ITD System Interchange Construction Accelerates


POCATELLO – With the arrival of spring the Idaho Transportation Department is ramping-up construction at the System Interchange in Pocatello. As part of Governor Little’s “Leading Idaho” initiative, the System Interchange is being redesigned to replace aging bridges built in the 1960s and improve traffic safety.

While work at the interchange continued throughout the winter, in the coming week ITD’s contractor will be placing girders for the new I-15 northbound bridge. This will necessitate rolling slowdowns, delays, and short detours around the I-86 to I-15 ramp leading from Chubbuck toward Blackfoot.

Additionally, as work progresses into the first week of April the Chubbuck Road bridge will be demolished. This will be done in stages with traffic detoured through Chubbuck at night. The first closure will be for northbound traffic and the second for southbound I-15 traffic.

Other projects will also see ramped-up operations including the Fort Hall Interchange and bridge work on I-86. With unprecedented funding made available for construction, Idaho motorists will continue to see increased activity on Idaho’s highways.

To protect Idaho’s workers and other motorists, ITD asks those travelling on Idaho’s highways to follow work zone speed limits, be patient, and plan for extra time to travel to their destinations.

To learn more about the final design of the System Interchange citizens can watch this video

American Falls drop-in meeting scheduled March 7 for Intersection of Pocatello Avenue and SH-39


AMERICAN FALLS – The Idaho Transportation Department will host an informal drop-in meeting for the planned improvement of the Intersection of Pocatello Avenue and SH-39. Project staff will be on hand to answer questions on March 7 from 4:30-6:30 at the American Falls District Library, 308 Roosevelt Street.

ITD is planning to improve safety, traffic flow, and mobility at the intersection with a Continuous Green T design. The Green T will allow continuous movements everywhere except at the stop sign in the northbound lane of Pocatello Avenue.

While ITD initially considered a roundabout at the intersection, further review and community input resulted in a design change to a Green T which lessens the turning movements for most of the trucking traffic on SH-39. The design also makes it easier for large farm equipment to navigate the intersection.

The federally funded $3.25 million project is planned for 2025. During construction some lane closures will occur.

ITD Snowplow Strikes ISP Patrol Car

SWAN VALLEY – An Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) snowplow struck an Idaho State Police (ISP) patrol car at approximately 8:30 this morning during white-out conditions. The incident occurred in the westbound lane on U.S. Highway 26 near Swan Valley.

The patrol car was occupied by two ISP troopers who were at the scene of an earlier crash when the snowplow rear-ended the patrol car.  Both troopers were transported by car to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center to be checked out as a precautionary measure.

US-26 was closed in both directions between Ririe and Swan Valley from milepost 355 to milepost 377 due to wind, drifting snow and reduced visibility. There were multiple collisions reported in the region.

“We are grateful that everyone was able to walk away from this crash,” ITD District 6 Engineer Jason Minzghor said. “We appreciate our partners at ISP and our ITD crews out there risking their lives to try and keep the roads as safe as possible during these harsh conditions.”

Several highways were closed in the region due to inclement weather.

Extreme Cold May Result in Additional Road Closures

A snowy highway in East Idaho

RIGBY – As extreme cold continues in East Idaho, the Idaho Transportation Department is asking motorists to plan ahead and check the website before hitting the roads. “It’s vitally important that drivers are paying close attention to current conditions,” said ITD Public Information Officer Justin Smith. “We always try to keep roads open, but when conditions become unsafe for our plow drivers we have to close the roads to protect everyone.”

Smith also noted that drivers checking the 511 website or using the newly updated version of the 511 app might see a webcam of one portion of the road that looks fine, but other sections may not be safe. “With the changes in altitude at places like the Ashton Hill conditions can be vastly different from Idaho Falls or Henry’s Lake.”

Those changing conditions can also be dangerous. The National Weather Service announced over the weekend that wind chills are dropping to -15°F to -40°F. At -30°F exposed skin can freeze in as little as 10 minutes. That means motorists must be sure to have their vehicle serviced. A poorly maintained vehicle can leave someone stranded.

AAA notes ( several other precautions motorists should take:

  • Keep a bundle of cold-weather gear in your car, such as extra food and water, warm clothing (including additional clothing for every passenger), a flashlight, a glass scraper, blankets, medications, and more.
  • Make certain your tires are properly inflated and have plenty of tread.
  • Keep at least half a tank of fuel in your vehicle at all times.
  • Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
  • Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface, such as on ice and snow.
  • Stay home and only go out if necessary. Even if you can drive well in bad weather, it’s better to avoid taking unnecessary risks by venturing out.

It is especially important to consider children, the disabled, and elderly who may be passengers. “Sometimes we forget that children and vulnerable adults do not have the ability to maintain body temperature. Kids like to go out without enough cold weather protection, but parents should ensure there are coats, hats, gloves, and other necessities are available if needed,” Smith said.

This winter has become more challenging as District 6 has lost a number of plow drivers leaving 17 vacant positions open. “We do have a few relief plow drivers to help with the vacancies, but it’s not enough to take the pressure off,” said Bryan Young. “This number includes employees who are retiring or are out for extended health reasons. We do have a few new hires, but they will not be 100% this winter.”

The vacant positions may make it necessary to close roads sooner than motorists may be used to. When fully staffed multiple plow drivers can work the same highway from both directions. However, with fewer plows on the road it may not be possible to keep a road open. This is especially the case where snowfall is heavy and strong winds are blowing.

ITD has also been dealing with numerous plow strikes and drivers making dangerous maneuvers around plows. So far 13 plows have been hit this season. Most of those incidents were related to drivers going too fast for conditions and passing plows on the right.


ITD crews fixing potholes in East Idaho

EAST IDAHO – The Idaho Transportation Department is working to address potholes created by rapidly changing temperatures this winter. Recent snows followed by warm temperatures allows water to enter through cracks in asphalt. When that water freezes at night it can result in potholes forming on the surface of Idaho’s highways and freeways.

While winter maintenance typically focuses on keeping roads clear of snow, crews are also repairing potholes on I-15, within the city of Idaho Falls, as well as in other areas of the region.

D5 operations engineer Greydon Wright says, “The biggest area that we have been fighting them are on I-15 between Exit 93 (Blackfoot) and the Blackfoot Rest Areas.”

Similarly, D6 operations engineer Bryan Young reports they have been hard at work as well, “This week we have received numerous comments about the potholes in Idaho Falls. The Idaho Falls Maintenance Shed has successfully repaired the major potholes and will continue to repair the roadways as more potholes appear.” However, Young points out that repairs are weather dependent. So, drivers must still pay attention to avoid hitting a rough piece of pavement.

Patching during the winter consists of using a “cold patch” that is intended to be a temporary solution. Crews will return in the summer to perform more permanent repairs as needed. In addition, ITD has several projects scheduled this year to address older pavement throughout the region.

System Interchange Construction in Full Swing

Leading Idaho - TECM Program

POCATELLO – The Idaho Transportation Department’s rebuild of the System Interchange for I-86 and I-15 at Pocatello is in full swing with crews working multiple areas throughout the worksite. As part of Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative, the project is quickly changing how the heart of the Interstate in Pocatello appears.

The lowering of the ramp for westbound traffic from northbound I-15 to I-86 is now complete and work on building the new bridges is beginning. Temporary barriers are in place at multiple locations and motorists will also notice changes in lane striping as traffic is shifted away from work areas.

View of construction site at System Interchange looking south with large crane in center
Cranes are being placed to begin drilling shafts for bridge piers.

One safety innovation being implemented is the use of a conveyor belt system to move earth fill from one area of the project to another. The conveyor allows crews to move material without using trucks entering and exiting the Interstate. That makes for a safer work zone for drivers and work crews. It is important that public keep clear of the conveyor system for their own safety.

In the coming weeks cranes will appear on the project and begin drilling shafts for new bridge piers. Excavators and other earthmoving equipment are also working in multiple areas to reprofile the land. Throughout the work zone water trucks are being utilized to keep dust down. Inspectors and engineers are also on-site daily ensuring safety and compliance with designs.

Near the end of the month or early next month pile driving will begin in the northern portion of the work area. There will be some associated noise during this portion of the operation.

Speed limits in the work area are now set at 55mph and should always be carefully observed, day and night. Crews are working long hours including some night work. Drivers should also know that lane configurations are changing and should be prepared to adjust to the difference by watching for signs and following pavement markings.

It is especially important with such a large project that motorists plan for extra time and to be patient with other drivers by allowing them to merge and change lanes as needed. Sharing the road and watching for workers and construction vehicles entering the Interstate is essential to keeping everyone safe.

The historic rebuild of the I-86/I-15 System Interchange was the outgrowth of a need to replace aging bridges and improve safety. The bridges, built in the 1960s, are currently safe but needed to be replaced due to their age. Failure to do so would result in a need to place restrictive load limits which would hinder commerce.

Water truck spraying dusty ground to control dust
Water trucks are working tirelessly to keep dust from construction to a minimum.

ITD also noted an increase in aggressive lane changes and congestion within the interchange, particularly just north of the Pocatello Creek exit. The rapid motion of entering I-15 at Pocatello Creek and crossing to the passing lane to exit toward Chubbuck did not exist when the interchange was built. However, with population growth and associated development that traffic is now significant. Such “exit left” and “enter left” movements do not meet driver expectations, cause confusion, and results in frustration for drivers.

Another much-needed improvement was a redesign of the Chubbuck Road crossing. The old 1962 bridge is narrow and has limited capacity for pedestrians and bicyclists. With the growth of Pocatello and the addition of the Portneuf Wellness Complex a significant change was needed. ITD’s new design changes Chubbuck Road from being an overpass over I-15 to an underpass beneath the freeway with dedicated bike lanes and wider sidewalks. Removal of the bridge also creates more space for the larger project to handle increased traffic.

Once completed, the new System Interchange will be safer and ready to carry the increased traffic volumes for the fastest growing state in America.

This video describes how the new interchange will work and improve mobility and safety for the public – 

Project details and updates are available here on ITD’s projects website

This project is partially funded with Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation (TECM) funds as part of Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative. The program allows ITD to accelerate project timelines to address rapid growth and build critical infrastructure today that would otherwise take many years to fund and build.

View of earthmoving equipment looking south near Pocatello Creek Exit
Earthmoving equipment is working throughout the System Interchange project site


View of concrete rail on Chubbuck Road showing the date 1962
The age of the 1960s era bridges necessitated their replacement.


Ashton Blasting to Resume Next Week

Construction in Ashton

ASHTON – Beginning Wednesday, September 7 the next phase of the US-20 and SH-47 project at Ashton will begin. The contractor will periodically be blasting rock that is under the roadway between September 7 and September 13. The blasting will occur in the construction area and motorists should anticipate longer than normal delays.

In addition, there will be a change in traffic pattern to accommodate work at the intersection. SH-47 traffic will be shifted onto the north side of the road with the south side closed for construction. US-20 and SH-47 will remain open to traffic in all directions.

Motorist should take care to watch for equipment and workmen, follow all signs and flaggers, and reduce speeds to posted limits.

Questions and concerns can be directed to HK Contractors office at (208) 523-6600.


View of SH-47 looking toward intersection with US-20

Idaho Transportation Department now taking comments for all upcoming projects in East Idaho

EAST IDAHO – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is asking for input on the just-released draft Idaho Transportation Investment Program (ITIP). The 2023-2029 ITIP is a seven-year master plan of the state’s transportation improvement projects. Everyone is encouraged to participate starting in July.

Projects can range from large-scale interstate improvements to smaller projects like the installation of a new guardrail. In all, the draft ITIP includes projects in all 44 counties and all modes of transportation. Projects were selected based on technical data, as well as input from local officials and residents.

A complete breakdown of the draft plan can be found at

A few of the major projects in East Idaho include:

  • I-15 Northgate to Fort Hall Widening – Widen the interstate to three lanes in both North and South directions, including replacement of outdated structures, drainage facilities, and interchange merge/diverge improvements.
  • US-20 Chester to Ashton Widening – This project will build a 4-lane divided highway with the addition of 2 new interchanges.
  • Blackfoot West Bridge Street bridge replacement – Replace the aging West Bridge Street Bridge over the Snake River in Blackfoot.
  • Chubbuck, Widening Park Lawn to Siphon Road – To provide additional capacity along Yellowstone Avenue between Park Lawn and Siphon. It will also allow for the addition of a traffic signal at the intersection of Yellowstone Avenue and Siphon Road.
  • A2 Highway improvements – This project will improve the A2 Highway in Clark County by widening the roadway, fixing soft spots, adding additional base and paving the roadway.  This will include the replacement of culverts, and other minor drainage improvements.
  • SH-33 Teton County intersection improvements – This project will improve intersections and add turn lanes on SH33 from milepost 138.70 to milepost 149.40.
  • US-93 Pahsimeroi River bridge replacement – This project will replace the Pahsimeroi River bridge on US-93 in Custer County.

Comments will be taken from July 1-31 and can be e-mailed to or mailed to:ITIP – Comments

Attn: Office of Communication
P.O. Box 7129
Boise, ID  83707

Paper copies of the ITIP will be provided upon request by contacting the Idaho Transportation Department (208) 334-8119.

All comments will be reviewed, incorporated into the ITIP where appropriate, and responses will be sent in September once the comment period has ended.

After approval by the Idaho Transportation Board in September, the ITIP will then be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency in October.

Construction to begin in July at Ashton

Ashton Intersection

ASHTON – Beginning July 6 the Idaho Transportation Department will commence work on two projects at Ashton. The first project, at the intersection of US-20 and SH-47 in Ashton, will consist of extensive work to improve safety and traffic flow. The second project will be a pavement overlay along SH-47 beginning near North Fremont High School and continuing to Bear Gulch.

The US-20 / SH-47 intersection project will consist of a stoplight, new curb and sidewalks, storm sewer work, and pavement. Work is scheduled to be completed in October. Traffic patterns will change periodically to allow for construction.

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday June 29, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at the Ashton City hall for those that wish to discuss construction plans at the intersection and express concerns.

The paving project on SH-47 east of Ashton will last for approximately 15 days. Crews will be microsurfacing the roadway to improve and protect the road surface. During work there will be single lane closures and pilot cars to control traffic flow.

Motorists are asked to watch for workers and equipment, follow all traffic signs and flaggers, and reduce speeds to posted limits. Traffic control and safety devices will be changing often to accommodate construction activities.

Citizens with questions regarding the US-20 / SH-47 intersection can contact HK Contractors at (208) 523-6600.

Those with questions regarding the SH-47 microsurfacing project can call the Idaho Transportation Department District 6 office at (208) 745-7781.

ITD to hold open house on I-15 planning project between Northgate and Blackfoot

Vehicles on I-15

POCATELLO – The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is hosting an open house from June 6 – 13 to share information and gather public input about designs to widen I-15 between the Northgate Parkway Interchange (Exit 73) and Blackfoot.

Map of project area with description of anticipated improvements
Download full-resolution PDF
“Most of I-15 was constructed in the 1960s and 1970s and it is aging and nearing capacity in some areas,” said ITD District 5 Engineering Manager Eric Staats. “We are excited to be moving forward with a planning and design process to improve safety and capacity on I-15 between Pocatello and Blackfoot.”

The I-15 Northgate to Blackfoot Project is part of a multi-year planning process to improve I-15 between Pocatello and Idaho Falls.

“This project between the Northgate Interchange and Blackfoot will provide environmental clearance and develop widening options for future projects,” said Staats. “We would like the public’s input on the widening options that are being developed.”

The public is invited to stop by the open house any time between 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8 at the Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel, Chief Targhee Room (777 Bannock Road) in Fort Hall. ITD will be on hand to discuss the project and proposed widening improvement options.

The same information will also be available online at between June 6 – 13. Participants can review materials online and submit comments.

Elements of this project are being funded with Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation (TECM) funds as part of the Leading Idaho TECM Program. To address the state’s rapid growth, the legislature passed a historic transportation revenue package that Governor Little signed as part of his Leading Idaho initiative in May 2021. House Bill 362 raised the percentage of sales tax going towards transportation from 1% to 4.5%, with bonding authority granted to ITD to invest in safety and capacity needs across the state. The program allows ITD to accelerate project timelines to address rapid growth and build critical infrastructure today that would otherwise take many years to fund and build.

For more information, please visit the project website at