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ITD Guidance Documents


In the topics below and on the tabs above are the guidance categories for the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD)


The purpose of the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-02 is to promote transparency in the decision making of state government. The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has undertaken a comprehensive review of guidance documents, including policies, manuals, memoranda and final orders that could affect the rights and interests of persons outside of the agency. Guidance documents serve to clarify existing statutes and regulations by guiding actions and decisions made by ITD. This single web page is organized by subject and provides direct links to the guidance documents. Final orders and Hearing Officer Findings are also included for public knowledge and transparency, as well as their precedential value.

Within the topics and tabs on this web page are links to ITD guidance documents. ITD is one of the largest state government agencies, so there are a number of topic areas covered here. Above each table, there is a box in the upper left-hand corner that allows the web user to search for relevant documents by typing in a word(s). The search results will display all the content in that table which contain the search word(s). Whenever possible, ITD has used common word titles to help the public better locate guidance documents of interest.

Once a guidance document of interest has been found, the table includes information such as a description, the type of document it is, and whether it is based on a law or rule. A staff email point of contact and any plans for updating are also provided for each guidance document.

ITD intends to continue to refine this web page and keep the content current going forward.

Aeronautics Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate scheduled?
Airport Facility DirectorySpiral bound printed book that provides information about public use airports in Idaho including runway information, facility information and airport details. Also available as a downloadable app. Search your app store for Idaho Airports.Book & Downloadable AppOtherflo.ghighina@itd.idaho.govYes
Airport Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)Information on Aeronautics' managed airstrips and the appropriate way to access them. Operating ProcedureOthertim.steffen@itd.idaho.govNo
Frequently Asked Questions for Aircraft RegistrationInterpretation of law and rule and provides details on how to register an aircraft or be an aircraft dealer in Idaho.GuidanceLawDivision of AeronauticsNo
Host a Fly-in Agreement PacketInformation on how to host a Fly-in at Idaho’s public use airstrips.GuidanceOtherdan.conner@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Airport Aid Program (IAAP)Information regarding how money is distributed to airports through FAA funding. GuidanceOtherjennifer.schildgen@itd.idaho.govYes
Idaho Airport System Plan (IASP)The IASP provides an opportunity for ITD-Aeronautics to stay abreast of changes in the aviation industry and to determine how Idaho’s airports should be positioned to respond to future needs and challenges.PlanOtherjennifer.schildgen@itd.idaho.govYes
Idaho Aviation Accident Score Card (IAASC Report)National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) information is used to look statistically at causes of aviation accidents in Idaho along with case studies of actual incidents.ReportOthertim.steffen@itd.idaho.govYes
Land Use GuidelinesRecommendations and guidance to airport sponsors to help them better understand the many aspects of airports as they relate to land use planning.ManualOtherjennifer.schildgen@itd.idaho.govNo
Search & Rescue Manual (Being updated)Defines how a search for a down or missing aircraft is conducted.ManualOthertim.steffen@itd.idaho.govYes
State Capital Improvement Program (SCIP)Multi-year funding program for short-term (0-5 year) and long-term (5-20 year) airport improvement needs for the Idaho airport system.GuidanceOtherjennifer.schildgen@itd.idaho.govYes
Welcome to Flying IdahoImportant tips and information for pilots flying in Idaho.GuidanceOthertim.steffen@itd.idaho.govNo

Policy Guidance

Policy PurposeBoard Policy Link & SummaryAdministrative Policy Link & SummaryTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Authority to Sign Contracts, Agreements, and Grants and Requirement to Report Certain ContractsB4001: This policy delegates authority related to contracts, agreements, and grants and establishes the reporting requirements. A5001: This policy implements the board policy regarding the authority to sign contracts, agreements, and grants and the requirement to report certain contracts.
Public ConvenienceB4002: The policy underscores the importance of public convenience when making decisions that affect stakeholders.
Management of Department-owned PropertyB4005: This policy instructs staff on maintaining access to the roadway and delegates authority related to real property. A5005: This policy implements the board policy regarding managing access to the roadway and delegating authority related to real property.PolicyLawJustin.Pond@itd.idaho.govNo
Open Meeting RequirementsB4008: This policy addresses open meeting requirements.A5008: This policy provides advice on the open meeting requirements.

Release and Restriction of RecordsB4009: The policy provides guidelines for the release and restriction of records.A5009: The policy implements the board policy to establish guidelines for the release and restriction of No
Idaho Transportation Investment ProgramB4011: This policy directs the department to establish, maintain, and publish a Transportation Investment Program. A5011: This policy implements the board policy regarding the Idaho Transportation Investment Program.PolicyLawBlake.Rindlisbacher@itd.idaho.govNo
Protecting and Maintaining State HighwaysB4012: This policy delegates the responsibility for closing or restricting state highway use and clarifies the intent regarding state highway maintenance and eradicating and controlling Noxious weeds. A5012: This policy implements the board policy regarding closing or restricting state highway use and notifying the media of closures or restrictions.PolicyLawBlake.Rindlisbacher@itd.idaho.govNo
Traffic RegulationB4016: This policy provides guidance on traffic control devices and traffic regulations. A5016: This policy implements the board policy regarding traffic control devices and traffic regulations.PolicyLawKevin.Sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Employment PracticesB4019: This policy directs the director to develop and implement a program to promote and maintain a diversified work force and to implement fair employment practices. A5019: This policy implements the board policy regarding establishing procedures to implement fair employment practices and a program to promote and maintain a diversified work force and to implement fair employment practices.PolicyLawCivilRights@itd.idaho.govNo
Public HearingsB4024: This policy is to ensure the department seeks public involvement on transportation projects. A5024: This policy expands on the board policy regarding public hearings and the role of the hearing officer.PolicyLawMollie.McCarty@itd.idaho.govA5024 policy needs update
Appealing Department Actions and OrdersB4025: This policy establishes the process for individuals to appeal actions and orders. A5025: This policy outlines the various types of appeals available to persons who are affected by department actions and orders and informs them of their statutory right to appeal an action or order. It also provides guidance to staff on which appeal process to follow. PolicyOtherTim.Thomas@itd.idaho.govNo
Environmental StewardshipB4026: This policy encourages the department to respect and protect the environment while providing transportation systems. n/aPolicyOtherWendy.Terlizzi@itd.idaho.govNo
Allocation of Federal Highway Formula Highway Apportionments to Local Public AgenciesB4028: This policy authorizes the Director to administer the formula apportionments received by Idaho and also to annually allocate a portion for surface transportation to Local Public Agencies. A5028: This policy implements Board policy 4028. It describes local jurisdiction project identification and recommendation procedures for the federally funded Local Urban and Rural Programs established via Board policy 4028.PolicyOtherJustin.Collins@itd.idaho.govNo
Aeronautics Advisory BoardB4035: This policy establishes the duties of the Aeronautics Advisory Board. A5035: This policy implements the board policy concerning the activities of the Aeronautics Advisory Board.PolicyOtherThomas.Mahoney@itd.idaho.govNo
Aeronautical ActivitiesB4037: This policy assigns the director to develop, implement, and operate an aeronautical division. A5037: This policy implements the board policy concerning the operations of the aeronautical division.PolicyLawThomas.Mahoney@itd.idaho.govNo
Public Transportation ProgramB4038: This The policy outlines the department’s role in supporting public transportation throughout the state.
A5038: This policy implements the board policy regarding public transportation activities.PolicyLawRon.Duran@itd.idaho.govNo
Public Transportation Advisory Council B4039: This policy outlines the Public Transportation Advisory Council’s advisory duties. A5039: This policy implements the board policy regarding the activities of the Public Transportation Advisory Council.PolicyLawRon.Duran@itd.idaho.govNo
Dealer Advisory BoardB4040: This policy documents that the department can request the assistance of the Dealer Advisory Board regarding vehicle dealer and salesmen administrative procedures.A5040: This policy implements the board policy regarding the activities of the Dealer Advisory Board. PolicyLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Sponsorship of Department ProgramsB4041: This policy delegates authority to seek sponsorship of certain programs. n/aPolicyOtherScott.Stokes@itd.idaho.govNo
Trucking Advisory CouncilB4042: This policy establishes a Trucking Advisory Council to assist with issues in the trucking industry. A5042: This policy implements the board policy concerning the activities of the Trucking Advisory Council.PolicyOtherLisa.McClellan@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Traffic Safety CommissionB4043: This policy establishes the Traffic Safety Commission to review traffic safety issues. A5043: This policy implements the board policy establishing the Traffic Safety Commission.PolicyLawJohn.Tomlinson@itd.idaho.govB4043 policy minor update needed
Safety Rest AreasB4044: This policy provides guidance to provide safety rest areas for the traveling public and Oasis Partnerships. A5044: This policy implements the board policy concerning safety rest areas.PolicyLaw & OtherTy.Winther@itd.idaho.govB4044 policy possible update needed
Right-of-Way FencingB4046: This policy establishes guidelines for right-of-way fencing on the state highway system.A5046: This policy establishes guidelines for right-of-way fencing on the state highway system.PolicyLawTy.Winther@itd.idaho.govNo
Entering Private PropertyB4047: This policy instructs the director to establish a policy regarding entering onto private property.A5047: This policy establishes guidelines regarding entering onto private property.PolicyLawJustin.Pond@itd.idaho.govNo
Freight Advisory CommitteeB4048: This policy establishes the Freight Advisory Committee. A5048: This policy establishes the goals, objectives, and expectations of the Freight Advisory Committee.PolicyOtherScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govB5048 policy being updated & A5048 policy update scheduled
Bicycle and Pedestrian B4050: This policy promotes the commitment to a safe and efficient transportation system that integrates all modes of transportation. A5050: This policy implements the board policy committing to a safe and efficient transportation system that integrates all modes of transportation.PolicyOtherScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNo
Facilities and EquipmentB4051: This policy establishes that the facilities and equipment can only be used for transportation and public purposes. A5051: This policy establishes requirements for the use of department facilities and equipment.PolicyLawMichelle.Doane@itd.idaho.govNo
State Highway System AdjustmentsB4061: This policy establishes the procedures for adjustments to the state highway system.A5061: This policy establishes the procedures to make adjustments to the state highway system.PolicyLawScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govA5061 policy update scheduled
Port of Entry ProgramB4062: This policy establishes a program to monitor and control the sizes and weights of all vehicles using Idaho highways. A5062: This policy establishes a program to monitor and control the sizes and weights of all vehicles using Idaho highways.PolicyLawCraig.Roberts@itd.idaho.govNo
129,000 Pound Vehicle Truck RoutesB4063: This policy establishes the procedures for designating 129,000 pound vehicle combination routes. n/aPolicyLawCraig.Roberts@itd.idaho.govNo
Classification and Maintenance of State-owned and/or Operated AirportsB4064: This policy authorizes the director to define the use of state-owned and/or operated airports and establish maintenance levels. A5064: This policy defines the use of state-owned and/or operated airports and establishes maintenance levels.PolicyLawThomas.Mahoney@itd.idaho.govNo
Acquisition and Closure of State AirportsB4065: This policy assigns the director responsibility to submit recommendations for acquisition or closure of state airports. A5065: This policy implements the board policy regarding recommendations for acquisition or closure of state airports.PolicyLawThomas.Mahoney@itd.idaho.govNo
Responsibilities of the DMV and County offices for sharing motor vehicle and driver’s license information.B4068: This policy defines the responsibilities of the DMV and County offices regarding sharing motor vehicle and driver’s license information.A5068: This policy implements the board policy on the responsibilities of sharing motor vehicle and driver's license information.

Corridor Planning for Idaho Transportation SystemsB4069: This policy authorizes the director to conduct a corridor planning process. A5069: This policy implements the board policy on the corridor planning process.PolicyOtherScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNo
Overlegal Permit OperationsB4072: This policy defines the authority on issuing overlegal vehicle or load permits.A5072: This policy addresses the issuance of overlegal permits.PolicyLawCraig.Roberts@itd.idaho.govNo
Registration, Fuel and Mileage Tax, and the Cost of Overlegal Permit ExemptionsB4073: This policy authorizes the director to review requests for exemption from specific Division of Motor Vehicle-related costs.A5073: This policy implements the board policy regarding requests for exemption from specific Division of Motor Vehicle-related costs.PolicyLawCraig.Roberts@itd.idaho.govNo
Suspension of Motor Vehicle Procedures During Disaster Relief OperationsB4074: This policy authorizes the director to waive certain motor vehicle procedures in times of disaster relief operations.n/aPolicyLawLisa.McClellan@itd.idaho.govNo
Assistance to Idaho’s AirportsB4075: This policy defines the department’s role in aeronautics and its responsibility regarding public airports.A5075: This policy implements the corresponding board policy and defines the Idaho Airport Aid Program and the Division of Aeronautics’ input to the Idaho Transportation Investment Program.PolicyLawThomas.Mahoney@itd.idaho.govNo
Department Legislation and Legislation EndorsementsB4077: This policy establishes the process for the department’s legislation and the review of external legislation when requested.n/aPolicyOtherMollie.McCarty@itd.idaho.govNeeds to be updated
Board Meetings and ResolutionsB4078: This The policy provides guidance on conducting board meetings and the use of resolutions.n/aPolicyLawLorraine.Dennis@itd.idaho.govNeeds to be updated
Transportation Alternatives ProgramB4081: This policy provides guidance for the Transportation Alternatives Program.A5081: This policy implements the board policy regarding the Transportation Alternatives Program.PolicyLawBlake.Rindlisbacher@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Byways ProgramB4082: This policy provides guidance on designating a Scenic Byway, Historic Byway, or Back Country Byway.A5082: This policy establishes guidelines for the Idaho Byways Advisory Committee and administrative procedures.PolicyOtherScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNo
Rail-Highway Crossing ProgramB4085: This policy provides guidance on the Rail-Highway Crossing Program.
A5085: This policy provides guidance on the management of the Rail-Highway Crossing Program.PolicyLawScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNo
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement ProgramB1105: This policy provides guidance on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.A1105: This policy provides guidance on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.
PolicyLawScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNeeds to be updated
Disaster/Emergency Support and FHWA Emergency Reliefn/aA5515: This policy delegates responsibilities and procedures in the event of a disaster or emergency.
Purchase, Payment, Inventory, and Disposal of State Personal Propertyn/aA5538: This policy defines the responsibility for the Department's purchase, payment, inventory and
disposal of state personal property.

Civil Rights Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
B2GNow Vendor Training ManualThis document is a training manual for prime contractors and subcontractors on federal-aid projectsManualOther
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) PlanThis document explains how Idaho implements the Federally required DBE program.PlanFederal RegulationCivilRights@itd.idaho.govYes
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) ToolboxThis document provides guidance for DBE certified firms. GuidanceOther CivilRights@itd.idaho.govNo
External ADA Grievance ProcedureThis document describes ITD’s ADA grievance procedure for filing an ADA based complaint. Other
Idaho Unified Certification Program (UCP) ListThis document explains the requirements for an Idaho UCP and lists all agencies with signed statements of agreement. Federal
ITD Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition PlanState ADA Transition catalogs compliant and noncompliant ADA features within the ITD system.Other
ITD Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Needs AssessmentThe ADA Transition Plan Needs Assessment helps local recipients of ITD funding to determine if they meet the threshold for a required ADA Transition Plan. Other
ITD Complaint ProcessThis document describes ITD's complaint process and includes reporting benchmarks. Other
ITD DBE Annual Participation Goal MethodologyThis document identifies how ITD develops its DBE Annual Participation Goal (APG).Federal RegulationCivilRights@itd.idaho.govYes
ITD Environmental Justice Plan (2017-2019)The ITD EJ plan helps to demonstrate compliance with the Presidential Executive order on Environmental Justice. Other
ITD Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) AssurancesThe EEO Assurances help ITD demonstrate compliance with Federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws. Other
ITD Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) Title VI Plan (FFY2017-2019)The Title VI plan describes ITD’s Title VI program and how ITD demonstrates compliance with Federal Civil Rights laws on Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) funded
ITD Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI Plan (FFY2018-2020)The Title VI plan describes ITD’s Title VI program and how ITD demonstrates compliance with Federal Civil Rights laws on Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funded projects.
ITD Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Language Assistance Plan (2017-2020)The ITD Limited English Proficiency Plan helps to demonstrate compliance with the Presidential Executive order providing protections against discrimination based on a users ability to speak or write in English. Other
ITD FTA Limited English Proficiency (LEP) PlanThe ITD Limited English Proficiency Plan helps to demonstrate compliance with the Presidential Executive order providing protections against discrimination based on a users ability to speak or write in English. This plan is specific to FTA funded projects and activities.Other
Procedimiento de queja externa de ADASpanish version of the ADA External Grievance Procedure.Other
2017 ITD Disparity StudyThis is a 2017 study pertaining to the DBE APG, and DBE goal methodology.StudyOther CivilRights@itd.idaho.govNo

Human Resources Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Behavioral Based Interview Question (BBIQ) GuideThe BBIQ guide instructs job applicants on the Departments use of Behavioral Based Interview questions to help applicants better prepare for job interviews with the state of Idaho. GuideOtherCareers@itd.idaho.govNo

Precedential Agency Orders

Date IssuedTitle & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContact
05-06-19District 5 Outdoor Advertising Sign: Hearing Officer's FindingsThe Hearing Officer Findings involve the appeal of the denial of an Outdoor Advertising Sign Application and Permit located at I-15 near milepost 64 at the intersection of I-15 and Hildreth Road.Hearing Officer's
02-15-19District 5 Outdoor Advertising Sign: Director’s Final OrderThe Director’s Final Order involves the denial of an Outdoor Advertising Sign Application and Permit located at I-15 near milepost 64 at the intersection of I-15 and Hidreth Road.Director’s Final
04-03-14District 1 Encroachment Permit (Access): Director’s Final OrderThe Director’s Final Order involves an application requesting permits for two commercial approaches to SH-41 in Kootenai County.Director’s Final
01-06-14District 1 Encroachment Permit (Access): Hearing Officer's Findings
The Hearing Officer Findings involve the consolidated appeals of the denial of an application for access permits and the denial of a request for variance situated in the Northeast quadrant of the intersection of SH-41 and Poleline Avenue.Hearing Officer's
07-01-13District 5 Encroachment Permit (Access): Director’s Final Order
The Director’s Final Order involves an application for an approach to and from US-91 in Franklin County.Director’s Final
03-21-13District Encroachment Permit (Access): Hearing Officer's Findings
The Hearing Officer Findings involve a contested case proceeding before the ITD regarding an application for an approach from US-91 in Franklin County.Hearing Officer's FindingsOther
09-07-11DMV Overlegal Permit: Director’s Final Order
The Director’s Final Order involves the issuance of an overlegal permit to Conoco/Phillips through its contractor Emmert International to move four large pieces of oil-refining equipment from the Port of Lewiston to Montana State line.Director’s Final
06-27-11DMV Overlegal Permit: Hearing Officer's Findings
The Hearing Officer Findings involve the appeal from the decision of the ITD to issue overlegal permits to allow Petitioners to transport four oversize loads of equipment from Lewiston, Idaho to the Montana border over US-12.Hearing Officer's
01-18-11DMV Overlegal Permit: Director’s Final Order
The Director’s Final Order involves the issuance by ITD of an overlegal permit to applicant Mammoet Canada Western, Ltd. For the purpose of moving large pieces of pre-assembled equipment modules from the Port of Lewiston to the Montana State Line.Director’s Final
12-28-10DMV Overlegal Permit: Hearing Officer's Findings
The Hearing Officer Findings involve a contested case proceeding before the ITD conducted under the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act regarding Imperial’s proposal to transport approx. 200 modules through Idaho on US-12.Hearing Officer's

Financial Services Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactLatest Update
Automated Clearing House (ACH) for CarriersElectronic check or E-check process for Carriers.MemorandumOtherNancy.Luthy@itd.idaho.govNo
Automated Clearing House (ACH) for ProjectsElectronic check or E-check for ProjectsMemorandumOtherNancy.Luthy@itd.idaho.govNo
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Letter 2018Automated Clearing House/Electronic Fund Transfer Wire transfer instructionsMemorandumOtherNancy.Luthy@itd.idaho.govNo

Public Transportation Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
State Management PlanThe Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requires that each state produce a “State Management Plan” (SMP) describing how the State of Idaho, Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Office (ITD-PT) will administer and provide oversight on FTA program funds to ensure compliance with federal regulations and requirements.PlanOtherShauna.Miller@itd.idaho.govAs needed
Statewide Public Transportation Plan
Appendix A- Community Input
Appendix B- Public Transportation Provider Statistics and Profiles
Appendix C- Demographics and Economic Analysis
Appendix D- Estimates of Future Public Transportation Ridership and Provider Assessment
Appendix E- Transit Toolbox
Appendix F- Public Transportation Funding

Required by Idaho Code 40-312 (6). Statewide Public Transportation Plan is the framework for identifying and establishing strategies for maintaining and enhancing public transportation in Idaho.

Local Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plans (5310 FTA Program Plans)
District 1 - North Idaho
District 2 - North-central Idaho
District 3 - Southwest Idaho
District 4 - South-central Idaho
District 5 - Southeast Idaho
District 6 - Eastern Idaho
PlanOtherShauna.Miller@itd.idaho.gov5 years


For more information on ITD Guidance contact Matthew E. “Matt” Moore at 208-334-8484 or


Bridge Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Bridge Design LRFD ManualProvides guidance and commentary for the application of the AASHTO Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications. Establishes Standards for the practice of bridge design. Standards of Practicen/aMike.Ebright@itd.idaho.govYes
Bridge Inspection Coding GuideProvides guidance and commentary for the inspection of Structural Supports for Signs, High Mast Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsOtherOtherDan.Gorley@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Manual for Bridge EvaluationProvides guidance and commentary for the application of the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation. Establishes Standards for the practice of inspection and evaluation of existing bridges.Standards of PracticeNot applicable generally, although there is some discussion of the application of State Statutes pertaining to Legal WeightsDan.Gorley@itd.idaho.govYes
Idaho Manual for Inspection of Structural Supports for Signs, High Mast Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsProvides guidance and commentary for the inspection of Structural Supports for Signs, High Mast Luminaires, and Traffic SignalsStandards of Practicen/aJake.Legler@itd.idaho.govYes
Idaho Manual for Tunnel InspectionProvides guidance and commentary for the application of FHWA’s Tunnel Operations, Maintenance, Inspection, and Evaluation ManualStandards of Practicen/aDan.Gorley@itd.idaho.govYes

Construction Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactScheduled updates
Chip Seal Warranty GuideEvaluation tool for chip seal warrantiesManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govYes
Construction Administration ManualDetails on the processes and procedures of administrating highway construction contracts. ManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govYes
Construction Partnering GuideGuidance on Partnering for Construction Project

Laboratory Operations ManualManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govNo
Materials ManualDetails on processes and procedures required to prepare material reports.ManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govYes
Quality Assurance ManualDetails on the tests, methods, and processes the Department utilizes to ensure quality projects.ManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govYes
Standard Specifications for Highway ConstructionDetails specifications that must be followed by the Contractor during highway construction.ManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govYes
Standard Specifications SupplementalsAnnual updates to the standard specifications that must be followed by the Contractor during highway construction. ManualOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govYes
Writer’s Style GuideGuide for specification writingOtherOtherChad.Clawson@itd.idaho.govNo

Contracting Services Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Design Build ManualManual to document the design build
Guide for Utility ManagementGuide for how utility facilities are allowed and managed on public rights-of-way.ManualLawBlaine.Schwendiman@itd.idaho.govYes
Guidance on Revised Conflict of Interest GuidelinesGuidance on Revised Conflict of Interest Guidelines related to Professional Service Agreement and AdministrationMemoOtherMonica.Crider@itd.idaho.govNo
Local Public Agency Project GuideGuide for clarifying processes and constraints of federal and state regulations for federally funded local highway improvement projects. To be used in concert with the Professional Services Agreement Procedures Manual.GuidelinesLawAndrea.Aliev@itd.idaho.govNo
Professional Services Agreement Procedures ManualManual outlining processes and requirements for contracting with consultants for professional services.ManualLawAndrea.Aliev@itd.idaho.govNo
Railroad GuideGuide for dealing with railroads and processes for the rail-highway grade crossing (safety) program.ManualOtherBlaine.Schwendiman@itd.idaho.govNo
Research Program ManualGuide for Research Program processes including development of annual work plan, selection and management of research projects, and involvement in collaborative research efforts.ManualOtherNed.Parrish@itd.idaho.govYes

Design & Traffic Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactScheduled update or version date
AASHTO Greenbook 7Memo on the use of the updated AASHTO Greenbook 7MemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
CADD ManualThe ITD Computer Aided Drafting and Design Standards and Procedures (CADD) Manual is intended to outline the use of Idaho Transportation Department‘s (ITD) corporate workspace and Bentley System’s MicroStation and InRoads software, as well as other tools and procedures developed internally.ManualOtherService.Center@itd.idaho.govNo
Contract Time Determination ManualProcedures for the determination of contract timeManualOthermarc.danley@itd.idaho.govNo
Constructability Review GuidelinesGuidelines for reviews during project development to ensure that projects are biddable, buildable, cost-effective and maintainable.ManualOthermarc.danley@itd.idaho.govNo
Design ManualThe manual provides guidance for the development of projects through the ITD and FHWA approved development
Flagger Training and CertificationMemo on temporary training and certification measures for flaggers due to COVID-19MemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Guardrail Terminal ChartsCatalog of guardrail terminals and guidelines for terminal selectionOtherOthermarc.danley@itd.idaho.govNo
Hydraulics Report MemoMemo outlining preparation and acceptance of hydraulic reports.MemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Interchange Modification & Justification ReportsGuidance on preparing interchange modification and justification reportsMemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
ITD Sign ChartIdaho supplement to the Standard Highway Signs and Markings
Left-Turn Signal MemoGuidance on left-turn signal phasingMemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Liquidated DamagesMemo updating ITD's liquidated damages schedule.MemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Lump Sum Temporary Traffic ControlMemo on the use of temporary traffic control by lump sum on projectsMemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) ImplementationITD adoption of procedures for testing roadside safety hardware (e.g., metal guardrail, concrete barriers, sign supports) to be installed on the State highway system.MemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Median CrossoversGuidance on the use of median crossovers on divided highway construction projectsMemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Pipe Materials Selection & Specification ProceduresGuide on drainage pipe selectionOtherOthermarc.danley@itd.idaho.govNo
Practical Design GuideITD guide for building cost-effective projects that achieve good, safe, and efficient transportation system. OtherOthermarc.danley@itd.idaho.govNo
Proprietary ProductsMemo on ITD use of proprietary products and patented materialsMemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Qualified Products ApplicationApplication for product evaluation for addition to the ITD QPLOtherOtherITDQPLAdmin@itd.idaho.govNo
Qualified Products RecertificationApplication for product recertification to remain on the ITD QPLOtherOtherITDQPLAdmin@itd.idaho.govNo
Setting Speed LimitsProcedures for changing speed limits on the state highway systemMemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Standard DetailsStandard details are tools used to quickly add details to a specific
Standard Drawings Standard drawings for use on ITD and federal-aid
Traffic Control Supervisor Training and CertificationMemo on temporary training and certification measures for traffic control supervisors due to COVID-19MemoOtherkevin.sablan@itd.idaho.govNo
Traffic ManualIdaho's Supplementary Guide to the MUTCD on traffic control
Traffic Signal & ITS Equipment SpecificationsEquipment specificationsOtherOtherCrystal.Grasmick@itd.idaho.govNo
Value Engineering GuideGuidelines for providing a consistent and uniform process for value engineering studies during the development of a transportation project.OtherOthermarc.danley@itd.idaho.govNo
Work Zone Safety & Mobility ProgramIdaho's program for safety and mobility through work zones.ManualOthermona.hunt@itd.idaho.govNo

Environmental Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Best Management Practices (BMP) ManualProvides BMPs to be used during ground disturbing activities.ManualWendy.Terlizzi@itd.idaho.govYes
Environmental Process ManualProvides guidance for complying with federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations during the planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining of transportation facilities in Idaho. (NEPA stands for National Environmental Policy Act.)ManualNEPA@itd.idaho.govYes
ITD Air Screening PolicyTechnical guidance to provide an overview of project level air quality analysis.
ITD Noise PolicyDescribes the methods that must be followed to evaluate and abate highway traffic noise because of federal-aid projects.

Operations Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Emergency Response GuidebookGuidebook for first responder during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving dangerous goods/hazardous materials.GuidebookOther2020 Version
Idaho Roadside Revegetation HandbookPlant descriptions, and identificationHandbookOtherCathy.Ford@itd.idaho.govNo
Native Plants for Roadside Restoration and Revegetation ProgramsPhotos and plant descriptionsGuidelinesOtherCathy.Ford@itd.idaho.govNo
Operations ManualGuidance on
a wide variety of activities performed within the operations program
Road Safety Audit ManualITD’s procedures on Road Safety Audits (RSA). It contains the steps for conducting a RSA on an existing road or project.ManualOtherJohn.Tomlinson@itd.idaho.govNo

Right of Way Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactLatest Update
Right-of-Way ManualThis manual is designed to guide right-of-way employees in the performance of their assigned duties and to assist them in complying with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and directives. This manual also serves as a guide to internal and external customers, including right-of-way consultants and local agency personnel who acquire right-of-way on jointly funded projects, who desire general information about the right-of-way process at the Idaho Transportation Department.ManualOtherJustin.Pond@itd.idaho.govNo

Planning Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
129,000 Pound Truck Route ManualManual to guide persons through the 129,000 pound trucking application process.Manual OtherScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNo
Context Sensitive Solutions GuideThis guide outlines ITD's context sensitive solutions vision principles in addressing questions related to mobility, community benefit and stewardship of the transportation system along with exploring new methods to coordinate transportation planning and multimodal corridor preservation activities in the corridor planning process.OtherOtherScott.Luekenga@itd.idaho.govNo
OTIS User ManualGuide for using the OTIS (Office of Transportation Investment System) applicationManual OtherOTIS@itd.idaho.govNo
Pavement Rating ManualManual for evaluating pavement conditionManual OtherNo
Public Involvement GuideGuidance for the public involvement process and implementation steps.GuideOtherITDcommunication@itd.idaho.govNo
Transportation Alternatives Program ManualThe manual’s purpose is to guide project Sponsor(s) through the post-application award process for project development, construction, and to clarify the requirements necessary for Federal compliance and subsequently qualify for reimbursement.Manual OtherNo

Project Management Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Construction Cost Estimating GuideGuide for preparing project construction cost estimatesManualStandard of PracticeJared.Holyoak@itd.idaho.govNo
Project Charter GuidebookGuide for completing a project charterManualStandard of PracticeJared.Holyoak@itd.idaho.govNo
Project Manager GuidebookGuide for Project Managers at ITDManualStandard of PracticeJared.Holyoak@itd.idaho.govNo

Motor Vehicles - DMV

Driver's License Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Birth Certificate Requirements (7/19/19)Describes required elements to be displayed on a birth certificate.Division PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) ManualCDL Manual covering commercial driver’s license requirements and driving laws in IdahoManualOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
Commercial Learners Permit (CLP) Prior to Skills Test (4/2/20)An applicant must have a commercial learner’s permit (CLP) for at least 14 days prior to taking a skills testDivision PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)/Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) Fraud DisqualificationCredible information or conviction of fraud will result in disqualification of commercial driving privilegesDivision PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Consular Cards for Liability Signer (6/10/20)Unexpired Mexican Matricula Consular cards acceptable for liability signer identificationDivision PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
Driver’s HandbookDriver’s Manual covering driver’s license requirements and driving laws in IdahoManualOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
Driver’s Manual Handbook (Español) | Manual del Conductor de Idaho Spanish version of the Driver’s Manual covering driver’s license requirements and driving laws in Idaho ManualOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Driving Records: Guide to Understanding Driving RecordsManual used to explain Idaho driving records in detail. ManualOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
F1 Status: Foreign Student (6/19/19)Foreign student does not need to attend Idaho School details.Division PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Residency Certificate Changes (11/12/19)Allows one attesting to an applicant’s residence to not reside at the same address as the applicant.Division PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Military Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Waiver
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) knowledge test waivers for current/former military membersDivision PolicyOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Motorcycle Manual
Manual covering motorcycle license requirements and driving laws in Idaho.ManualOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
Out-of-State Driver Privilege Cards (7/19/19)Privilege cards not acceptable for identityDivision PolicyOtherChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govYes
Real ID for Freely Associated States (9/19/19)Change in proof of identity requirements for citizens of the Freely Associated StatesDivision PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Social Security Cards: Laminated (2/20/20)Allows laminated social security cards to be used under certain conditionsDivision PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo
Star Card Retention (7/19/19)Confiscating an expired or replace Star Card is not requiredDivision PolicyLawChrystal.Allen@itd.idaho.govNo

Vehicle Registration Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Conditional Registrations Guidelines (9-27-2019)Explains guidelines to County DMV offices for issuance of conditional and temporary registrations.Division PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
COVID-19: 90-Day Extension Expiring Credentials (3-17-2020)Provides an extension for registrations and other credentials due to the COVID-19 emergency.Division PolicyOtherBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
COVID-19: Drive Insured Extension (3-24-2020)Provides an extension to law requiring ITD to suspend registrations for uninsured vehicles due to the COVID-19 emergencyDivision PolicyOtherBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Drive InsuredComprehensive information about the requirements of H179 - the “Drive Insured” law which became effective 2020.01.01 on the ITD website.Division
Idaho Classic License Plates (3-5-2020)Overview of requirements for classic license platesDivision PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Parks & Recreation Renewal Change Notice (3-5-2020)Notification of the new process Idaho Parks & Rec customers may create an online profile to process transactions onlineDivision PolicyOther (Idaho Parks & Recreation Dept.)Brian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Idaho Use Customers (1-26-2020)Provides new information on processing titles and registrations for out of state customers, when appropriate.Division PolicyOtherCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Interpreter: New Vendor Explains guidelines to County DMV offices for issuance of conditional and temporary registrations.Division PolicyOtherBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Motor Vehicle records at the County DMV (1-26-2020)Provides background and guidelines for providing Motor Vehicle Records to qualifying customers.Division
Non-Resident Off Highway Stickers (10-28-2019)Explains process for implementing new law for off highway registrations related to non-resident trail use.Division PolicyLaw (Idaho Parks & Recreation Dept.)Brian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Office Trailers & Concession Stands (6-4-2020)Provides new guidelines for title and registration on these vehicles.Division PolicyRuleCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Registration Decal Color Scheme (1-26-2020)Provides visual representation of registration validation sticker colors issued by Idaho DMV officesDivision
Registration Fact SheetOverview of registrations issued by County DMV offices.Division PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Registration FeesBackground and information about basic registration fees for vehicles registered by County DMV offices.Division
Requirements to Register a vehicle in IdahoList of requirements for registering a vehicle at DMV offices in Idaho.Division
Special License Plate Funds Provides information on the recipients of Special License Plate programsDivision PolicyLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes
Tax Collection for Untitled Boats & Vehicles (6-11-2020)Provides new tax collection guidelines for county DMV offices.Division PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Tax Requirements for Out of State Dealer Sales (6-11-2020)Provides new instructions from the Idaho State Tax Commission on tax collection from other states with non-resident exemptions.Division PolicyRule (Tax Commission)CJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Virtual VIN Inspections (4-2-2020)Provides allowance for virtual vehicle identification number inspections for Idaho title applications due to the COVID-19 emergencyDivision PolicyOtherCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo

Motor Carriers, Ports of Entry & Permits Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
County Maps
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
All maps for each opt-in county can be found here.Division PolicyOtherBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes - regularly
Extra Length/Excess Weight Up to 129,000 lbs. (129K)
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
Map and Conditions for permitting Reducible length & weightDivision PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes - regularly
Hazardous Materials Endorsement - Understanding Code 49-2203Memo explaining the enforcement of 49-2203MemoLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Hemp TransportationPolicy on transportation of hemp according to Executive Order 2019-13MemoLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Liquefied Natural GasMemo explaining weight tolerance for Liquefied Natural GasMemoLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Oversize Permit
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
Map and Conditions for permitting Non-Reducible OversizeDivision PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
Park and Repair - Understanding Code 49-235Memo explaining the enforcement of 49-235MemoLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo
Permits Condition Manual
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
All the conditions and regulations for permitsManualLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes - annually
Pilot Escort Map
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
Map for Escort and size of permitted routes for oversize - Pilot/Escort Vehicle Travel Requirements
and Vertical Clearance of Structures
Division PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
Ports of Entry (POE) Procedure ManualManual that explains POE duties and procedure to execute their duties.ManualRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
Reducible Size
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
Conditions for Permitting Reducible height & widthDivision PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
Route Capacity Map
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
Map for permitted routes for Non-Reducible OverweightDivision PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
Route Survey
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
A hand-out for expectations and harmonization of route surveys.Division PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
Truckers HandbookHelpful guide to inform truckers of expectation and contacts.Division PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes - annually
Vertical Structures
See "Helpful Links Tab" on Top of web page
A list of Vertical structures found along interstateDivision PolicyRuleBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govYes- regularly
VIN InspectionMemo explaining VIN inspection forms ITD 3409 MemoLawBrian.Goeke@itd.idaho.govNo

Titles Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
2 & 3-Wheeled Vehicle GuideChart for 2 & 3 wheeled vehicles identifying various types; title, registration & driver license eligibility; and where they can be operatedDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govYes
ATVs: Know Your ATVs, UTVs, and SOHVsCriteria for classifying Off-highway Vehicles (OHVs)Division PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Abandoned Vehicle GuideInformation about abandoned vehiclesDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Boat Titling Fact SheetTitle & Registration information to help new residents moving to IdahoDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Bonded Title InstructionsInstructions to obtain a bonded titleDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Canadian Imports for Dealer ResaleInstructions for titling vehicles commercially imported by dealersDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govYes
Canadian Imports for Personal UseInstructions for individuals importing vehicles for personal useDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govYes
Conditional Titles Fact SheetInformation about how to obtain a conditional titleDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Dealers Allowed to Use E-signatures Provides new allowance for the use of e-signatures in certain situations with title applications for Idaho Vehicle Dealer sales due to the COVID-19 emergencyDivision PolicyOtherCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Electronic Liens and Titles (ELT) Fact SheetInformation about Electronic Liens and Titles (ELT) program and how to participateDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Lienholders Allowed to Use E-signaturesProvides new allowance for e-signatures on title applications due to the COVID-19 emergencyDivision PolicyOtherCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
New Resident InformationTitle & Registration information to help new residents moving to IdahoDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
No Title, No SaleInstructs dangers of buying a vehicle without a title and what to require.Division PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Personal Information Requirements BrochureInformation about Personal Information (PI) requirement to obtain title and registrationDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Personal Information Requirements MatrixDocuments required to establish legal name and identity numberDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Remove Own Name from Title Held by Co-Owner - TL-PC-12-18 MemoOwner Request to Remove Own Name from Title Held by Co-OwnerMemoOtherCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Salvage Vehicle Fact SheetInformation about salvage vehiclesDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Surviving Spouse GuideProvides titling guidance for surviving spousesDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Tiny Homes - TL/RG-PC-13-18 MemoTiny Homes definition & titlingMemoLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Title & Registration FAQsFrequently asked title and registration questionsDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govYes
Titles Quick Reference GuideQuick reference requirements for specialty titlesManualLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govYes
Titling ProcedureProcedure & requirements to title vehicles.Division PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Top 10 Title and Registration Tips10 critical title and registration mistakes to avoid.Division PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo
Truck Camper FAQsInformation about titling slide-in truck campersDivision PolicyLawCJ.Kendrick@itd.idaho.govNo

Dealers & Manufacturers Guidance

Title & Web LinkDescriptionTypeBased on Law, Rule or OtherContactUpdate Scheduled?
Dealer Examiner ManualDirects staff on requirements of dealer licensing and process for consumer complaintsManualOtherBrendan.Floyd@itd.idaho.govYes
Dealer’s 30 Day Temporary RegistrationsProvides information about the end of the COVID-19 extensions for temporary registrations issued by dealersDivision PolicyOtherBrendan.Floyd@itd.idaho.govNo
HIN Assignment Policy ChangeProvides new instructions for County DMV customers when vessel requires ID# assignmentDivision PolicyRuleBrendan.Floyd@itd.idaho.govNo
Motor Vehicle Investigator (MVI) ManualDirects department motor vehicle investigator (MVI) activities, standards, and procedures in applying Idaho lawManualOtherBrendan.Floyd@itd.idaho.govYes