First female maintenance foreman in the state set to retire

Photo of the first female foreman at ITD

Shannon Thornton will retire March 15 after about 28 years on the job in North Idaho. She is the only female maintenance foreman currently at ITD, and after HR reviewed records, she’s believed to be the only one in agency history.

She started as an hourly in the Sandpoint residency in 1994 and transitioned to maintenance in the Coeur d’Alene area within a few years. For nearly the last two decades, she has served as foreman in the Sandpoint area and then the Athol area.

“She always found a way to say ‘yes’ to anything that was asked of her,” said Dave Freeman, who works for her at the Athol shed. “And when she commits, she leads like nobody else does, but at the same time with a lot of heart and kindness.”

Freeman shared several stories and remarked on her ability to network and obtain resources for her crews. Through her leadership and relationships across the state she has initiated and overseen the construction of maintenance facilities all over the district.

D6 District Engineer Jason Minzghor served as the operations engineer while Thornton was in Sandpoint.

“She took on every challenge I gave her,” Minzghor said. “State Highway 200 was cleared of trees and brush through most of the corridor because she was so motivated. She did more in one summer clearing trees than prior foremen had in the past 20 years. I counted on Shannon to get things done.”

Her crew members and the larger emergency response community have relied on her expertise and leadership over the years. In an emergency, Thornton was the first to offer assistance wherever it was needed.

“She believed it was the right thing to do because it’s where we all live, and it’s our community too,” Freeman said.

When Thornton looks back on her career, her favorite memories are of projects that her crew was able to take on and accomplish, from ditching to restoring gabion baskets to replacing culverts.

“I have had the opportunity to work with people that are truly dedicated and are truly here to serve our customers,” Thornton said. “I have appreciated my time in maintenance and those people who have always been helpful.”

Last month she spoke to the Women in Transportation group at ITD and shared insights about serving as a woman in operations, as well as advice on servant leadership.

“Never forget as foreman you are there to get what the crew needs to accomplish their job as safely and efficiently as possible. The crew comes first,” Thornton said.

Upgrades to US-95 in Bonners Ferry to begin Monday

Three-lane highway after construction

The final phase of a two-year project will begin Monday, March 6, to extend the three-lane section of U.S. Highway 95 from Alderson Lane to Labrosse Hill Street in Bonners Ferry.

“This project will add wider shoulders, sidewalks and lighting to the highway to make it safer and more in line with features you’d find in city limits,” Project Manager Phil Stout said.

Drivers can generally expect a lane to be open in each direction until construction ends in October. Most work will take place during the day, with some night work and detours possible as intersections and driveways are improved.

Starting next week the intersection at US-95 and Pine Island will be closed for the entire duration of construction so that it can be realigned to lessen the incline on the side street and make it easier to turn on and off the highway. All traffic will be detoured to Mirror Lake Road and Riverside Street, but there may be periods of time as the work allows when local passenger-vehicle traffic will be allowed use the intersection.

“ITD has spent four summers so far building these improvements from the Kootenai River Bridge to Eisenhower Street,” Stout said. “This is the last stretch of a multi-year project.”

Learn more about construction that first began in 2018 at

Construction continues in Kellogg to replace two I-90 overpasses

Aerial shot of finished construction last year

Next week the Idaho Transportation Department will start the final construction season to improve safety by replacing the Interstate 90 overpasses at Division Street and Elizabeth Park Road in Kellogg.

Crews will first complete work to improve drainage throughout the work zone. After several weeks, crews will move onto replacing the westbound bridges, including full demolition and reconstruction. The final construction activities will include repaving both streets under the overpasses.

Construction is anticipated to start Monday, February 6, at which time traffic on I-90 will be restricted to one lane in each direction at all times through October.

Motorists should plan for the following impacts:

Division Street:

  • Both lanes will be open under the I-90 overpass with periodic closures as needed.
  • On-street parking under the overpass will not be allowed.
  • Sidewalks will be closed under I-90 with a signed pedestrian detour.

Elizabeth Park Road:

  • Drivers can expect one-way alternating traffic controlled by temporary traffic signals on Elizabeth Park Road under I-90.
  • In addition to the daily construction schedule, Elizabeth Park Road will be closed for several nights as crews complete work. Digital message boards will provide warnings at least one week in advance of any road closures.

In 2022 crews replaced the eastbound bridges and widened the eastbound on-ramp at Division Street.

The bridges date back to the 1960s. For up-to-date information on this project, please visit

Construction will also begin later this spring in the Osburn area. Over the next two years, ITD will resurface I-90 from the Big Creek Exit to West Wallace Exit. This year crews will replace concrete with asphalt between Osburn and Wallace, and next year they will work between Big Creek and Wallace. Drivers can expect one lane closure in each direction on I-90 at all times during each construction season.

Travelers should check to learn about traffic impacts.

Load restrictions to start again this Friday, be in place indefinitely

Long line of cars behind a truckLong line of cars behind a truck

Coeur d’Alene – In recent days, Idaho has experienced above average temperatures and precipitation which can lead to significant damage to highways, prompting state and local transportation agencies to enforce load restrictions. In an effort to reduce damage to roadways, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has made the decision to restrict several routes in North Idaho.

Starting in the evening hours of Friday (Feb. 3) load limit restrictions will be in place on four state highways in the region: SH-3, SH-5, SH-54 and SH-53. Crews will continue to closely monitor road and weather conditions to determine if more routes will be subject to load restrictions in the coming days and weeks.

“Earlier this week we were able to lift the restrictions as weather conditions stabilized, but looking ahead we need to reinstate them on the same highways as before, plus now on SH-53 from the Washington State Line to US-95,” Operations Engineer Ryan Hawkins said. “On two-lane highways like SH-53, commuters will need to plan extra time to get to their destinations and expect to be slowed down by commercial vehicles respecting the restrictions.”

Learn more about why these restrictions are important by watching this video.

Restrictions on state highways are noted on or on the app, which was just updated last week, in the trucker mode. They apply to trucks that have a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more. On state highways, vehicles of this size are required to reduce their speeds to 30 mph and weigh no more than 14,000 pounds per axle. On U.S. highways, they still must reduce their speed to 30 mph but can weigh more in accordance with legally permitted loads. Breakup restrictions are not applied on interstates.

While restrictions have the potential to cause significant congestion on highways with a mix of commercial and commuter traffic, they are a necessary preventative measure that ultimately reduces impacts and costs to drivers and citizens in the long term.

As temperatures increase, the frozen base underneath the road thaws and becomes saturated with water, which creates a weaker section below the pavement that can lead to potholes and cracks. Heavy loads can cause rapid deterioration of pavement in these conditions.

Damage may result in months of additional repairs in the summer, diverting maintenance dollars from being invested into other routes.

These restrictions are only in place as long as necessary and save taxpayer dollars from being spent on damage that could have been prevented.

I-90 no longer closed in Post Falls

511 screenshot

Dec. 29 at 3:30 p.m.

I-90 is back open.

Dec. 29 at 10 a.m.

Westbound I-90 is closed at milepost 4 west of the Spokane Street Interchange due to an incident. The Idaho Transportation Department is setting up a detour to route drivers around the incident via State Highway 41 and State Highway 53.

The detour is expected to be in place for a significant amount of time.

Drivers are advised to seek alternate routes and to check for updates.

US-12 east of Kooskia now open under reduced avalanche risk

A sign along US-12 warns drivers of avalanche danger

U.S. Highway 12 east of Kooskia is now open. No avalanches reached the highway during the closure.

The gates at Fish Creek (milepost 126) and Saddle Camp Road (milepost 139) closed Monday afternoon. Avalanche specialists with ITD were on site today to help local maintenance crews assess conditions and check the closure.

“The risk is no longer considerable and nothing came down, so we can safely reopen the highway,” Operations Engineer Jared Hopkins said.

Monday, Dec. 26

Several miles of U.S. Highway 12 east of Kooskia will close today at 3 p.m. PT due to considerable avalanche hazard. It is unknown when the road will reopen.

The gates at Fish Creek (milepost 126) and Saddle Camp Road (milepost 139) will close, and ITD crews are working with the U.S. Forest Service to notify any recreationists or drivers within the corridor of the impending closure.

Avalanche specialists with ITD will be on site to help local maintenance crews reassess conditions and reopen the highway. Another release will be sent once a determination to open the road is made.

“The rapid upswing in temperatures in such a short time is concerning,” Operations Engineer Jared Hopkins said. “We will keep the road closed until it is safe to reopen. In the meantime, this will mean significant delays for holiday travelers between Idaho and Montana.”

The last avalanche to reach the highway was in January. A major storm triggered an avalanche and dropped trees, closing US-12 for roughly four days.

Download a photo of road signage from last year.

Drivers should use to stay updated on road conditions.

Eight snowplows hit this season; ITD calls on drivers to be more cautious

Side-by-side images of a disabled plow on the side of the road.

So far this season across Idaho, drivers have caused eight crashes with snowplows. As more winter weather moves across the state, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) wants to remind drivers how to be safe around snowplows.

1. Never pass a plow on the right. Plows have a smaller wing plow that extends from the right side of the vehicle, which can be hard to see when the snow is flying. Drivers passing on the right and hitting the wing plow is the most common plow-related crash.
2. Give plows room to work and avoid their blind spots.
3. Be patient. The safest place to be is behind the plow.
4. Plows often work in tandem to clear multiple lanes. Never get in between the tandem plows.
5. If you are involved in a crash or stopped on the side of the road for any reason, please remain in your vehicle for your safety and for the safety of our plow operators.

The seventh and eighth crashes happened today in North Idaho, and both involved tandem plows. This morning on Interstate 90 in Coeur d’Alene, a driver got between two plows as they merged onto the highway. The driver then hit the brakes, forcing the second plow off the road to avoid a collision. Then around lunchtime on U.S. Highway 95 south of Athol, a driver passed the first plow on the left and then struck the second while trying to pass on the right.

Both plows are now out of service for the current storm.

“This issue affects everyone, not just the people involved in the crash. Every plow that is hit causes a domino effect making conditions worse,” said Operations Foreman  Shannon Thornton. “There are fewer plows on the road to deal with the snow that is still falling, and our crews have to spend precious time recovering equipment instead of plowing.”

Last winter, there were 11 plow strikes, an increase from years past and a number that ITD does not want to repeat. Please be careful driving and mindful of our plows. Check or the Idaho 511 App for road conditions before traveling. For more winter driving tips, visit

*For real-time updates on plow strikes, visit ITD’s Facebook or Twitter pages.

The Dos and Don’ts of driving near snow plows

Plow clearing SH-6 near White Pine Campground

Snow has already fallen in the state, so drivers should get ready to drive with plows this winter. Talking about sharing the road with plows is really more of a discussion on what you shouldn’t do.

What shouldn’t you do?

Don’t pass. The road behind a plow is always better than the road in front of a plow. And all the snow, rock and other debris comes out of a plow at a high rate of speed––if you pass and try to drive through all that, the weight of the snow could force your vehicle off the road or break windows.

Of course, that’s assuming you don’t run into the plow while attempting to pass it.

Plows trucks weigh up to 58,000 pounds and sport not one, but two, plows. Everyone is familiar with the plow on the front, which is 12 feet long and takes up a whole lane. People tend to forget about the second, smaller plow positioned on the right side of the truck. It’s called a wing plow.

That’s the one folks run into. When plows are pushing snow, it comes up over the top of the plow and obscures all the lighting and flags. Again, plows weigh up to 14 times the average vehicle, so running into them is going to have an impact.

While not illegal to pass a plow, it’s recommended you never do so on the right side because of the wing plow. Law enforcement can and will cite drivers who act recklessly or carelessly and pass when it isn’t safe.

Operators will often work in pairs, especially on multi-lane roadways like freeways, to get snow pulled from the far left side all the way to the shoulder. Don’t try to pass several plows at once or drive between them.

Plows are large vehicles with blind spots, even when not working in blizzard conditions or pushing snow. Stay out of their blind spots.

If you’re going to pass, it’s important to consider where the snow is going. Our drivers typically push snow to the right, but in some cases, they will push snow into the median.

Sometimes there isn’t room to push snow into the median, or there aren’t enough operators available to tandem plow. You may see a plow working by itself on a freeway, pushing snow into the fast lane on the first lap and then moving it all the way off the roadway on a second pass. There may be enough room to pass safely on the right – but first slow down and observe where the snow coming out of the plow lands on the road before you make your decision.

When in doubt, don’t pass.

What should you do?

  • Drive for conditions. The posted speed limit is set based on ideal conditions, so in winter you’ll have to slow down. It’s on the driver to determine a safe speed.
  • Maintain at least a three-second following distance. On slick roads, you’ll need more time to react and stop if necessary.
  • Move over. Any time emergency vehicles—which include tow trucks—are flashing their lights, you are legally required to slow down and move over into another lane if possible.
  • Leave early. Giving yourself extra time will make it that much easier to make smart decisions.
  • Download 511. No need to guess what your route looks like – download the 511 app or visit to see road conditions and if there are any reported crashes.

As you head out on the road this winter, keep these safety tips in mind so that you and our plow drivers can make it home safely.

Public invited to open houses to comment on preliminary I-90 corridor designs

Traffic congestion I-90 near Huetter

ITD will host two open houses next week in Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene to present recommended designs to improve I-90 between the Washington state line and Sherman Avenue in Coeur d’Alene. The ongoing study is funded by the Leading Idaho program.

Each open house will present identical information and designs.

Post Falls

  • Tuesday, Nov. 1
  • 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Red Lion Hotel Templin’s on the River at 414 E 1st Ave

Coeur d’Alene

  • Wednesday, Nov. 2
  • 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Best Western Plus Coeur d’Alene Inn at 506 West Appleway Ave

For those not able to attend either open house, an online option will share the same information and will be available on Nov. 1 at

“Since the first stretch of I-90 was built in Kootenai County in 1960, ITD has made some upgrades, but the number of lanes has not changed,” said Erika Bowen, ITD Project Manager. “With traffic currently congested in various parts of the corridor and volumes expected to double by 2045, ITD is studying the interstate to identify improvements to modernize the system, reduce crashes and save drivers time.”

Proposed improvements include adding lanes on I-90, modifying access and upgrading interchanges with impacts to local roads in both cities. Areas with proposed improvements include:

  • Spokane Street and Seltice Way Interchanges
  • Northwest Boulevard Interchange
  • US-95 and Fourth Street Interchanges
  • Seventh Street Bridge
  • Sherman Avenue Interchange
Blue and white circular logo for "Leading Idaho" projects sponsored by Governor Little
Blue and white circular logo for “Leading Idaho” projects sponsored by Governor Little

Following the study and public input, the recommended projects will be prioritized and advanced into design and construction as funding becomes available.

The study is funded with Transportation Expansion and Congestion Mitigation (TECM) funds as part of Governor Little’s Leading Idaho initiative. The program allows ITD to accelerate project timelines to address rapid growth and build critical infrastructure today that would otherwise take many years to fund and build.

The corridor is one of 13 approved TECM corridors in the state. Funding for the future design and construction phases on this corridor will be determined based on project readiness and funding availability. Preliminary estimates value the improvements needed in this corridor at $1 billion to $1.2 billion, which includes design, right-of-way and construction costs. A previously funded project to redesign the SH-41 interchange at I-90 is currently under construction.

To stay up to date on the I-90 corridor project, visit and sign up for email updates.


SH-3 north of St. Maries reopened with wider, safer shoulders

Fall sunshine on a curve on a widened highway

Earlier today State Highway 3 north of St. Maries reopened with wider, safe shoulders. Traffic had been detoured to Goosehaven Road since work began in April.  

Construction widened the highway 11 feet to the east, making room for 11-foot travel lanes and 3-foot shoulders. Guardrail was also added along the east side.

“The people that drive on this road every day had to drive on a really narrow road with no shoulders,” said Phil Lampert, Benewah County Commissioner. “This project makes it safer for everyone in the community and those who visit.”

Projects previously proposed to widen the highway had stalled due to environmental challenges and funding restraints.

“When we sat down with county commissioners three years ago, we heard that the desire for this project had only grown over the years,” said Bill Moad, the Idaho Transportation Board Chair. “After that meeting, we decided to use some of our own state funding to get design started.”

With new funding allocated by the board, design began in April 2020. Typically projects are developed through a seven-year process, but with local stakeholders willing to provide a detour for highway traffic, the project was expedited.

“That was a game changer,” said Jim Thompson, the board member for North Idaho. “There was no way to make these changes and accommodate traffic. Offering a detour showed how invested they were in the project, so we prioritized it.”

The three-mile section of highway cuts through wetlands, complicating any expansion effort. Traditionally, highways are expanded by importing embankment material and building the base outwards, but SH-3 was built on soft soils. Extra weight would collapse the soft soils and cause settlement problems for the highway; expanding outwards would also affect nearby wetlands that would trigger mitigation processes with other agencies. To get the safety improvements built sooner, the team wanted to find a way to avoid enlarging the highway past state property.

“We looked at a few options and using geofoam for the fill inside a wall system gave us an economical, lightweight solution,” said Erica Aamodt, ITD project manager for construction. “Since it can be stacked in blocks on top of each other, the foam would allow for a wider roadway without having to go outside of state-owned land.”

While geofoam has been used for other ITD projects—namely for the Topaz Bridge on U.S. Highway 30 near McCammon—this project uses more of it and over a curving length of three miles.  The project was bid for $12.7 million, and work began in April, with contractor Knife River planning to build the project in one season—rather than two—thanks to the availability of a detour.

“Partnership is what ultimately made this project happen,” Aamodt said. “We knew this project would be tough to deliver and inconvenient for drivers and residents with the detour, but we all came together because we knew we could get it done in one season and it’d be worth it.”

Jack Buell, owner of Buell Trucking and a former county commissioner, has long advocated for the project and remembers taking Governor John Evans for a ride on the highway to convince him it needed to be widened.

“The best part is that the State of Idaho decided to fix it, and they fixed it,” Buell said.