Crews to pave asphalt overlays on ID-47 beginning Tuesday, August 6

ASHTON – Starting Tuesday, August 6, Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) maintenance crews will lay intermittent asphalt overlays on Idaho Highway 47 between Marysville and Warm River to extend the life of the roadway. The project is expected to finish by Thursday, August 15.

Flaggers will be present and detour traffic as needed until construction is completed. Traffic delays could be up to an hour wait, so motorists are encouraged to consider taking an alternate route.

Travelers are advised to please watch for and follow traffic detour signs, drive safely and check for current construction and traveler information.

ITD crews to pave asphalt on ID-33 between Teton and Newdale on Wednesday (July 31)

NEWDALE – On Wednesday, July 31, Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) maintenance crews will lay about two-miles of asphalt pavement on Idaho Highway 33 between Teton and Newdale.

During this one-day project, crews will detour traffic between 3rd Street and 8000 W. until construction is completed.

Travelers are advised to please watch for and follow traffic detour signs, drive safe and check 511.idaho.govfor current construction and traveler information.

Traffic switched to the westbound side of the Lorenzo Bridge beginning today

REXBURG – Traffic will be switched to the westbound lanes beginning today (Wednesday, July 24) on the US-20 Lorenzo Bridge in Madison County. The bridge rehabilitation is expected to be completed this fall.

The off- and on-ramps of Exit 325 will remain open to traffic during the project, except for the eastbound on-ramp to Rexburg. Motorists will not be able to enter US-20 eastbound toward Rexburg from the Exit 325 interchange and will instead need to detour through Rigby at the Exit 322 on-ramp or use an alternate route.

“This rehabilitation will entail resurfacing of the bridge deck, replacing the guardrail, improving the bridge approaches and finishing with new pavement,” said ITD Project Manager Eli Robinson.

Drivers can expect traffic delays for the duration of the project. Reduced speed limits will be in effect and traffic will be shifted over periodically to single-lane, two-way traffic.

I-15 pavement preservation from Dubois to Montana state line starts today

RIGBY – Construction is expected to begin today (Monday, July 22) on a 29-mile stretch of Interstate 15 from milepost 167 north of the Dubois Interchange to the Montana state line. Crews will add a surface treatment to the northbound and southbound lanes of I-15 to extend the life of the pavement.

Motorists should expect single lane traffic with lane closures of no more than four miles throughout the project. Interchange ramps will temporarily close for no more than one day at a time. Crews will work Monday through Friday, finishing in late September. Although weekend work is not expected, some Saturday work may occur in order to adhere to the overall project timeline.

View map of the project area.

Motorists are advised to check for roadwork updates.

Road improvements to begin Monday on US-93 from Gibbonsville to the Montana state line

GIBBONSVILLE – Road improvements are set to begin Monday, July 8, on US-93 from Gibbonsville to the Montana state line. Improvements will consist of guardrail replacement, asphalt paving and curbing, and shoulder repairs.

The project on this stretch of highway is expected to be completed by the middle of August.

Expect minor delays as traffic will be narrowed to one lane during construction, with appropriate traffic control, including a pilot car when needed.

ITD encourages drivers to slow down, pay attention, follow posted speed limit signs and watch for crews working in the area.

Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and check for roadway information.

Public Meeting set for June 11 in Ashton to take input on Chester-to-Ashton Environmental Assessment

RIGBY – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are initiating an Environmental Assessment (EA) to engage the public and evaluate impacts, risks, benefits, opportunities and costs associated with roadway improvements and reconstruction of US-20 between Chester and Ashton. The public is invited to attend an upcoming meeting to learn more about the EA and provide input.

A public meeting will be held Tuesday, June 11 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Ashton Community Center, 925 Main Street, Ashton, ID. The meeting is in an open-house format, so citizens are encouraged to attend any time during the three-hour period. Displays illustrating the study process, purpose, schedule, and geography will be available for review. Project staff will be available to provide information, discuss potential impacts, and answer questions about the study.

The Chester-to-Ashton segment of US-20 has not been redesigned since 1932. The current roadway design does not provide sufficient traffic flow or passing opportunities to accommodate growing traffic volumes. The pavement is also beyond routine service life, requiring improvements to the subgrade and drainage features as well as new pavement. Reconstruction also will provide the opportunity to include design elements for reducing crashes.

“ITD and FHWA’s purpose in preparing an EA is to develop and evaluate one or more practicable alternatives for addressing the needs of US-20 between Chester and Ashton,” said ITD’s eastern Idaho project manager Drew Meppen. “We look forward to visiting with the public and getting feedback on the project purpose and need, issues they are experiencing on the highway, and suggested alternatives for improvements.”

If citizens are unable to attend the meeting on June 11, displays and information will be available on the EA website the following day ( Comments on the materials can be sent to Andrea Gumm at or 208-220-5937. Comments are most helpful if received by July 11, 2019.

FHWA is the lead agency for the EA. The EA is being completed in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). For more information, please contact Gumm at the phone number or email address provided above.

Road reconstruction to begin on US-20 at Ashton Hill on Monday

ASHTON – Road reconstruction will begin on US-20 from Ashton Hill to Dumpground Road on Monday, June 3. 

Built in the 1950’s, the section of roadway from Ashton Hill to Dumpground Road has reached the end of its design life and will be rebuilt to meet current design standards.

Traffic will be merged to the northbound lane and northbound passing lane as the southbound lane will begin construction.

Construction will occur during daytime hours Monday thru Friday. Traffic will be narrowed down to a single lane and motorists will be guided through the work zone by flaggers and a pilot car. After hours, the roadway will be open to single lane two way traffic during nights and weekends.

Northbound traffic will have a 45mph speed limit and southbound traffic will have a 25mph speed limit coming down the Ashton hill that will be enforced for the duration of the project. The project is expected to be completed in October.

ITD encourages drivers to slow down, pay attention, follow posted speed limit signs and watch for crews working in the area.

Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and check for roadway information.

Road closure on ID-25 at Eastern Idaho Railroad crossing near Hunt

Construction is expected to begin on Tuesday, April 30 on the Eastern Idaho Railroad crossing on Idaho Highway 25 south of Hunt at milepost 17.6.

Eastern Idaho Railroad crews will reconstruct the railroad crossing to improve safety and ease of travel for motorists in the area.

In order to complete this project, ID-25 will be closed from 7 a.m. April 30 until 6 p.m. May 1. Motorists will need to use routes along Interstate 84/US-93 or county roads during this timeframe.

Child Pedestrian Safety projects start in spring

BOISE – A dozen sidewalk and pathway projects benefiting child pedestrian safety will be built this year across the state beginning this spring.

There were 71 eligible project applications requesting more than $12M in funds to consider in this year’s funding cycle (there was just $2M in funding available). The maximum award is $250,000. Construction must be completed before the end of the year.

The projects are thanks to collaboration between the Idaho Transportation Department and the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council, after a legislative effort last year. They are funded with general fund surplus money approved by the Idaho Legislature during the 2017 session.

The following 12 projects were approved for funding:

Location        Amount
Ashton            $250,000
Title: Main Street sidewalk improvements
Description: This project will provide new sidewalk and lighting improvements along Main St. (ID-47) to connect with the existing pedestrian system at the high school.

Blackfoot         $171,000
Title: Ridge Crest Elementary Safety Improvements Project
Description: This project will provide a 575-foot section of sidewalk along Airport Road to extend the sidewalk from Ridgecrest Elementary to the park. Additional safety improvements include a pedestrian crossing at East Airport Road.

Burley             $191,000
Title: Highland Avenue and East 19th Street Sidewalk Connection
Description: This project will provide nearly a half-mile of new sidewalk and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant ramps that connect two schools along Highland Avenue. The schools are White Pine Intermediate and Dworshack Elementary.

Caldwell          $109,446
Title: Sacajawea Elementary School Project
Description: This project will provide new sidewalk, updated ADA curb ramps, bike lanes, and streetlights, and a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon along Illinois Avenue to provide a safe route to school for children travelling to Sacajawea Elementary.

Carey               $154,640
Title: Crosswalk Signage and Pedestrian Improvement Project
Description: This project will provide new curb, gutter, and sidewalk along ID-26 and a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians walking across the state highway.

Driggs               $125,000
Title: South 5th Street Pathway
Description: This project will provide approximately 1,600 feet of 10-foot-wide multiuse path and ADA ramps along South 5th Street, connecting four schools to residential areas. This project extends an existing safe route to school.

Firth                  $250,000
Title: Children Pedestrian Improvements
Description: This project will provide new curb, gutter, and sidewalk along Center Street from Main St. (ID-91) to the elementary school. Additional safety improvements include a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon signal on Main St.

Idaho Falls         $240,000
Title: Iona Street, Riverside Drive and Bush Elementary Connections
Description: This project will provide new sidewalk along Iona Street and a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon for safe crossings at Riverside Drive (a busy street near an interchange). A second location includes sidewalk connections to Bush Elementary.

Marsing              $35,326
Title: ID-55 Sidewalk Project
Description: This project will provide new sidewalk along ID-55, connecting the public library and downtown with the elementary, middle, and high schools.

Moscow             $250,000
Title: Third Street Corridor Improvements
Description: This project will provide about 970 feet of new sidewalk along 3rd Street, connecting two elementary schools and the high school along a safe route to school. Additional safety improvements include adding center medians, curb extensions, vertical tube delineator (high-visibility markings), and school-zone lighting.

Shelley                $135,000
Title: Locust and US-91 Improvements
Description: This project will install a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at the intersection of ID-91 and Locust Street to provide a safe pedestrian crossing for students going to the school or library.

Teton                  $28,000
Title: Child Pedestrian Safety Project
Description: This project will install Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons at two intersections along ID-33 south of Teton Elementary to provide safe crossing for students going to and from school.

Transportation Board Approves Northgate Engineering Funding

Northgate Interchange Plan

BOISE – The Idaho Transportation Board agreed to fund the remainder of the cost to finish to design the Northgate (Siphon Road) Interchange in southeast Idaho. The board unanimously passed a resolution to fund the engineering and design costs of approximately $1.5 million for the project.

The project would connect parts of north Pocatello and Chubbuck to Interstate 15 near Siphon Road. ITD is currently working with the cities of Chubbuck and Pocatello, Bannock County, the Pocatello Development Authority and Millennial Development to fund construction of this interchange.

By authorizing the completion of the engineering and design, the project would be ready for construction when a resolution for funding the project along with the right of way acquisition are complete.

“This interchange presents a unique opportunity to work closely with the private sector and other local agencies,” said Board Chairman Jerry Whitehead in a previous news release. “We understand why local residents are excited about this project. We think it will increase mobility and bring greater economic opportunity for the community.”

Last June, the Board passed a resolution authorizing the construction of an $8.4 million interchange at the location. After an engineering study, it was determined it would cost a total of $12.5 million to build an interchange sufficient to meet existing and future needs in the area. ITD is working with local agencies to determine the best way to fund the project increase.