Slow Down, Move Over, Save a Life: AAA, ISP, ITD spotlight “Move Over” law

BOISE- Governor Brad Little has officially proclaimed October 21 to be Idaho Move Over Law Day. AAA, the Idaho State Police, and the Idaho Transportation Department are reminding drivers who approach a stationary tow truck or emergency vehicle to slow down below the speed limit and, if possible, move over one lane to protect workers at the roadside.

All 50 states have Move Over laws, but driver awareness is inconsistent.  According to previous research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 23% of drivers are not aware of the Move Over law in their state, while 30% did not completely understand the law.  Of those who are aware, 91% are very comfortable complying with the law.  Unfortunately, among those who do not comply with Move Over laws, nearly half felt that their behavior posed little or no danger to workers.

The Foundation also surveyed tow technicians, emergency responders, and road maintenance workers on their experiences with roadside jobs.  Of those surveyed, 60% had experienced a near miss from a passing vehicle, while a shocking 15% had survived being hit while working at the roadside.

Traffic safety partners across the Gem State are working to underscore the importance of this law.

Col. Kedrick Wills, Director of the Idaho State Police said, “The Move Over law protects those who dedicate their lives to serving and protecting our communities.  It isn’t just the law; it’s a moral duty.  When you see flashing lights on the side of the road, consider the lives behind them because it’s not just a vehicle; it’s someone who’s risking everything to keep us safe and get home to their family.  Slowing down and moving over is a simple act that can make all the difference in ensuring the safety of our first responders and highway workers.  Let’s do our part to keep them safe on our roads.”

ITD Chief Deputy Director and Chief Operations Officer Dan McElhinney said, “ITD employees and our contractor teams are often on the highway in construction or maintenance work zones, or for crash incident response to help drivers.  Let’s all be there for them by slowing down and moving over when you see flashing lights on the shoulder ahead.  A few seconds of courtesy saves lives and helps everyone get home safely.”

“According to some studies, working in the towing industry is up to 15 times more dangerous than all other private industries combined.  Sadly, on average, a tow truck driver is killed at the roadside every other week,” says AAA Idaho public affairs director Matthew Conde.  “Tow truck operators and emergency personnel work hard to protect others.  We should return the favor.”

AAA’s Move Over for Me campaign calls attention to the devastating consequences for individuals, families, and communities whenever an emergency responder is injured or killed at the roadside.  Drivers are encouraged to remain alert, avoid distractions, and watch out for emergency vehicles on the side of the road.  If you see one, please slow down and move over to give emergency responders more room to safely do their job.

In part, Governor Little’s proclamation reads, “Public awareness of Idaho’s ‘Slow Down, Move Over’ law is key to its successful implementation…all Idahoans share an appreciation for the dedicated service of emergency workers and are committed to their safety.”

ITD reaches out to Swifties with safe driving PSA

an arm with friendship bracelets

BOISE- It’s National Teen Driver Safety Week! The week serves as an opportunity for parents and teens to talk about safe driving habits. This year during Teen Driver Safety Week and beyond the Idaho Transportation Department’s (ITD) Office of Highway Safety (OHS) is bringing a safe driving message to one of the most powerful young demographics- Swifties.

Idaho moviegoers to Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour will have the chance to catch a new T-Swift-themed public service announcement (PSA) before the show and matching signs in theater lobbies. The PSA features friendship bracelets that have become iconic among Swift fans and concertgoers. The bracelets say “Drive safe. Be here for all your eras.”

Watch the PSA.

“Teens are 2.5 times more likely to crash than any other age group, so it’s really important to find creative ways to reach them,” said Highway Safety Manager Josephine Middleton. “We can also help teens become better drivers by modeling engaged driving behavior all the time. That means seat belt on, phone down, and driving the speed limit.”

Here are some things to keep in mind for teen drivers and parents alike:

  • Developing brains: Teens’ brains are still growing, which means they have a harder time assessing risk than adults. In Idaho, some of the top contributing crash factors for teens are speeding, following too close, inattention, distracted driving and impaired driving.
  • Developing skills: Learning to drive doesn’t end when you pass your driver’s test. It is a set of skills that will continue to grow your whole life. Failing to yield or obey stop signs, improper lane change, improper turns and improper backing are just some of the skill issues involved in teen crashes in Idaho.

More resources to help talk to teens about safe driving, including a safety pledge, are available at

Free car seat check events across Idaho for Child Passenger Safety Week

A nurse talks with a mother about child passenger safety while a young child sits in a car seat.

BOISE–A car seat is the most important seat a child will ever sit in. National Child Passenger Safety Week (September 17- 23) is right around the corner and a great time to make sure your child’s car seat fits. The Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS) has partnered with organizations around the state for Child Passenger Safety Week and National Seat Check Saturday on Saturday, September 23, 2023.

Last year in Idaho there were 1,943 crashes involving a child passenger between 0-6 years old. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), car crashes are the leading cause of death for children in the United States.

“We all want to protect our kids as best we can, but car seats can be complicated even for experienced parents or caregivers,” said Carma McKinnon, State Child Passenger Safety Coordinator. “Seat Check Saturday is an opportunity to get free help from an expert, to ensure our little ones are as safe as possible.”

At these seat check events, certified child passenger safety technicians will check if a car seat is the right type for a child’s age and size, check that it fits correctly, and that it is properly installed in the vehicle.

Across Idaho, there are many free seat check events coming up on Seat Check Saturday and beyond:

Host Location Address City Date Time
St. Luke’s Pediatric Edu & Injury Prevention Program


Tomlinson South Meridian YMCA 5155 S Hillsdale Ave. Meridian 9/23/2023 10 am – 2 pm
Caldwell PD and Saint Alphonsus


Treasure Valley Community College 205 S. 6th Ave. Caldwell 9/23/2023 9 am – 1 pm
Thrive Pediatrics


Thrive Pediatrics 4470 N. Penngrove Way, Ste. 210 Meridian 9/30/2023 9 am – 1 pm


Hospital – Nell Redfield 150 200 W Malad City 9/22/2023 10 am – 2 pm
Soda springs


Caribou County Sheriff’s Office 475 E 2nd S Soda Springs 9/16/2023 10 am – 3 pm
Blackfoot PD


Blackfoot Police Station 501 N Maple St. Blackfoot 9/21/2023 2 – 5 pm
Pocatello PD


Pocatello Police Station 911 N 7th Ave Pocatello 9/23/2023 10 am – 2 pm
Rexburg Police Department


Madison Memorial Porter Park Rexburg 9/16/2023 10 am – 3 pm
Grease Monkey, Little Defenders and Idaho State Police, Idaho Community Hosp.


Grease Monkey 2100 Channing Way Idaho Falls 9/23/2023 11 am-2 pm
Teton Valley


Broulims Parking Lot 240 S Main St. Driggs 10/7/2023 11 am-1 pm
Steele Memorial


Steel Memorial 203 Daisy St Salmon 9/23/2023 10 am – 1 pm
Nampa PD


Nampa PD 820 2nd St S Nampa 9/21/2023 1 pm – 3 pm
Lapwai Health, Safe Start, Buckle Up for Life, Smith-Barbieri, Steele-Reese Found, Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation


Pi-Nee-Waus Community Center 504 N. Main St Lapwai 9/23/2023 10 am-1 pm
REO Safety Event St. Mary’s Health 701 Lewiston St. Cottonwood 9/18/2023 Book Your Class with Safe Start (
REO Safety Event Riverside Housing Playground Appaloosa Drive Kamiah 9/19/2023 Book Your Class with Safe Start (
REO Safety Event Orofino City Park 155 Wisconsin St. Orofino 9/22/2023 Book Your Class with Safe Start (
REO Safety Event Cup of Grace 31848 N 4th Ave Spirit Lake 9/26/2023 Book Your Class with Safe Start (
REO Safety Event The Library 601 N. Main St. Clarkfork 9/27/2023 Book Your Class with Safe Start (
REO Safety Event South Boundary Fire District 20 Stagecoach Rd. Naples 10/7/2023 Book Your Class with Safe Start (

For more information about child passenger safety and a map of year-round seat check locations visit

100 Deadliest Days on Idaho roads claim 92 lives

BOISE—At least 92* people were killed in crashes during the 100 Deadliest Days on Idaho roads, according to preliminary data from the Idaho Transportation Department’s Office of Highway Safety (OHS). Vehicle crashes caused the majority of fatalities, followed by motorcycle crashes, and crashes involving pedestrians.

The 100 Deadliest Days are the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when Idaho sees a spike in fatal and serious injury crashes. During this time more people are out of school or work, on vacations, and celebrating. This increase in traffic can lead to more distracted, aggressive, and impaired driving, making the roads more dangerous.

“Thinking about the gravity of the loss is heartbreaking. Ninety-two people are gone too soon, and families and communities across Idaho are mourning their loved ones,” Highway Safety Manager Josephine Middleton said. “It’s a solemn reminder of the importance of buckling up, putting down the distractions, and driving sober.”

OHS has compiled a preliminary list* of contributing factors to these fatalities. Please note that the numbers in this list add up to more than 92 because most crashes have more than one contributing factor. For example, a fatal crash could involve both impaired driving and no seat belt or inattention, speeding, and failing to yield, etc.

  • No seat belt – 34
  • Fail to maintain lane – 20
  • Speed – 11
  • Alcohol-impaired – 10
  • Fail to yield – 10
  • Inattention – 9
  • Overcorrected – 5
  • Drove left of center line – 5
  • Improper overtaking – 4
  • Wrong side or wrong way – 4
  • Drug-impaired – 3
  • Asleep, drowsy, or fatigued – 2
  • Fail to obey a stop sign – 2
  • Distracted in or on the vehicle (GPS, cell phone, etc.) – 2
  • Improper lane change – 2
  • Tire Defect – 1

Overall, 2023 has been deadlier than 2022. So far this year 168* people have died on Idaho roads, compared to 137 at this time last year. Ninety-two people died during the 100 Deadliest Days this year, compared to 81 last year.

Here is a preliminary breakdown* of fatalities during the 100 Deadliest Days by county:

8 Fatalities

  • Ada
  • Bonneville
  • Idaho
  • Kootenai

7 Fatalities

  • Jerome

6 Fatalities

  • Canyon

4 Fatalities

  • Bannock
  • Bonner
  • Clearwater
  • Teton
  • Twin Falls

3 Fatalities

  • Payette
  • Valley

2 Fatalities

  • Boise
  • Cassia
  • Jefferson
  • Minidoka
  • Nez Perce

1 Fatality

  • Bear Lake
  • Benewah
  • Bingham
  • Blaine
  • Boundary
  • Elmore
  • Franklin
  • Latah
  • Lemhi
  • Lincoln
  • Owyhee

No Fatalities

  • Adams
  • Butte
  • Camas
  • Caribou
  • Clark
  • Custer
  • Fremont
  • Gem
  • Gooding
  • Lewis
  • Madison
  • Oneida
  • Power
  • Shoshone
  • Washington

*All 2023 data is preliminary

Idaho urges sober rides for safe Labor Day as ‘100 Deadliest Days’ conclude

BOISE—As Idaho approaches the end of the 100 Deadliest Days, drivers should remember to include a sober ride home in their Labor Day plans. The Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS) has partnered with Idaho State Police (ISP) and more than 50 other law enforcement agencies for enhanced DUI patrols this coming holiday weekend. Expect to see more officers on the roads to stop impaired drivers before they cause harm. 

“As law enforcement professionals, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of our communities. The act of impaired driving not only defies the principles we uphold but also endangers the lives we’ve sworn to protect,” said Colonel Kedrick Wills of the Idaho State Police. “This Labor Day weekend, let us all unite in our commitment to safety by making responsible choices. Through intensified patrol and advanced expertise, we are committed to creating an environment free from the dangers of impaired driving.”  

According to data gathered by OHS, 110 people were killed as a result of impaired driving crashes last year. That represents more than half of all fatalities in 2022.  

Labor Day marks the end of the 100 Deadliest Days, the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when Idaho sees a spike in fatal and serious injury crashes. This year to date 164 people have been killed in crashes on Idaho roads, 89 of those fatalities happened during the 100 Deadliest Days.  

Sadly 2023 has been deadlier than 2022 so far. This time last year there were 133 fatalities on Idaho roads, versus 164 this year.  

“It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of impaired driving, aggressive driving, and distracted driving,” explained Highway Safety Manager Josephine Middleton. “We can help to keep ourselves and others safe by driving engaged, putting down the distractions, driving sober, and always wearing our seatbelts.” 

Paving begins next week for the US-95 McArthur Lake project

paving underway at US-95 McArthur Lake


Starting Monday morning, August 28th, the Idaho Transportation Department will begin paving a temporary adjacent road, also known as a shoo-fly, as part of ongoing construction for the US95 McArthur Lake project. Paving is expected to last two days, during which time the highway will be reduced to 1 lane in alternating shifts to allow crews to work. Flaggers may also be utilized to assist with traffic flow. Drivers should expect delays throughout daytime commuting hours.

It is anticipated that traffic will shift over to this new section of paved roadway in mid-September to accommodate final construction on the future bridge. The projected final completion date for this project is Fall of 2024.

Motorists should exercise caution while traveling through work zones. Those wishing to receive email updates about the US-95 McArthur lake project can sign up here. Drivers can also check or download the Idaho 511 app for the latest traffic conditions on all state roadways.

Idaho Authorities Join Forces for Safer Roads: Intensified DUI Patrols Planned as Labor Day Nears

BOISE—Labor Day is fast approaching, and summer is winding down. As Idahoans celebrate the end of the summer expect to see more police officers on the roads looking for impaired drivers. The Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS) is partnering with over 50 law enforcement agencies across the state to step up DUI patrols from August 18 through Labor Day.

“As Idahoans, we want to do the right thing and keep each other safe,” explained Impaired Driving Program Specialist Lisa Losness. “We all know drinking and driving can have deadly consequences and so we hope everyone makes a plan for a sober ride home and the police don’t have to intervene.”

According to data gathered by OHS, 39% of all fatal crashes in Idaho are impaired driver related.

Labor Day also marks the end of the 100 Deadliest Days, the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when Idaho sees a spike in fatal and serious injury crashes. This year to date 152* people have been killed in crashes on Idaho roads, 77* of those fatalities happened during the 100 Deadliest Days.

“If you are planning a Labor Day celebration or an end-of-summer road trip, include a safe and sober ride home in your plans, buckle up, and end this summer with great memories,” said Losness.

*Preliminary data

Paving begins next week at SH-53 and Ramsey Road

half-paved intersection at SH-53 and Ramsey Road

Starting Tuesday the Idaho Transportation Department will begin paving at the intersection of State Highway 53 and Ramsey Road as part of ongoing construction to add turning and through lanes.

Paving is expected to last up to three days. The highway will remain reduced to one lane in alternating shifts to allow traffic flow during construction. During this time flaggers may be utilized to assist with traffic flow. Drivers accessing SH-53 from Ramsey Road should expect longer delays than normal, but delays for traffic already on SH-53 should be minimal.

Once paving is complete, crews will adjust timing for the temporary signal to reduce delays. One lane on SH-53 will continue to be closed through the intersection until the permanent signal is installed in October.

For updates on traffic impacts on state highways and interstates, drivers should check before traveling.

“Do the math. Save a life.” New math program teaches safe driving and data science

The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD), Idaho Department of Education, Idaho STEM Action Center, and Horizon Credit Union have teamed up on new math resources for Algebra 1 students. A coalition of math educators from across Idaho developed a series of lessons, called “Do the math. Save a life,” that use Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS) crash data to teach Algebra and data analysis skills.

“So much data is thrown out in the world these days, and it’s important to empower students to be critical consumers of data. Being able to understand and interpret data and statistics is an essential skill for modern society,” explained Josie Derrick, Lead Math Innovator at One Stone and part of the team that created the lessons. “By providing students with opportunities to use math as a tool to think critically and engage in discussions where there may not be a “right” answer, we build skills for students to become more engaged citizens in the future.”

OHS collects data on all crashes that happen on Idaho roads and displays it on publicly available dashboards. The new math program uses that data to provide examples of math in real life and teaches students lessons like scatter plots, frequency tables, and analyzing claims.

“We are all more curious about what’s happening in our own communities,” said Erin Corwine, part of the team that created the lessons and K-8 Mathematics Instructional Specialist at the Developing Mathematical Thinking Institute, Idaho. “Because the dataset is specific to Idaho, students can interact with data points unique to their counties, and in some cases, even specific intersections, so there’s relevance in the learning.”

OHS data shows Idaho teens are 2.5 times more likely to be involved in a crash than other age groups.

“Not only are these lessons teaching them math, but they are also teaching teens about the dangers of distracted, aggressive, and impaired driving,” said Highway Safety Manager Josephine Middleton. “We want them to understand the risks to they can make safe choices once they start learning how to drive.”

Horizon Credit Union provided financial support for the creation of the math lessons.

The “Do the math. Save a life” program will be presented to math teachers from around the state at the Imagine the Places You’ll Go STEM Conference on August 3 and 4 in Boise. Part of the conference will include a field trip to see the mathematics that ITD employees use in their jobs. Boise Police will conduct an actual car crash demonstration and will be available to discuss the science behind crash investigations. Members of the media are welcome to observe the field trip on August 4 from 1-3:30 pm at the ITD Annex, 3293 W Jordan St, Boise, ID 83703.

Educators who want to review and use the new lessons can download materials from

As fatalities on Idaho roads climb, police will ramp up enforcement efforts now through July 30

Fifteen people have been killed in crashes on Idaho roads in the last 10 days, at the mid-point of the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer. The Idaho Office of Highway Safety (OHS), Idaho State Police, and over 50 law enforcement partners across Idaho are joining forces to educate drivers and stop aggressive driving. Now through July 30, expect to see more officers on the road looking for speeding, tailgating, and other aggressive driving behaviors.

So far this year 121* people have been killed on Idaho roads. Forty-five* of those fatalities happened during the 100 Deadliest Days, which is the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day when Idaho sees a spike in fatal and serious injury crashes. Last year 39 percent of all fatal crashes involved some form of aggressive driving behavior.

“We all want to make it home and most Idahoans make safe choices that protect themselves and others,” explained Highway Safety Manager Josephine Middleton. “It’s important that we recognize and stop the behaviors that put people at risk.”

Speeding reduces a driver’s ability to react to hazards and increases the risk of crashes and injuries. It also makes it harder to maneuver around obstacles or curves and increases stopping distance. Other vehicles and pedestrians may misjudge distances when a car is speeding towards them.

“The effects of speeding are deadly,” said Middleton,  “and with more drivers out and about during the summer the danger goes up for everyone on the roads.”

Examples of aggressive driving include:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Cutting in front of another driver and then slowing down
  • Failing to stop for red lights or stop signs
  • Failure to yield
  • Weaving in and out of traffic
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  • Blocking cars that are attempting to change lanes
  • Passing a vehicle on the wrong side of the road or on the shoulder
  • Screaming, honking, or flashing lights
  • Making hand gestures or facial expressions at other drivers

*Preliminary data