LOWMAN – Idaho Transporation Department crews have cleared a section of Idaho Highway 21 from Idaho City to Mores Creek following significant snowfall. The section of ID-21 from Lowman to Stanley known as Canyon Creek remains closed.

In the last week, the area has received more than 5 feet of snow. Avalanche danger has prevented crews from working to clear the Canyon Creek section. Slides have hit the road and piled more than 50 feet of snow on top of the roadway. Additional crews are dispatched to assist efforts to clear these historic slides.
The segment between Idaho City and Lowman is a popular destination for winter recreationists, including park-n-ski locations accessing state-owned yurts. Crews have been blowing snow off the road moving south to north. Currently, the road is clear to Mores Creek park-n-ski. Access to the following park-n-ski locations remains closed (map).
- Whoop Um Up
- Gold Fork
- Banner Ridge
- Beaver Creek Summit
Crews will continue to work over the weekend to clear snow from the road. For updates, check 511 at 511.idaho.gov.