ITD and AGC announce Excellence in Construction Partnering Award winners

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) and the Idaho Associated General Contractors (AGC) announced the winners of the Excellence in Construction Partnering Awards at the ITD monthly board meeting Thursday, Dec. 17.
The Excellence in Construction Partnering Awards recognize outstanding partnering efforts between ITD employees and the contractor community. Good construction project partnering results in the delivery of quality projects, on time and within budget, which benefits Idaho travelers and taxpayers overall.
The inaugural awards competition was announced in October as a joint collaboration between ITD Chief Operations Officer Dan McElhinney and Wayne Hammon, CEO of the Idaho Associated General Contractors. Applicants were encouraged to submit for construction contracts underway today and those built within the last three years.
The applications were reviewed by a judging panel of state and local partners and evaluated on criteria related to how well the project:
- Resolved conflict
- Improved communication on the project with all audiences
- Utilized innovative solutions
- Incorporated team building activities
- Honored stakeholders
- Achieved a common goal
The winners, announced at the ITD monthly board meeting this December, were recognized for earning gold, silver, bronze and honorable mention awards.

One project was unanimously selected as the ‘Top Gold’ award winner, for its outstanding partnering efforts and uniquely difficult circumstance—the rockslide removal and rock blasting project on US-95 following a rockslide near Riggins in July 2020.
Below is a comprehensive list of the 2020 Excellence in Construction Partnering Award winners:
Top Gold Award: Scarsella Bros. Inc. & ITD District 2
US-95 Rockslide Removal and Rock Blasting Project
Gold Award: N.A. Degerstrom Inc. & ITD District 1
I-90 Pennsylvania Ave Overpass Bridge Replacement Project
Gold Award: Cannon Builders & ITD District 5
I-15 Northgate Interchange Project
Gold Award: Bros. Inc. & ITD District 1
Junction SH-53 Interchange UPRR Bridge Project
Gold Award: Westing Construction Inc. & ITD District 4
Raft River Bridge Eastbound and Westbound Lanes Project
Gold Award: West Construction Inc. & Local Highway Technical Assistance Council
Old Highway 37 The Narrows Project
Silver Award: Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. & District 2
Webb Road to Aspen Lane Pavement Project
Silver Award: Idaho Materials & Construction & ITD District 4
US-93 200 South Road 4-Lane Widening Project
Silver Award: Knife River Corporation & ITD District 4
US-20 Willow Creek and Rock Creek New Bridges Project
Silver Award: Idaho Materials & Construction & ITD District 3 & Costco
US-20/26 Costco Public Road Improvements Project
Silver Award: Knife River Corporation & ITD District 3
I-84 Blacks Creek Road Interchange Reconstruction Project
Bronze Award: Central Paving Company Inc. & District 3
US-95 Elephant Butte Swelling Clays Highway Reconstruction Project
Bronze Award: Wadsworth Construction & ITD District 3
SH-55 Snake River Bridge Replacement Project
Honorable Mention: Western Construction Inc. & ITD District 4
I-84 Jerome Interchange to Twin Falls Interchange Project
Honorable Mention: Concrete Placing Company Inc. & ITD District 3
I-84 Northside Blvd to Franklin Blvd Project
Honorable Mention: DePatco Inc. & ITD District 6
US-20 Ashton Hill Bridge to Dumpground Road Project
Honorable Mention: Mountain West Electric Inc. & ITD District 6
D8 Signals Project
The goal of the awards is to increase awareness about partnering efforts by recognizing team solutions, sharing lessons learned, and highlighting best practices for infrastructure projects of all types and sizes.
“Construction partnering on projects is just good business,” McElhinney said. “ITD and the AGC value project partnering to help complete transportation projects across Idaho in a timely, professional, and responsive manner.”
2020 Excellence in Construction Partnering Award Winning Entries