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County Offices

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Counties often have separate office locations for DMV services.
The searchable tables below provide county locations & office hours by DMV service types.

Driver’s License & ID Card: Please check your local county office for their hours & to see if specific services are provided by appointment only. Search by county or city to find your local DMV county office for driver licenses & ID cards.

ADA Boise400 N Benjamin Ln208-577-3100 7:00a to 5:00p - By appointment onlySchedule Appointment | Call 208-577-3100 for ADA accommodations or if unable to schedule online 7:00a to 4:00p 7:00a to 2:00p
ADAMeridian736 S. Progress Ave.208-577-31007:00a to 5:00p, M, T, Th, F - *Closed Wed. | By appointment onlySchedule Appointment | Call 208-577-3100 for ADA accommodations or if unable to schedule online7:00a to 4:00p
*Closed Wed.
7:00a to 2:00p
*Closed Wed.
ADAStar10769 W State St208-577-31007:00a to 5:00p - By appointment onlySchedule Appointment | Call 208-577-3100 for ADA accommodations or if unable to schedule online7:00a to 4:00p
7:00a to 2:00p
ADAMS Council 201 Industrial 208-253-4227 7:30a to 5:00p Mon - Thur, *Fri: 8:00a to 12:00p 8:00a to 3:30p 8:00a to 3:30p
BANNOCK Pocatello
5800 South 5th 208-236-7258 7:00a to 6:00p Mon - Thur, *Closed Friday
By appointment only
Schedule Appointment
7:00a to 5:00p 7:00a to 4:00p
BEAR LAKE Paris 30 N Main 208-945-2121 8:30a to 4:30p 9:00a to 4:00p Appointment only
9:00a to 3:00p
BENEWAH St Maries 222 S. 7th St. - Rm G27 208-245-2555 8:30a to 4:30p 8:30a to 3:30p 8:30a to 3:30p
BINGHAM Blackfoot
501 N Maple
8:00a to 4:00p 8:00a to 4:00p 8:00a to 3:00p
219 1st Avenue S #109 208-788-5565 8:00a to 6:00p Mon - Thur, *Closed Friday
Schedule Your Appointment
8:00a to 5:00p 8:00a to 4:00p
BOISE CountyIdaho City3851 Highway 21208- 392-6059 8:00a to 4:30p 8:00a to 4:00p 8:00a to 4:00p
BOISE CountyHorseshoe Bend Highway 55 208-793-2262 9:00a to 4:30p  9:00a to 10:30a
1:00p to 3:00p
9:00a to 10:30a
1:00p to 3:00p
BONNER Sandpoint
Priest River
4001 N Boyer Ave
73 Eastside Road
9:15a to 4:30p
9:15a to 4:30p **9:15a to 10:00a Seniors & Disabled
10:15a – 4:30p Daily sign in list
9:15a to 4:00p
9:15a to 4:00p
9:15a to 3:00p
9:15a to 3:00p
BONNEVILLE Idaho Falls 254 "E" Street 208-529-1374 8:00a to 5:00p, • Schedule Your Appointment 8:00a to 4:00p 8:00a to 3:00p
BOUNDARY Bonners Ferry 6566 Main Street 208-267-3151, Ext 204 8:00a to 5:00p, *Tue. Closed: 12:00p to 1:00p 8:00a to 11:00a
1:00p to 4:00p
9:00a to 11:00p
1:00p to 3:30p
BUTTE Arco 256 W Grand Ave 208-527-8553 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 4:00p 9:00a to 4:00p
CAMAS Fairfield 119 Willow Ave W 208-764-2261 8:00a to 5:00p 8:00a to 5:00p 8:00a to 2:00p
6107 Graye Lane 208-454-7487 8:00a to 4:00p, • Schedule Your Appointment
Canyon County Website
8:00a to 3:00p 8:00a to 3:00p
CARIBOU Soda Springs 475 E 2nd S 208-547-2561 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 4:00p 9:00a to 4:00p
CASSIA Burley 129 E 14th St 208-878-1108 9:00a to 4:30p 9:00a to 3:30p 9:00a to 2:30p
CLARK Dubois 224 W Main St 208-374-5403 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 4:30p 9:00a to 4:30p
CLEARWATER Orofino 150 Michigan Ave 208-476-8970 8:00a to 4:00p By appointment only 8:00a to 3:00p 8:00a to 3:00p
CUSTER Challis 130 S 9th St 208-879-2232 8:00a to 4:30p *Closed Tuesday 8:00a to 4:30p 8:00a to 4:30p
ELMOREMountain Home
Glenns Ferry
125 S 5th E St
Glenns Ferry: 201 N Commercial St
208-587-1888, #3
8:30a to 4:30p
Elmore County Website
Glenns Ferry: *CLOSED for Driver’s License issuance
8:30a to 3:30p
Glenns Ferry: CLOSED for Driver’s License
8:30a to 2:00p
FRANKLIN Preston 39 W Oneida St 208-852-1234 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 4:30p 9:00a to 4:00p
FREMONT St Anthony 146 N 2nd W 208-624-4482 8:00a to 4:30p 8:00a to 4:00p 8:00a to 4:00p

410 E 1st St 208-365-3524

7:00a to 5:00p - By appointment onlySchedule your appointment
Gem County Website
7:00a to 3:30p

7:00a to 3:00p
GOODING Gooding 145 7th Ave East 208-934-4597 7:30a to 5:30p, Mon - Thur. *Closed Fri. 7:30a to 4:00p 7:30a to 3:00p
IDAHO Grangeville 320 W Main St 208-983-2217 8:30a to 4:45p 8:30a to 4:30p8:30a to 4:00p

Mud Lake
200 Courthouse Way
1270 E 1500 N (Terreton)

Call our office for an Appointment

Mud Lake: 2nd & 4th Thurs. of each month, 10:00a to 4:00
9:00a to 4:00p

No Testing
9:00a to 3:00p

No Testing
JEROME Jerome2151 S Tiger Dr. 208-595-3300 7:30a to 4:30p7:30a to 4:00p7:30a to 3:00p
KOOTENAI Coeur d'Alene
Post Falls
451 N Government Way
120 E Railroad Ave

7:30a to 4:30p, • Schedule Appointment

Post Falls: 7:30a to 4:30p, • Schedule Appointment
7:30a to 3:30p

7:30a to 3:30p
7:30a to 3:30p

7:30a to 3:30p
LATAH Moscow
1313 S Blaine St. 208-883-7216 9:00a to 4:30p
9:00a to 4:00p 9:00a to 3:30p
LEMHI Salmon 206 Courthouse Dr 208-756-2815, Ext 1680 7:00a to 4:30p 7:00a to 4:00p 7:00a to 4:00p
LEWIS Nezperce 510 Oak St Rm 5 208-937-2447 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 5:00p
LINCOLN Shoshone 111 West B St, Suite S 208-886-99019:00a to 5:00p, *Closed 30 min. for lunch 9:00a to 4:00p 9:00a to 3:30p
MADISON Rexburg 510 North 2nd East Street, Suite 1 208-372-50037:00a to 5:30p By appointment only
Schedule Your Appointment
Appointment only
7:00a to 4:30p
Appointment only
7:00a to 3:30p
MINIDOKA Rupert 724 H Street 208-434-2327 8:30a to 5:30p 8:30a to 4:30p 8:30a to 3:30p
NEZ PERCE Lewiston
1150 Wall St. 208-799-3138 7:00a to 4:30p, • Schedule Your Appointment 7:15a to 4:00p 7:15a to 3:00p
ONEIDA Malad City 10 Court St 208-766-4817, Ext 8 9:00a to 4:30p
By appointment only
9:00a to 4:00p 9:00a to 4:00p
OWYHEE Marsing
15 Reich St. 208-896-4210 8:30a to 4:00p
8:30a to 11:30a
1:00p to 3:00 p
8:30a to 11:00a
1:00p to 2:30p
20381 State, Hwy 78 208-495-2817, Ext 148 9:00a to 4:00p
9:00a to 3:00p 9:00a to 2:30p
OWYHEE Grand View
425 Boise Avenue 208-834-20609:30a – 3:00p *Wed. only 9:30a – 2:00p 9:30a – 2:00p
PAYETTE Payette 1130 3rd Ave N, Room 101 208-642-6003 9:00a to 5:00p, *Closed 1:00p to 2:00p 9:00a to 12:00p
2:00p to 4:00p
9:00a to 12:00p
2:00p to 4:00p
POWER American Falls 550 Gifford Ave 208-226-2311 9:00a to 12:00p, 1:00p to 4:45p 9:00a to 11:00a
1:00p to 4:00p
9:00a to 11:00a
1:00p to 4:00p
SHOSHONE Wallace 717 Bank St 208-556-0654 9:00a to 5:00p 9:00a to 4:00p 9:00a to 3:30p
TETON Driggs 150 Courthouse Dr #212 208-776-8204 9:00a to 4:00p, *Closed 1:30p to 2:00p for lunch9:00a to 1:00p
2:00p – 4:00p
9:00a to 1:00p
2:00p – 4:00p
630 Addison Ave W
330 Broadway Ave N
8:00a to 5:00p
8:00a to 4:00p
8:00a to 3:30p8:00a to 3:30p
VALLEY Cascade
107 W Spring St
208-382-71588:00a to 5:00p 8:00a to 4:00p
8:00a to 3:00p
WASHINGTON Weiser485 East 3rd Street208-414-2565M, T, Th - 8:00a to 5:00p, *Closed 1:00p to 2:00p
Wed - 8:00a to 7:00p, *Closed 1:00p to 2:00p
Fri - 8:00a to 1:00p
M, T, Th - 8:00a - 12:00p
2:00p - 4:00p
Wed: 7:00a - 12:00p
2:00p - 6:00p
Fri - 8:00a -12:00p
M, T, Th - 8:00a - 12:00p
2:00p - 4:00p
Wed: 7:00a - 12:00p
2:00p - 6:00p
Fri - 8:00a -12:00p

License Plates & Titles: Please check your local county office for their hours & to see if specific services are provided by appointment only. Search by county or city to find your local DMV county office for titles & plates.

ADA - Franklin Road1A 8655 W. Franklin Rd.
Boise 837098:00a to 5:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
ADA - Front Street 1A190 East Front Boise 83702-5960 8:00a to 5:00p 208-577-3135208-287-7209
ADA - Meridian Office 1A1769 N. Lakes Ave Ste 100
Meridian 83646 8:00a to 5:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
208-577-3135 208-577-4709
ADA - Chinden Office 1A9115 Chinden, Ste 103
PO Box 140019
Garden City 83714 8:00a to 5:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
208-577-3135 208-577-4662
ADAMS 2A PO Box 46 201 Industrial Ave Council 83612-0046 8:00a – 3:00p208-253-4272 208-253-4361
BANNOCK 1B 130 North 6th Ave
Pocatello 832018:00a to 4:30p | Walk-ins accepted
Schedule Your Appointment
208-236-7200 208-236-7014
BEAR LAKE 2B 30 N Main St.Paris 83261-0190 8:30a to 5:00p
• No Title work after 4:30p
208-945-2155 208-945-2998
BENEWAH 3B 222 S 7th St #G07St. Maries 838618:30a to 4:00p
208-245-3910 208-245-2317
BINGHAM 4B 501 N Maple, #305 Blackfoot 83221-1700 9:00a to 4:00p 208-782-3031 208-785-4131
BINGHAM - Aberdeen Office 4BPO Box 190 33 N Main Aberdeen 83210-0190 8:00a to 4:00p 208-397-4161 208-397-7037
BINGHAM - Shelley Office 4B101 S Emerson Shelley 83274-1252 8:00a to 5:00p M-Th
8:00a to 11:30a Fri
208-357-3390 208-357-3998
BLAINE 5B 219 First Avenue S, Ste 103
Hailey 83333 By appointment only
Schedule Your Appointment
208-788-5538 208-788-2709
BOISE County 6B PO Box 189
3851 Hwy 21
Idaho City 83631 8:00a to 4:30p208-392-6059208-392-4957
BOISE County - Horseshoe Bend 6B PO Box 85
383 Hwy 55, HB Courthouse
Horseshoe Bend83629 8:00a to 4:30p 208-793-2262 208-793-2796
BONNER 7B 300 Bonner Mall Way Suite 24 Ponderay 83852 8:30a to 5:00p
208-265-1430 208-265-1455
BONNER - Priest River 7B 75 Eastside Road Priest River 83856 8:30a to 5:00p208-448-0746 208-448-1467
BONNEVILLE 8B 254 "E" Street (physical location)
605 N Capital (mailing address)
Idaho Falls 83402-3527 9:00a to 5:00p
Office Information • All Vehicle Services are Walk in Only
(208) 529-1350208-524-7905
6447 Railroad St, Suite B
Bonners Ferry 83805-0057 9:00a to 4:30p208-267-7613 208-267-1205
BUTTE 10B PO Box 157
248 W Grand
Arco 83213-0157 9:00a to 5:00p
Closed 12:00p - 1:00p
208-527-8288 208-527-3916
CAMAS 1C PO Box 430
517 Soldier Rd
Fairfield 83327-0430 8:30a to 5:00p208-764-2370 208-764-2454
CANYON2C 6107 Graye Lane, Suite A
Caldwell, Nampa83607 7:30a to 4:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
Canyon County Website
208-455-6020 208-455-6019
CARIBOU 3C 159 S. Main Soda Springs 83276-1495 9:00a to 5:00p 208-547-3733 208-547-4759
CASSIA 4C 203 E. 15th Street Burley 83318-1862 8:30a to 5:00p 208-878-3549 208-878-3550
224 W Main
DuBois 83423-0007 9:00a to 5:00p 208-374-5609208-374-5407
CLEARWATER 6C 2200 Michigan Ave Orofino 83544-0631 7:00a to 4:00p | Closed Fri.208-476-4912 208-476-3092
CUSTER 7C PO Box 597
801 E Main Ave
Challis 83226-0597 8:00a to 5:00p208-879-2325 208-879-6690
ELMORE E 150 S 4th East, Ste. 2 Mountain Home 83647-3093 8:30a to 4:30p 208-587-2126 208-587-1884
ELMORE - Glenns Ferry E PO Box 844
201 N Commercial
Glenns Ferry 83623-0844 T, W, Th. - 8:00a – 4:30p *208-366-2136 208-587-2159
FRANKLIN 1F 51 W. Oneida Preston 83263-1295 9:00a to 4:00p208-852-1091 208-852-1096
FREMONT 2F 151 W 1 st North, Ste. 2 St. Anthony 83445 8:00a to 4:00p 208-624-4449 208-624-1549
GEM 1G 288 Highway 16, Suite 107Emmett 83617 7:00a - 5:00p
Lunch: 12:00p-1:30p
Gem County Website
208-365-2171 208-365-2199
GOODING 2G 145 7th Ave E. Gooding 83330-1300 7:30a to 5:30p *Mon. - Thurs.
Closed Fri.
208-934-5668 208-934-0985
IDAHO I 320 W Main, Rm 1 Grangeville 83530-1993 8:30a to 5:00p 208-983-2742 208-983-0667
210 Courthouse Way Ste 150
Rigby 83442-0538 8:30a –5:00p208-745-9228 208-745-5240
JEFFERSON - Mud Lake Office 1J 1270 E 1500 N, Terreton, ID 83450
(no mail receptacle)
Mud Lake
10:00a to 4:00p
*1st & 3rd Thurs. of each month
208-663-4567 208-983-1428
JEROME 2J 300 N. Lincoln, Ste. 209 Jerome 83338-2344 8:00a to 4:00p 208-644-2730 208-644-2724
451 Government Way
Coeur d'Alene 83816-9000 8:15a to 4:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
208-446-1580 208-446-1582
KOOTENAI - Post Falls Office K 200 E Railroad Ave Post Falls 83854-9415 8:15a to 4:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
208-446-1590 208-446-1591
LATAH 1L 1313 S Blaine St. Moscow 838439:00a to 4:00p 208-883-7211 208-883-7213
LEMHI 2L 206 Courthouse DriveSalmon 83467 8:00a to 4:30p
LEWIS 3L 510 Oak Street, Rm #3 Nez Perce 83543 9:00a to 5:00p 208-937-2261 208-937-2234
LINCOLN 4L 111 West B St. Ste AShoshone 83352-5364 8:30a to 5:00p208-886-7755 N/A
MADISON 1M 510 North 2nd East Street,
Suite 1
Rexburg 83440-1911 8:30a to 5:00p
Schedule Your Appointment
615 H Street
Rupert 83350-0368 8:30a to 4:30p
Closed 11:00a - 12:30p
208-436-7181 208-436-1176
1230 Main St (County Courthouse)
Lewiston 83501-0896 8:00a - 5:00p208-799-3026 208-799-3168
ONEIDA 1O 10 Court Street Malad City 83252-1200 9:00a to 4:00p208-766-4116 ext 110 208-766-2983
OWYHEE 2O PO Box 128
20381 Hwy 78
Murphy 83650-0128 9:00a – 4:00p208-482-3090208-495-1483
OWYHEE - Grandview Office 2O PO Box 128
Location: 425 Boise Ave, Murphy, ID 83650
Grandview 83624 9:30a-3:00p
Only open Weds.
OWYHEE - Marsing Office 2O PO Box 1012
15 Reich St
Marsing 83639 8:30a – 4:00p208-896-4210 208-896-4043
PAYETTE 1P 205 N 12th St Payette 83661 9:00a to 5:00p
Closed 1:00p to 2:00p
208-642-6013 208-642-6076
POWER 2P 543 Bannock Ave American Falls 83211-1200 9:00a to 5:00p
Titles processing until 4:00p
208-226-7616 208-226-7612
SHOSHONE S 700 Bank St., Ste. 45 Wallace 83873-2356 9:00a to 5:00p
No title paperwork after 4:30p
208-752-1201 208-752-1102
TETON 1T 150 Courthouse Dr. #212 Driggs 83422 9:00a to 3:30p208-776-8204208-354-3508
Location: 630 Addison Ave W, Ste. 1201
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Twin Falls 83303Registration: 8:00a to 4:30p
Titles: 8:00a to 4:00p
208-735-4870 208-736-4212
TWIN FALLS - Buhl Office 2T330 Broadway Ave NBuhl 83316 Titles: 8:00a to 4:00p
Registration 8:00a to 4:30p
208-543-8023 551-444-1718
VALLEY V PO Box 1350
219 N Main St
Cascade 83611-1350 Walk-ins only
Registration: 9:00a to 4:00p
Titles: 9:00a to 3:45p
208-382-7141 208-382-7187
WASHINGTON W 485 East 3rd StreetWeiser 836728:30a to 5:00p208-414-2530208-414-1928

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DMV News

Idahoans saved more lives in 2016

February 8, 2017
BOISE - Idahoans are typically a kind and giving people. That was reinforced in 2016, as a record number of...
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