate for pre-clearance
Idaho weigh-in-motion stations are equipped with License Plate Readers (LPR) that read a vehicles plate number to then determine compliance based on all credentials and safety data that is linked to that plate number. This technology allows Commercial vehicles to be screened without the need of a transponder.
The information listed below will help ensure that your license plate is read correctly when going through one of the locations.
- Mount the plate in accordance of Idaho statue 49-428:
- Every license plate shall at all times be securely fastened to the vehicle to which it is assigned to prevent the plate from swinging, be at a height not less than twelve (12) inches from the ground, measuring from the bottom of the plate, be in a place and position to be clearly visible, and shall be maintained free from foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible, and all registration stickers shall be securely attached to the license plates and shall be displayed as provided in section 49-443(4), Idaho Code.
- Ensure front-end safety equipment and license plate holders are not obscuring your license plate.
- Bent and or distorted plates should be straightened out or replaced.

Using your transponder for pre-clearance
Your transponder should be placed in the top, center of your windshield where a rear-view mirror would be in a car, below any metal visors that could block the signal.
If you update your registration or any other vehicle information, you need to contact your transponder provider to keep your information up to date.
- Washington administers the transponder program and database. Contact the Washington Service Center at (888) 877-8567 or visit the Washington DOT website.
If you are still having trouble gaining pre-clearance with your transponder, come into the port office to have one of our inspectors run a report to find out exactly WHY you are being pulled in.