Fires burning along I-15 at Pocatello and at Malad Summit

Fire at Malad Summit

POCATELLO – Multiple fires are burning along I-15 at Pocatello. There is also a fire at Malad Summit on I-15. Fire crews are actively working in the areas, but traffic is delayed or blocked. Motorists are encouraged to slow down, watch for and move over for emergency vehicles and check or the ITD 511 app to receive road status updates. The causes of the fires are not yet known.

Drivers should take extra care while driving through Idaho this weekend with fire danger high amid unseasonably warm temperatures. In particular, motorists should:

  • Ensure tow chains on trailers are not dragging which can cause sparks.
  • Tires on vehicles and trailers are in good condition for highway driving. A blown tire can cause the wheel rim to kick sparks into dry grass.
  • Never throw cigarettes or other combustible materials out of a vehicle.
  • Never throw glass or other litter out of a vehicle. Glass bottles and other objects can reflect or focus the sun’s rays causing ignition.
  • Do not park your vehicle over dry grasses when you pull off a road. The exhaust and other hot portions of the undercarriage can ignite a fire.
Fire crews responding to one of the fires along I-15
A burned area near the southbound lane of I-15
Pocatello Fire Department and other agencies quickly responded to the fires.

Ashton Blasting to Resume Next Week

Construction in Ashton

ASHTON – Beginning Wednesday, September 7 the next phase of the US-20 and SH-47 project at Ashton will begin. The contractor will periodically be blasting rock that is under the roadway between September 7 and September 13. The blasting will occur in the construction area and motorists should anticipate longer than normal delays.

In addition, there will be a change in traffic pattern to accommodate work at the intersection. SH-47 traffic will be shifted onto the north side of the road with the south side closed for construction. US-20 and SH-47 will remain open to traffic in all directions.

Motorist should take care to watch for equipment and workmen, follow all signs and flaggers, and reduce speeds to posted limits.

Questions and concerns can be directed to HK Contractors office at (208) 523-6600.


View of SH-47 looking toward intersection with US-20

Blasting Operations to Begin July 15 in Ashton

Ashton Intersection

ASHTON – As part of the construction work at the intersection of US-20 and SH-47 in Ashton, the contractor will be blasting rock under the roadway. The blasting operation will occur periodically between July 15 and July 19 in the closed portion of the roadway.

There will be traffic control flaggers on US-20 and SH-47 to manage traffic during these operations.

Motorists should anticipate longer than normal delays during this time. ITD asks all drivers to watch for equipment and workers, follow all traffic signs and flaggers, and reduce speeds to posted limits. It is essential during this operation that motorists keep themselves and workers safe.

The US-20 / SH-47 intersection project consists of a stoplight, new curb and sidewalks, storm sewer work, and pavement. Work is scheduled to be completed in October.

Questions can be directed to HK Contractors at (208) 523-6600.

Idaho Transportation Department now taking comments for all upcoming projects in East Idaho

EAST IDAHO – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is asking for input on the just-released draft Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP). The 2023-2029 ITIP is a seven-year master plan of the state’s transportation improvement projects. Everyone is encouraged to participate starting in July.

Projects can range from large-scale interstate improvements to smaller projects like the installation of a new guardrail. In all, the draft ITIP includes projects in all 44 counties and all modes of transportation. Projects were selected based on technical data, as well as input from local officials and residents.

A complete breakdown of the draft plan can be found at

A few of the major projects in East Idaho include:

  • I-15 Northgate to Fort Hall Widening – Widen the interstate to three lanes in both North and South directions, including replacement of outdated structures, drainage facilities, and interchange merge/diverge improvements.
  • US-20 Chester to Ashton Widening – This project will build a 4-lane divided highway with the addition of 2 new interchanges.
  • Blackfoot West Bridge Street bridge replacement – Replace the aging West Bridge Street Bridge over the Snake River in Blackfoot.
  • Chubbuck, Widening Park Lawn to Siphon Road – To provide additional capacity along Yellowstone Avenue between Park Lawn and Siphon. It will also allow for the addition of a traffic signal at the intersection of Yellowstone Avenue and Siphon Road.
  • A2 Highway improvements – This project will improve the A2 Highway in Clark County by widening the roadway, fixing soft spots, adding additional base and paving the roadway.  This will include the replacement of culverts, and other minor drainage improvements.
  • SH-33 Teton County intersection improvements – This project will improve intersections and add turn lanes on SH33 from milepost 138.70 to milepost 149.40.
  • US-93 Pahsimeroi River bridge replacement – This project will replace the Pahsimeroi River bridge on US-93 in Custer County.

Comments will be taken from July 1-31 and can be e-mailed to or mailed to:ITIP – Comments

Attn: Office of Communication
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID  83707

Paper copies of the ITIP will be provided upon request by contacting the Idaho Transportation Department (208) 334-8119.

All comments will be reviewed, incorporated into the ITIP where appropriate, and responses will be sent in September once the comment period has ended.

After approval by the Idaho Transportation Board in September, the ITIP will then be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency in October.

US-26 projects begin today

Road Work Ahead sign

IDAHO FALLS – The Idaho Transportation Department is beginning two projects today along US-26 east of Idaho Falls. The first project consists of adding a 3-mile passing lane at Antelope Flat. The second project will add turning lanes into the rest area at the bottom of Clark Hill. Both jobs will take until October to complete.

While construction is underway at Antelope Flat there will be lane closures with flaggers to control traffic. For the Clark Hill project, ITD will keep one lane in each direction open.

Motorists are reminded to follow posted speed limits, obey flaggers, and drive cautiously through work areas.

Construction to begin in July at Ashton

Ashton Intersection

ASHTON – Beginning July 6 the Idaho Transportation Department will commence work on two projects at Ashton. The first project, at the intersection of US-20 and SH-47 in Ashton, will consist of extensive work to improve safety and traffic flow. The second project will be a pavement overlay along SH-47 beginning near North Fremont High School and continuing to Bear Gulch.

The US-20 / SH-47 intersection project will consist of a stoplight, new curb and sidewalks, storm sewer work, and pavement. Work is scheduled to be completed in October. Traffic patterns will change periodically to allow for construction.

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday June 29, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at the Ashton City hall for those that wish to discuss construction plans at the intersection and express concerns.

The paving project on SH-47 east of Ashton will last for approximately 15 days. Crews will be microsurfacing the roadway to improve and protect the road surface. During work there will be single lane closures and pilot cars to control traffic flow.

Motorists are asked to watch for workers and equipment, follow all traffic signs and flaggers, and reduce speeds to posted limits. Traffic control and safety devices will be changing often to accommodate construction activities.

Citizens with questions regarding the US-20 / SH-47 intersection can contact HK Contractors at (208) 523-6600.

Those with questions regarding the SH-47 microsurfacing project can call the Idaho Transportation Department District 6 office at (208) 745-7781.

US-93 Between Challis and Salmon to be closed Tuesday for emergency culvert replacement

Road Work Ahead sign


CHALLIS – On Tuesday, June 7 at 8:00 am the Idaho Transportation Department will be closing US-93 north of Cow Creek Road between Challis and Salmon to replace a collapsed culvert. Work is expected to take approximately four hours. “Unfortunately, due to the nature of the work and the location we’ll have to close the road completely to replace the culvert,” said ITD Area Manager Cody Schmidt. “We’ll do everything we can to finish the repair as quickly as possible since there is no local detour route available.”

Gravel fill has been added to ensure the safety of the public until the repair can be completed. Drivers should slow when approaching the area and follow reduced speed limit signs to avoid windshield damage. Motorists are encouraged to check or the 511 app for the latest updates on construction, detours, and road closures.

ITD to hold open house on I-15 planning project between Northgate and Blackfoot

Vehicles on I-15

POCATELLO – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is hosting an open house from June 6 – 13 to share information and gather public input about designs to widen I-15 between the Northgate Parkway Interchange (Exit 73) and Blackfoot.

Map of project area with description of anticipated improvements
Download full-resolution PDF
“Most of I-15 was constructed in the 1960s and 1970s and it is aging and nearing capacity in some areas,” said ITD District 5 Engineering Manager Eric Staats. “We are excited to be moving forward with a planning and design process to improve safety and capacity on I-15 between Pocatello and Blackfoot.”

The I-15 Northgate to Blackfoot Project is part of a multi-year planning process to improve I-15 between Pocatello and Idaho Falls.

“This project between the Northgate Interchange and Blackfoot will provide environmental clearance and develop widening options for future projects,” said Staats. “We would like the public’s input on the widening options that are being developed.”

The public is invited to stop by the open house any time between 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8 at the Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel, Chief Targhee Room (777 Bannock Road) in Fort Hall. ITD will be on hand to discuss the project and proposed widening improvement options.

The same information will also be available online at between June 6 – 13. Participants can review materials online and submit comments.

Elements of this project are being funded with Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation (TECM) funds as part of the Leading Idaho TECM Program. To address the state’s rapid growth, the legislature passed a historic transportation revenue package that Governor Little signed as part of his Leading Idaho initiative in May 2021. House Bill 362 raised the percentage of sales tax going towards transportation from 1% to 4.5%, with bonding authority granted to ITD to invest in safety and capacity needs across the state. The program allows ITD to accelerate project timelines to address rapid growth and build critical infrastructure today that would otherwise take many years to fund and build.

For more information, please visit the project website at


Traffic light at US-26 and Woodruff in Idaho Falls being replaced following accident

Workers and truck working on damaged light pole
ITD District 6 employees examine the damaged pole at the intersection of US-26 and Woodruff

IDAHO FALLS – The Idaho Transportation Department is advising drivers to use caution at the intersection of US-26 (North Yellowstone Highway) and North Woodruff Avenue. Following a vehicle collision with a signal pole, ITD will be turning the intersection into a four-way stop until repairs can be completed.

“The vehicle’s impact was bad enough that it moved the signal pole foundation over a foot,” said Wade Allan, District 6 Traffic and Materials Manager. “We’re going to have to repour the foundation along with other significant work to get the light operational again.”

Due to the extent of the repairs needed, there is no estimate yet for when the light will be replaced.

Public invited to review alternatives for US-20 improvements from Ashton to Idaho State Highway 87

RIGBY — The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will host two public meetings to share information about its Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study and alternatives examining ways to modernize, improve safety, and reduce congestion on US-20 between Ashton and the SH-87 junction. ITD intends to adopt the findings of the PEL study into a future federal environmental clearance process.

The purpose of these meetings is to share alternatives developed from public workshops and the results of the screening committee. ITD will gather public comment on alternatives moving forward including concerns about environmental impacts. Information on access management strategies and opportunities for multi-use crossings along the corridor will also be shared. The public has two opportunities to participate. Both meetings will share the same information.

May 25, 2022,
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Island Park EMS Building
4378 County Circle
Island Park, ID 83429

May 26, 2022
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Ashton Community Center and Library
925 Main Street
Ashton, ID 83420

Increasing traffic is causing congestion and crashes. Improvements are needed to maintain a safe roadway, meet driver expectations, and provide a reliable connection to adjacent communities, Yellowstone National Park, and the region.

Using technical data and input gathered at public meetings in October and December 2021, the project team developed dozens of alternatives that have been evaluated against a range of criteria, including safety, capacity, and environmental impacts to identify the most promising alternatives for additional consideration.

Both meetings will be held in an open house format. Please stop by any time from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

For those who can’t attend in person, an online meeting will be available from May 26 through June 9 at

The comment period will remain open until June 9, 2022.