The Unhailed, Underappreciated Emergency Responders

SH-33 with road blockades and a pickup truck following an accident

People see the Idaho Transportation Department logo and seem to have an automatic response, for better or worse. They’re the ones causing construction delays, needing to get the snow off the road already, or taking too long whatever they’re doing. They don’t do anything right and never will. Their flashing orange lights could just as easily be the mailman.

It’s not likely that you think of ITD as being the ones to first call 911, the ones to keep you from freezing or assess injury at the side of the road. They’re not your emergency responders. But then again, yes, they are.

All across Idaho, there is no one that travels the over 12,000 lane miles of highways and interstates more continually than the men and women behind the blue and orange ITD logo. The likelihood that they’ll be there when a crash or emergency occurs is higher than anyone else. The police and ambulance have to be called in. ITD is already there.

When two crop duster planes collided and crashed alongside US-26 near Arco, an ITD striping crew was there, becoming the first to assess the pilots. When a motorcycle crash occurred on Interstate 15 near Dubois, part of the ITD maintenance crew was there, already working the roads they consider their own. The story is similar in the case of many incidents across Idaho over the years.

“We spend so much time on the road, that nine times out of ten, we’re the first on scene when anything happens,” Idaho Falls area foreman Jared Loosli said. “And we’re not just going to pass by and leave.”

In the instance of a recent multi-fatality crash near the I-15/ US-20 interchange, Loosli and his crew were called in immediately to assist the Idaho State Police. Most people don’t realize that when state troopers get called out, ITD is almost always called out too.

“We have great foremen for ITD here in Idaho,” ISP Lieutenant Marvin Crane said. “We have personal relationships with them, and they never say they can’t do something. They’re always asking, ‘What do you need?’ and getting things done within minutes.”

“It does affect you,” Loosli stated, also noting that the worst incident he’s ever been a part of happened to one of his own guys.

“The first thing I’m thinking about is my crew,” Ashton/ Island Park foreman Ryan Wright added. “At that point, there are no traffic devices, there’s not time and it’s not the priority. It’s just our guy in the middle of everything trying to help.”

Very recently, Driggs/ St. Anthony Foreman Lucas Richins witnessed what all ITD foremen prioritize and fear the most. An ITD maintenance worker was hit after a distracted driver ran through a roadblock while powerline repair work was being done on SH-33.

So not only are ITD employees unhailed first responders, they’re also the underappreciated workers putting their lives on the line every day. Earlier this year, three of Loosli’s crew were removing hazards from I-15 when a semi grazed the side of their vehicle, damaging the rear end and taking off the driver’s side mirror. A mere two inches would’ve changed the outcome of that incident entirely.

What is it that keeps the guys in yellow working in these risky situations and responding to emergencies, knowing full well that public opinion is often negative and even rude?

“These are small communities,” Mackay/ Challis foreman Jeremy Johnson noted. “When we go out on a call, it could very well be our own friends and families. We’re thinking of keeping them safe in everything we do.”

“When I’m doing something myself, I can see the progress and know that I’m making things safer for everyone,” Wright shared. “I actually love to go out plowing. I love what I do.”

“It’s really a mentality,” Loosli says. “You either have it or you don’t honestly. People complain because they drive by and see four guys standing around. But we know why, we see the bigger picture and the process. The 30 seconds people see isn’t the story of the whole 10-hour day at all.”

“On instinct, I’m thinking about what I could have done, how could this have been prevented?” Richins said. “But then the biggest thought becomes frustration. We’re here trying to help and to serve. When we close a road, the whole point is to keep people safe. Driver awareness is so negligent that it really is frustrating. It’s dangerous.”

Adding to the dangerous nature of the job is the reality that the ITD fleet are not considered emergency vehicles, and ITD signage is too often not respected. Multiple layers of striped road blockades or orange traffic barrels somehow don’t always keep people out.

“We don’t enjoy closing a road or causing delays,” Richins emphasized. “We do it and we have to because it is the safest way. People need to be patient and have respect.”

“I don’t need to be liked,” Wright added. “I’m still here to do a job and to protect people.”

So maybe the next time you barely notice the flashing orange lights of an ITD vehicle alongside the road, want to scream in standstill construction traffic or at being stuck behind a plow, you’ll slow down and think too that those folks in bright yellow are also the ones who will be there before anyone else can. They could be the difference between freezing after sliding off the road or staying warm until the tow truck gets there. They could be the one to help make sure that your own family and friends across our tight-knit Idaho communities are given emergency support in time to matter.

It’s even highly likely that they will be.

Closure of SH-38 railroad crossings near Malad starts Sept. 19

Three railroad crossings on State Highway 38 near Malad will close for repairs for up to three weeks starting Sept. 19, with some work beginning next week. Detours will be posted and message boards will be in place to alert the public to the coming road closure.

Preliminary work at the crossings will consist of delivery of materials and prebuilding new rail track panels outside the roadway and will not cause full closures.

Crews will replace the concrete pads and rails to make the crossings smoother. New drains will also be installed to address ponding issues.

Traffic impacts from this project and others are always available at


System Interchange weekend ramp closure begins tomorrow

Map showing System Interchange detour through Northgate

Beginning tomorrow at noon the eastbound Interstate 86 to southbound Interstate 15 ramp will be closed while crews construct a temporary road to the new eastbound to southbound ramp. Eastbound traffic on I-86 looking to travel south on I-15 will be detoured north through the Northgate Interchange (Exit 73). The closed ramp will reopen late Sunday.

This work will allow the eastbound lanes to be adjusted to the grade of the new ramp. Doing the work this weekend will limit traffic impacts during the peak Labor Day weekend.

Originally built in the 1960s, the I-86 and I-15 System Interchange is undergoing $112 million of redesign work to improve safety and replace aging infrastructure. The project is scheduled to be completed next summer.

Motorists should carefully follow signs and posted speed limits while traveling through the construction area. With crews working day and night at the System Interchange it is especially important that drivers be alert and proceed safely through the work area.

Motorists are encouraged to use or the 511 app to keep track of project detours. Project details are available here on ITD’s projects website —

Multiyear construction begins next week to widen I-15 between the Northgate and Fort Hall interchanges

Photograph of I-15 and the Northgate Interchange

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is beginning construction to widen Interstate 15 (I-15) to three lanes in each direction between the Northgate and Fort Hall interchanges to accommodate projected increases in traffic volumes. This Leading Idaho multi-year project includes widening I-15, constructing a median barrier to separate opposing lanes of traffic and reconstructing bridge structures, including overpasses and underpasses, to accommodate the additional lanes.

Motorists can expect to see traffic control devices in the project area as early as Monday morning. Work has been phased to maintain two lanes of traffic in each direction during the day for most of the project. However, motorists should be aware some nighttime work will require single-lane closures.

This fall, crews will shift traffic to create the space they need to build a median wall, reconstruct structures, and demolish and reconstruct the existing northbound lanes of the interstate.

During construction, motorists should expect:

  • Nighttime work begins the week of August 19 and will continue for the first couple weeks of construction. Work will occur from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Nighttime single-lane closures may happen occasionally after this period.
  • Daytime work is expected to begin early this fall and will occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Lane restrictions will occur on I-15. Most work requiring lane restrictions is anticipated to occur at night.
  • Ramp adjustments will occur at the Fort Hall Interchange (Exit 80) to match the grade of the new mainline.
  • Variable speed limit signs will be installed in the project area, allowing ITD to lower speeds when crews are working near traffic.

Construction is anticipated to be completed in 2027. The project will increase capacity and improve safety on I-15 to serve East Idaho’s growing transportation volumes for years to come.

Due to the large project area, the widening of this stretch of I-15 has been divided into two projects with separate contractors. These contractors will work simultaneously to complete the projects. Western Construction, Inc. and Sundt Construction are the contractors for the north and south project areas, respectively.

Construction is being funded as part of Idaho Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho transportation funding initiative. The Leading Idaho initiative allows ITD to take a deliberate approach to advance large projects that will enhance safety, improve mobility, further strengthen Idaho’s economy, and positively impact communities across the state for years to come.

To sign up for project updates:

Traffic patterns change at System Interchange

aerial view of I-86/I-15 system interchange

Beginning this morning, traffic patterns are changing at the System Interchange in Pocatello. Traffic using the southbound entrance ramp from Northgate can now merge with the new southbound alignment and will no longer be detoured through the Interstate 86 Chubbuck Exit before returning to Interstate 15.

In addition, southbound I-15 traffic wishing to travel west on I-86 will now drive over the new Chubbuck bridge before exiting to the right.

Motorists are encouraged to keep up-to-date via or the 511 app to keep track of project detours. Project details are available here on ITD’s projects website —

ITD asks motorists to consider alternate routes at Blackfoot

Aerial view of Blackfoot Exit 89 Interchange.

With construction ramping up along Interstate 15 the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is asking motorists to drive defensively and take alternate routes when possible. Work occurring at the south Blackfoot exit (Exit 89) and north of Exit 93 has resulted in increased congestion along the corridor.

“We recommend Blackfoot residents take an alternate route such as U.S. Highway 91 to an exit north of the Rose area,” Engineer Kevin Sonico said. Doing so not only decreases the number of vehicles on I-15, but also allows motorists to avoid driving through the construction zone north of Blackfoot.

The repaving project north of Blackfoot will improve safety and drivers’ experience with a smooth new surface. During construction traffic is shifted to the southbound lanes through a crossover. Drivers should expect reduced speeds through the construction zone. The project is expected to take about seven weeks to complete.

Work at Exit 89 consists of rehabilitating the bridge surface by repairing joints and potholes. This will extend the life of the bridge. “Our goal is to have this done by September 1,” said Engineer Zak Johnson. “We really want to have everything done before the start of the fair.”

Johnson also recommends drivers take US-91 as an alternate route whenever possible.

Motorists are encouraged to stay updated on project detours and traffic impacts at or on the 511 app.

Work begins to resurface I-15 north of Blackfoot

A photo of I-15 with a semi and car.

On Monday the Idaho Transportation Department will begin work to repave the northbound lanes of Interstate 15 from the West Blackfoot Interchange Exit 93 to Riverside Canal near the Rose Road Interchange Exit 98. This project will improve safety and the drivers’ experience with a smooth new surface.

During construction traffic will be shifted to the southbound lanes through a crossover. Drivers should expect reduced speeds through the construction zone. The project is expected to take 50 days to complete.

Throughout the course of the project, crews will be milling down the base layer of the highway to fully reconstruct the road base and driving surface. Work includes pulverizing the existing asphalt, excavating and placing new material as a base, and then paving over the top of the new base.

Travelers are encouraged to use the Idaho 511 system for updated traffic impacts through the construction season.

Nighttime detour planned for I-15/I-86 System Interchange this week

POCATELLO – Beginning tonight and continuing through Wednesday morning, nighttime closures will be in place for a section of Interstate 15 and Interstate 86 at the System Interchange allowing crews to safely place girders for one of the new bridges.

The I-86 eastbound to I-15 northbound ramp will be closed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday and Tuesday nights. Drivers looking to head north on I-15 from I-86 will be detoured through the Pocatello Creek Interchange.

Ongoing construction at the System Interchange will improve safety and mobility while replacing bridges built in the 1960s. Work is expected to be complete in 2025.

Motorists should exercise caution while travelling through the construction zone. Those wishing to receive email updates about the System Interchange project can sign up at

Drivers can also use the 511 app for the latest traffic conditions on all state roadways.

Improvements start late May on SH-33 near Victor

Simple map of where a passing and center turn lane will be constructed on SH-33.

Starting in late May the Idaho Transportation Department will widen State Highway 33 near Victor to include a passing lane, center turn lane, and right turn lanes. Construction is anticipated to start on May 20.

Motorists can plan on one lane remaining open throughout construction, which is expected to last until early to mid-September. Fifteen-minute wait times between milepost 151 and 153 may occur as flaggers direct traffic. Cones will be moved out of the way of traffic each night, and all lanes will be open.

A new passing lane for eastbound traffic between milepost 151 and 152 will improve the flow of traffic on SH-33 before motorists begin to traverse Teton Pass. A center turn lane will continue after the passing lane to make it easier for drivers to access area subdivisions and Trail Creek Community Pond. Baseline Road will also be realigned to improve visibility at the intersection of SH-33.

Old cattle underpasses that are no longer used exist in three different areas along SH-33 where this work will be done. This means crews need to remove old cement structures, excavate the ground down eight feet and then rebuild one foot at a time to ensure road integrity. Motorists will note additional time spent on those sections of work, with crews present in those areas for longer and flaggers remaining overnight.

This project is made possible through a grant obtained by Teton County of Wyoming in partnership with ITD, Teton County of Idaho, the town of Jackson, the city of Driggs and others. Information about additional planned improvements through the grant can be found at

Stay up to date on the status of this project and others by visiting, calling 5-1-1 or downloading the app.

Construction at System Interchange halfway complete

Map showing new bridge locations.

The historic rebuild of the System Interchange in Pocatello is nearing the halfway point, and motorists will continue to see progress in the coming year.

Major milestones for the upcoming season include building five new bridges and demolishing one bridge. Bridges will be constructed to carry southbound traffic on Interstate 15, traffic over Chubbuck Road and traffic heading east on Interstate 86 to access northbound I-15.

As crews come back from the holidays, next up for the project will be drilling concrete shafts for the foundations of the new southbound bridges on I-15. Each shaft will be 8 feet in diameter and drilled up to 60 feet deep to support the weight of I-15 passing overhead. Motorists will also notice construction of retaining walls for the new ramp from I-86 eastbound to I-15 northbound.

This winter crews will be in multiple locations throughout the worksite. Motorists are reminded to follow posted speed limits and watch for work vehicles entering and leaving the interstate at any time day or night.

Originally built in the 1960s, the interchange is undergoing a $112 million redesign to improve safety and replace aging infrastructure. These safety improvements include:

  • Redesigning ramps to have drivers trying to head northbound on I-15 from I-86 merge from the right, rather than the left.
  • Traffic from Pocatello Creek Road will no longer have to cross three lanes to head to Chubbuck. Instead drivers will travel under the northbound and southbound lanes of I-15.
  • Chubbuck Road will be transformed from an overpass into underpass. This means oversized vehicles will no longer have to detour off the interstate. Those who walk and bike will also be better able to travel from Chubbuck to the Portneuf Wellness Complex on the east side of the interstate.

Construction is slated for completion in 2025. Those wishing to learn more about the project can visit the website at