JEROME – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has installed variable speed limit signs to improve safety as crews widen I-84 between the South Jerome and Twin Falls Interchanges. The new signs are controlled remotely, allowing ITD to lower speeds when crews are working near traffic.
The current posted speed limit in the work zone is 70 mph. When crews are working near traffic, ITD will lower the speed limit, and a flashing beacon will notify drivers that speed limits have been lowered. When crews are not as close to traffic, ITD will raise the speed limits to 70 mph.
Variable speeds have been successfully implemented in other work zones, including the one on I-84 between Caldwell and Nampa. Research shows that variable speed limits reduce crashes, reduce travel times, and improve safety.
The signs will be removed when construction is complete in late fall of 2025.
Details about the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls project are available at or by texting 84JTF to 1-866-483-8422.
KASOTA – The I-84 Kasota interchange westbound ramp will be closed starting July 23 at 9 p.m. to July 28 at 6 p.m. for construction. Motorists can expect reduced speeds and are encouraged to find alternate routes.
Due to the proximity of construction equipment to the westbound off-ramp, crews will need to temporarily close the ramp while performing concrete paving operations for safety reasons.
Travelers are reminded to check for impacts to traffic from construction.
HAILEY – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will begin chip sealing Main St. in Hailey starting July 25 and expect to complete work in four weeks. Construction will start at milepost 115.6 Fox Acres Rd and end at milepost 117.3 McKercher Blvd. Chips placed during sealcoats have the potential to cause windshield damage, so drivers are cautioned to drive slow on loose chips and pay attention to flaggers and no-passing zones throughout the work area.
Chip sealing involves applying a thin film of heated asphalt liquid that is sprayed on a road surface, followed by placing small aggregate chips on top, and then compacted to adhere to the asphalt. The cost benefits of chip sealing help to extend the life of the pavement for many years.
Download image of Hailey Main St. at http://
Drivers should check before traveling to plan for impacts from this project and other work zones.
The Idaho Transportation Department is continuing work on I-84 between the South Jerome (Exit 168) and Twin Falls (Exit 173) Interchanges. Crews are blasting rock in the median of I-84 on weekday afternoons through mid-July.
What you need to know:
- Rolling closures will occur on I-84 through mid-July.
- Delays will range from 20-30 minutes.
A pilot car will slow motorists down several miles before the blast area to allow crews to blast rock and clean up debris.
Details about the I-84 South Jerome to Twin Falls project are available at or by texting 84JTF to 1-866-483-8422.
SHOSHONE – UPDATE – Commuter motorists will be detoured in-town around the Shoshone railroad construction zone while trucks will be detoured onto to highways.
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) asks drivers in the Shoshone area to plan ahead, as a section of U.S. Route 26 at milepost 165.93 will be closed for railroad repair May 16-18.
The crossing will be closed to motorists starting on Tuesday, May 16 at 6 a.m. and will reopen when work is complete by approximately 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 18. To receive the most current traffic updates, call 511 or sign up at
Union Pacific Railroad Company will conduct repairs to address the aging infrastructure and includes removing old steel tracks and replacing with new steel tracks, concrete slabs, and asphalt.
Commuter motorists will be detoured in-town around the Shoshone railroad construction zone. All commercial trucks traveling northbound on U.S. Route 93 wishing to proceed toward Shoshone will be detoured west on U.S. Route 26. Those traveling southbound on State Highway 75 wishing to proceed toward Shoshone will be detoured west on U.S. Route 20. The closure and detour will remain for approximately three days until the railroad crossing repairs are completed.
ITD, Idaho State Police, and local law enforcement caution motorists to slow down and pay attention when driving in work zones, where increased speeding fines and other penalties apply. Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and dial 5-1-1 or visit for information on the state highway or interstate system.
SHOSHONE – A Union Pacific Railroad company crew is working to reopen a railroad crossing in Shoshone that is temporarily closed due to a trucking accident that happened late Friday afternoon on May 12. Crews are currently onsite and expect to have the section of road along U.S. Route 26 at milepost 165.93 opened as soon as repairs are completed within the next few hours.
A truck pulling a trailer hooked part of a rail while traveling over the railroad crossing and caused damage to the rail and tore out several concrete slabs. There are no reported injuries.
Motorists can expect traffic delays around the Shoshone area and should find alternate routes. To receive the most current traffic updates, call 511 or sign up at
This incident does not impact the scheduled railroad crossing repair currently scheduled for next week starting May 16. The crossing will be closed to motorists starting on Tuesday, May 16 at 6 a.m. and will reopen when work is complete by approximately 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 18.
Union Pacific Railroad Company will conduct repairs to address the aging infrastructure and includes removing old steel tracks and replacing with new steel tracks, concrete slabs, and asphalt.
Motorists traveling northbound on U.S. Route 93 wishing to proceed toward Shoshone will be detoured west on U.S. Route 26. Those traveling southbound on State Highway 75 wishing to proceed toward Shoshone will be detoured west on U.S. Route 20. The closure and detour will remain for approximately three days until the railroad crossing repairs are completed.
ITD, Idaho State Police, and local law enforcement caution motorists to slow down and pay attention when driving in work zones, where increased speeding fines and other penalties apply. Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and dial 5-1-1 or visit for information on the state highway or interstate system.
JEROME – As part of Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho Transportation initiative, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has begun a project to widen I-84 between the South Jerome Interchange (Exit 168) and the Twin Falls Interchange (Exit 173). Construction begins this week on this 2.5-year project.
I-84 serves as a primary interstate route, and traffic counts are expected to increase substantially over the next 20 years. The existing interstate will not be able to accommodate anticipated future traffic volumes. These improvements will increase capacity and improve safety on I-84 to serve South-central Idaho for years to come.
In 2023, motorists should expect:
- I-84 will be restricted to one lane in each direction at night. Occasional daytime lane restrictions may be necessary.
- Rolling closures on I-84 will occur this spring/summer for blasting rock in the median.
- Traffic shifts will be used throughout construction.
- The speed limit on I-84 will be reduced.
- 400 South Road will be closed intermittently.
Funding for this project comes from the Leading Idaho TECM Program. The program allows ITD to address rapid growth and build critical infrastructure today that would otherwise take many years to fund and build. Concrete Placing Company is the contractor for this $92.9 million project.
Construction is anticipated to be completed in late fall of 2025. Those who are interested in learning more about the project are invited to visit the project website at or call (208) 391-3735.
Information in Spanish can be found on the project website or by calling (208) 398-3696.

AMERICAN FALLS – The Idaho Transportation Department will host an informal drop-in meeting for the planned improvement of the Intersection of Pocatello Avenue and SH-39. Project staff will be on hand to answer questions on March 7 from 4:30-6:30 at the American Falls District Library, 308 Roosevelt Street.
ITD is planning to improve safety, traffic flow, and mobility at the intersection with a Continuous Green T design. The Green T will allow continuous movements everywhere except at the stop sign in the northbound lane of Pocatello Avenue.
While ITD initially considered a roundabout at the intersection, further review and community input resulted in a design change to a Green T which lessens the turning movements for most of the trucking traffic on SH-39. The design also makes it easier for large farm equipment to navigate the intersection.
The federally funded $3.25 million project is planned for 2025. During construction some lane closures will occur.

IDAHO FALLS – The Idaho Transportation Department is beginning two projects today along US-26 east of Idaho Falls. The first project consists of adding a 3-mile passing lane at Antelope Flat. The second project will add turning lanes into the rest area at the bottom of Clark Hill. Both jobs will take until October to complete.
While construction is underway at Antelope Flat there will be lane closures with flaggers to control traffic. For the Clark Hill project, ITD will keep one lane in each direction open.
Motorists are reminded to follow posted speed limits, obey flaggers, and drive cautiously through work areas.
The Idaho Transportation Department’s Public Transportation Advisory Council (PTAC) will have its second meeting of 2021 on Tuesday, June 15. The meeting will be held online via Webex from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is open to the public.
PTAC was created in Idaho code 40-514 to advise ITD on issues and policies regarding public transportation in Idaho. The council is made up of six members representing each of the ITD districts, and participates in planning activities, identifying transportation needs, and promoting coordinated transportation systems.
Meeting topics encompass ITD’s mission of Your Safety, Your Mobility, Your Economic Opportunity, as it relates to public transportation and the funding programs available to transit providers and stakeholders across Idaho.
A copy of PTAC meeting agendas, minutes, and scheduled dates are located on the ITD Public Transportation website,, under the “Advisory” tab.
Those interested in attending the June meeting may call in using the information listed below.
For more information, contact the ITD Public Transportation Office at (208) 334-8533.
Join from the meeting link
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 133 895 2273
Meeting password: sKrcP3WgK62
Join by phone
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