System Interchange nighttime ramp closures begins at Pocatello

Beginning tomorrow evening the north-to-west ramp of the System Interchange at Pocatello will be periodically closed to allow for girder placement for a new bridge.

Girders are horizontal steel beams designed to support the bridge deck. As the beams are placed over the northbound to westbound ramp it is necessary to close the roadway beneath for the safety of the travelling public.

Closures are scheduled for:

  • Wednesday from 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m.
  • Friday from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • Monday July 22 from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday July 24 from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.
  • Thursday July 25 from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m.

Traffic traveling north on I-15 wishing to proceed west on I-86 toward Chubbuck will be detoured through the Northgate Interchange.

Motorists should carefully follow signs and posted speed limits while traveling through the construction area. With crews working day and night at the System Interchange it is especially important that drivers be alert and proceed safely through the work area.

While this work continues, weather is a major factor for the timing of closures. Motorists are encouraged to keep up-to-date via or the 511 app to keep track of project detours. Project details are available here on ITD’s projects website —


SE Idaho AAH Group of the Year leader Debra Gilmore remembered for legacy of community service

Debra Gilmore lost an extended fight with cancer on July 1, but even in her final months, she didn’t let the disease keep her from accomplishing a goal she’d had with her “Friends of Riverdale” group since co-founding it in July 2004. During the April meeting of the Idaho Transportation Board, she was on-hand as the group was named District 5 (Southeast Idaho) Adopt-A-Highway Group of the Year.

During those 20 years, the group has picked up approximately 42,000 pounds of litter from their two-mile stretch of State Highway 34 near the landfill. Routes near landfills are challenging because parts of uncovered loads headed to the landfill blow out of trailers and pickup beds, leaving much more than the average amount of roadside trash. Gilmore also paid particular attention to broken glass that could be harmful to wildlife, and items that could start a roadside fire. She even turned in several driver’s licenses to local law enforcement.

The Friends of Riverdale AAH group was created when Debra Gilmore’s father mentioned to his local coffee group that his daughter was taking long daily walks along the highway and collecting bottles and cans as she walked. A friend who worked at ITD suggested she officially adopt the highway so she could access trash bags and protections such as safety vests and roadside traffic signs.

Debra, along with a friend, came up with the name “Friends of Riverdale” in reference to the two founding members’ friendship. Others from the town of Riverdale occasionally assisted in keeping the local highway clean.

Debra is survived by her loving husband (Stephen), two daughters (Rosalind and Corinne) and four grandchildren (Austin, Cameron, Jack, and Isabella).

Stephen said he plans to keep the Friends of Riverdale group active, as that would have made her very happy. He said the Adopt-A-Highway group was very important to her, and that cleaning up litter was a long-term passion of hers. “Even before she ‘adopted’ the highway, she’d always take a garbage bag with her to pick up trash on her walks. It’s just who she was.”

Work begins to resurface I-15 north of Blackfoot

A photo of I-15 with a semi and car.

On Monday the Idaho Transportation Department will begin work to repave the northbound lanes of Interstate 15 from the West Blackfoot Interchange Exit 93 to Riverside Canal near the Rose Road Interchange Exit 98. This project will improve safety and the drivers’ experience with a smooth new surface.

During construction traffic will be shifted to the southbound lanes through a crossover. Drivers should expect reduced speeds through the construction zone. The project is expected to take 50 days to complete.

Throughout the course of the project, crews will be milling down the base layer of the highway to fully reconstruct the road base and driving surface. Work includes pulverizing the existing asphalt, excavating and placing new material as a base, and then paving over the top of the new base.

Travelers are encouraged to use the Idaho 511 system for updated traffic impacts through the construction season.

Idaho Transportation Department seeks feedback on draft seven-year transportation plan

Drone shot of I-90 weaving through the mountains in North Idaho

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is seeking feedback on the just-released draft Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP). The ITIP outlines the state’s transportation priorities and guides investment decisions for the next seven years through 2031. ITD encourages everyone to review the draft and provide comments July 1-31.

Transportation projects included in the draft ITIP range from large-scale interstate improvements to smaller projects like the installation of new guardrail. Projects are located throughout Idaho’s 44 counties and involve all modes of transportation. Project selection is determined through technical data, as well as input from local officials and residents.

Visit to view an interactive map to learn about projects and submit a comment through the portal.

This draft ITIP shows plans for $6.9 billion in funding, including $200 million dedicated to pavements and $100 million dedicated to bridges each year.

Chief Deputy Director Dan McElhinney confirmed, “With the growth of traffic accelerating the need for improvements and the impacts of inflating costs since 2020, the added annual investment in highway pavement and bridge repairs proposed in this draft ITIP plan will provide the Idaho Transportation Board effective options to consider looking ahead for Idaho.”

Comments can be emailed to, recorded at 208-334-8063 or mailed to:

ITIP – Comments
Attn: Abby Peterson
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID  83707

Paper copies of the ITIP will be available at regional offices and provided upon request by contacting the Idaho Transportation Department at 208-334-4455.

All comments will be reviewed and incorporated into the ITIP where appropriate. Responses will be sent by September.

After approval by the Idaho Transportation Board in September, the ITIP will then be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency in October.

Public input is crucial in ensuring that the ITIP includes the prioritized needs of Idaho’s communities.

Nighttime detour planned for I-15/I-86 System Interchange this week

POCATELLO – Beginning tonight and continuing through Wednesday morning, nighttime closures will be in place for a section of Interstate 15 and Interstate 86 at the System Interchange allowing crews to safely place girders for one of the new bridges.

The I-86 eastbound to I-15 northbound ramp will be closed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday and Tuesday nights. Drivers looking to head north on I-15 from I-86 will be detoured through the Pocatello Creek Interchange.

Ongoing construction at the System Interchange will improve safety and mobility while replacing bridges built in the 1960s. Work is expected to be complete in 2025.

Motorists should exercise caution while travelling through the construction zone. Those wishing to receive email updates about the System Interchange project can sign up at

Drivers can also use the 511 app for the latest traffic conditions on all state roadways.

Construction continues on I-15 at Inkom

The Idaho Transportation Department is continuing work on the Interstate roadway and bridges from the south Inkom interchange to the Portneuf interchange. Ongoing work includes guardrail repair, paving, and patching and repairing bridge decks. In addition, crews are patching pier caps, applying epoxy overlays, and waterproofing parapets on the Rapid Creek, South Inkom interchange, and Portneuf River bridges.

Work is anticipated to continue through the end of June with single lane crossovers. Drivers are reminded to slow down in work zones, allow other vehicles to merge, and drive defensively.

Replacement of the West Inkom interchange, Union Pacific Railroad, and Main Street bridges are still planned for next year.

ITD to host open house on US-30 (Gould Street) in Pocatello

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) invites the public to an open house on Tuesday to comment on proposed improvements to make U.S. Highway 30 safer and address growing traffic in Pocatello.

Improvements are planned for US-30 between the intersections of Yellowstone Avenue and Oak Street and the Gould Street overpass and Garrett Way.

The open house will be from 5-7 p.m. at the Pocatello Streets Department Office at 2405 Garrett Way.

In 2018, ITD completed a study to analyze safety issues, traffic, geometrics, and community needs. Extensive traffic analyses, stakeholder meetings, and steering committee meetings were conducted as part of the study. The results of the study identified significant corridor improvements. In 2023, design began on the improvements, which address:

  • Intersection operation and safety at Yellowstone Ave, McKinley Ave, and Garrett Way.
  • An additional turn lane from Gould Street onto Garrett Way to improve signal operations and mobility through the corridor.
  • Accesses safety
  • Corridor-wide pedestrian facilities
  • Stormwater collection
  • Corridor-wide landscaping

Construction is scheduled for 2027.

“This is an important project for the traveling public in Pocatello,” Project Manager Kevin Sonico said. “These improvements will address the growth in the area and improve safety by addressing lane utilization issues and capacity issues in the corridor. People can stop by any time on Tuesday to learn more about the project and ask questions.”

For those who cannot attend the public meeting on May 7, ITD will post meeting displays on the project website at Comments will be received until June 5 and can be submitted at the meeting, online or by emailing

Nighttime detour planned for I-15/I-86 System Interchange this week

Beginning Wednesday evening and continuing through Friday morning, nighttime closures will be in place for a section of Interstate 15 and Interstate 86 at the System Interchange to allow crews to safely place girders for one of the new I-86 eastbound to I-15 northbound bridges.

The I-15 northbound to I-86 westbound ramp will be closed from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday nights. Drivers looking to head west on I-86 from I-15 will be detoured to the Northgate Interchange.

Ongoing construction at the System Interchange will improve safety and mobility while replacing bridges built in the 1960s. Work is expected to be complete in 2025.

Motorists should exercise caution while travelling through the construction zone. Those wishing to receive email updates about the System Interchange project can sign up at

Drivers can also check or download the 511 app for the last traffic conditions on all state highways and freeways.

Nine ITD snowplows hit so far this winter season

Damaged rear of snowplow.

Winter weather has brought snowy driving conditions to much of Idaho. Unfortunately, the rise in snowy road conditions has also led to a sharp rise in snowplow strikes. Nine Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) plows have been hit so far this winter season. Five strikes happened over the last seven days.

Two of the most recent strikes happened this Wednesday in the Magic Valley, one on I-84 north of Twin Falls, and one on I-84 west of Wendell. Both involved a semi truck rear-ending a plow. The vehicles will be out of service for up to two weeks while they undergo repairs.

“It’s a major impact on maintenance sheds when equipment is taken out of service. We are limited on snowplows,” Jerome Foreman Brian Davidson said. “It makes it more difficult to keep roads clear.”

Another recent strike happened on Tuesday in Nampa. The plow was heading eastbound on I-84 near Karcher Road. A pickup pulling a trailer merged onto the interstate and lost control. The trailer swung out and hit the ITD vehicle’s wing plow. There was no lasting damage to the snowplow.

ITD wants to remind drivers how to be safe around snowplows.

  1. Do not pass a plow on the right. Plows have a 10-foot extendable wing plow on the right side that may be difficult to see in snowy conditions.
  2. Provide ample space for plows to work and steer clear of their blind spots. This also means increasing your following distance behind the plow.
  3. Practice patience and stay behind the plow for the safest road conditions.
  4. Plows often operate in pairs to clear multiple lanes; never position yourself between tandem plows.
  5. In case of a crash or if you need to stop on the side of the road, stay inside your vehicle for both your safety and that of our plow operators.

Last winter, there were 17 plow strikes, a number ITD does not want to repeat. Please be careful driving and mindful of our plows. Check or the Idaho 511 App for road conditions before traveling. For more winter driving tips, visit

*For real-time updates and photos of plow strikes, visit ITD’s Facebook or X pages.