SH-53 construction starts Monday in Rathdrum

Heavy traffic on SH-53

Construction will begin Monday on State Highway 53 in Rathdrum to add a center turn lane in city limits. Once complete in 2024, the center turn lane will keep through traffic moving while providing other drivers a safe area to wait while trying to turn.

All lanes will remain open during construction, but the speed limit will be reduced to 25 mph. Drivers can expect minimal impacts during this first year of construction as crews replace a culvert for Rathdrum Creek and build ditches to help with drainage. Widening to add a center turn lane won’t start until next year.

“Although this project won’t be as impactful out of the gate, drivers should still plan extra time as there are several other work zones on SH-53,” Project Manager Steven Bakker said.

Commuters on SH-53 will continue to encounter reduced speeds in other work zones near Rathdrum, including widening efforts to the west near Hauser and intersection improvements at Ramsey Road to the east.

Travelers are reminded to check to stay up to date on construction delays.