Construction on the new U.S. Highway 95 four-lane segment between Moscow and Thorn Creek Road will resume this week. Drivers can expect to have one lane in each direction and slow down to 45 miles per hour in work zones mainly near Reisenhauer Hill until construction of five miles on the north end of the project is ready to accept traffic this summer.
Last year crews constructed nearly five of the six miles. They will now focus on paving the new alignment, building two bridges over Thorn Creek and connecting the new roadway to existing US-95. Construction on Thorn Creek bridges will continue in the fall.
The existing US-95 roadway will temporarily close at Reisenauer Hill in the summer as ITD switches traffic over to the new alignment. At that time, Latah County will assume ownership of the old route and plans to use funds from the Thorn Creek project to repave and reopen it.
“We have been running on all cylinders to deliver this vital safety project for our region,” District Engineer Doral Hoff said. “M.A. DeAtley Construction, Inc. and their teams are also eager to transform US-95 to four lanes so motorists can experience increased capacity for mobility and improved geometry for safety. We are appreciative of the public’s patience during this construction effort.”
Portions of this project are funded as part of Idaho Governor Brad Little’s Leading Idaho transportation funding initiative. The Leading Idaho money allows ITD to take a deliberate approach to advance large projects that will enhance safety, improve mobility, further strengthen Idaho’s economy and positively impact communities across the state for years to come.
Travelers are reminded to check for live traffic impacts across the region including this one by visiting, dialing 5-1-1 or downloading the app.